Business and the Business Environment
Question Description
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This assessment is made up of the dissertation and a presentation.
You are required to write a 12,000 words scholarly piece of work that demonstrates your skills as an independent learner and provides clear evidence of a very good grasp of a specific subject area and an ability to synthesise primary and/or secondary data to arrive at a conclusion and a set of recommendations.
The structure should include:
11. Discussion
12. Conclusion and recommendations
13. Reference list in alphabetical order
14. Appendices (questionnaire and/or interview guide, sample of interview transcripts, ethics certificate, meeting diary etc)
You are required to deliver a 20 minutes presentation of your dissertation. Your supervisor will have 10 minutes to ask you questions.
The objectives of your presentation are to demonstrate:
Make sure you select a company that is large enough that you can get data on to write a report that addresses the following. Use a publicly listed company or one that you are familiar with.
Introduction: Overview of case and strategy
Introducing your company. Provide a description of your organization, its background and strategy – the industry it operates in, the products or services it supplies, its competitors and any other information strategy-related information you think is relevant.
Organisational Structure
Provide a diagram representing this organisational structure
Explain the type of organisational structure your organisation uses;
Explain the degree of decentralisation of your organisation;
Explain the type of responsibility centres within your business’s organisational structure
Literature Review
Select one of the following research themes and discuss in terms of management accounting in your organisation:
Social Responsibility;
Environmental Responsibility; or
Risk Management – strategic; regulatory; financial; operational (can focus on a specific risk, rather than cover all)
Begin as general discussion/examination on the topic using academic literature
Discuss what this theme means for the industry in which your organization operates
Conclude by discussing how this theme impacts your organization, in particular.
You must include references (at least 4 academic research papers/books – source library e-journals); and 4 other references from industry/other expertise (do not cite Wikipedia). You can also use case details.
Use ‘Harvard Style’ references – place at end of report
Performance Measurement System and Rewards
Describe and discuss the performance of senior management and other employees in your organisation.
Provide an overview of the measures employed and how they are evaluated and rewarded (you should be able to evaluate based on data disclosed to shareholders/stakeholders)
Critically analyse the appropriateness of these performance measures in light of the literature review theme you have selected
Is the performance measurement system consistent with the strategies, key success factors and organisational structure?
Are they consistent with the theme you selected in the literature review?
Recommendations and conclusion
A short summary paragraph on recommendations to conclude the report
Approximately 2,000 words or around 4-5 pages (not including table of contents and reference list)
Concise paragraphs – 11 font; single line space; use diagrams and charts where possible;
Guide only:
Intro and Structure (1 ½ – 2) pages
(diagram, not included in word count and can be on a separate page)
Literature Review (1 page)
Performance Measurement/Rewards (1 – 1 ½ pages)
Recommendations and Conclusion (½ page)
1.0 introduction
1.1 company overview
(background, services it supplies, its competitors and any other information)
1.2 company strategy
1.2.1 competitive advantage
1.2.2 business mission
2.0 organizational structure
2.1 organizational structure diagram
(you could develop it by yourself)
2.2 work unit type
2.3 degree of decentralization
2.4 responsibility centre type
3.0 literature review (name of theme)
3.1 general discussion of selected theme
3.2 what does it mean to your industry
3.3 how does it impact your company
4.0 performance measurement and reward system
4.1 overview of the PMRS
4.2 critical analysis for PMRS
4.2.1 consistency with strategies
4.2.2 consistency with KSF(key success factors)
4.2.3 consistency with organizational structure
4.2.4 consistency with literature theme
5.0 recommendation and conclusion
2,000 word limit
Question 3: Research
The ability to read, understand, critique, and integrate research studies and to design a study to address a gap in the research literature is a vital tool for a doctoral student. As you write your dissertation, you may be reading hundreds of studies, many of which you will evaluate as part of a coherent literature review.
Select five empirical articles from peer-reviewed journals that:
• you consider critical to your understanding of your area of dissertation research
• all address a particular phenomenon and attempt to contribute to theory about it
Part 1
1. Describe each study, including:
• the research problem, questions, or hypotheses
• the research purpose
• type of design and elements of the design (e.g., sample, data analysis, operationalization of constructs)
• threats to validity and if and how they were addressed
• the findings and their implications
2. Critically evaluate each study: Does the author make a compelling case for the meaning and significance of the findings?
Part 2
Write a literature review that explains what is known and not known about the phenomenon based on a critical evaluation of the five studies.
Part 3
Develop a research question that addresses one of the unknowns you identified in Part 2 and sketch a quantitative or qualitative study that can answer the question about what is unknown and contribute to theory (in some sense of theory you discuss in Question 1).
• the research purpose
• type of design and elements of the design (e.g., sample, the type of data you need to collect and how you will collect it, data analysis)
• the strengths and weaknesses of your envisioned design and methods
• quantitative: threats to validity and how your design will address them
• quantitative: the constructs you will measure and what you will do in order to determine how to operationalize them (you need not identify specific measures)
• qualitative: your means of ensuring the quality of your findings
• justification for why your chosen design and methods are more appropriate for your research question than alternatives you have considered
• your methods of data analysis
• how the data you collect will enable you to answer your research question and contribute to theory
Draw on the additional resources for this course for guidance in understanding the concepts (e.g., internal validity, threats to validity, and operationalization) needed to address this question.
The structure of your paper should be as follows:
Title page
Body (13-15 pages, no more or less; APA Style; use appropriate headings for organization of the paper)
References (APA Style)
Learning Outcomes:
3. Apply relevant theory and research from the student’s specialization coursework to real life situations where he or she solves specific problems and discusses implications.
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