Global Communication

Question Description

This week we are focusing on global communication. Several journal articles have been provided in the lesson section to give you some background on this topic. I would like you to write a 3-5 page paper with global communication as your topic. I am going to leave the details of this paper up to you…it just needs to involve global communications in some way. You could choose to cover the topic in a broad way, or you could choose to focus on a particular company and explain their methods of communicating globally. As long as your paper is well written and researched, you can decide! Please attach your Word document to this assignment.
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mobilisING creativity and innovation to support continuous innovation in your organization

Question Description

As it was before, I am required to write about PDO (Petroleum Development Oman)
Assignment 1 feedback ;
“(A clearer introduction and executive summary would be better.
Try to integrate a wider range of academic opinion about creativity as a concept in business. Show more awareness of key academic debates on this subject, especially blocks, and discuss appropriate models in more detail.
Whilst there is some analysis of what happens at PDO, in places the depth of analysis could be greater.
The recommendations section is quite good and you have shown that you can develop your ideas. The conclusion could be expanded.)”
Assignment 2;
Building on your recommendations from Assignment 1, critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise how creativity and innovation might be mobilised and sustained in the context of your work organisation.

  • You are required to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesis how to mobilise creativity and innovation to support continuous innovation in your organization. For example, application of climate models, and creative leadership in taking ideas forward through strategies, processes and the development of innovation capabilities that are directly aligned to sustain continuous innovation.
  • You will then need to demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the process of creativity and innovation drawing on contemporary theories to support your evaluation and synthesis.
  • You will develop a plan to promote creativity and innovation in the context of your organisation supported by contemporary quality academic perspectives. You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations.
  • You will present your analysis and plan in report format of approximately 1500 words excluding references and appendices.

You are not permitted to use a case study of your own choice unless approved in advance by the UK tutor. Use of an unapproved alternative case study will result in failure of the assignment.

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HR Group Term Report (part)

Question Description

For the group term report, you need to select one HR topic we will cover this semester (see Chapters below), and write a research report on the changing role of human resource management professionals within the selected topic. Students must evaluate the academic and professional association literature on this topic and address:
1.What have been the historical roles played by human resource management (HRM) professionals?
2.Are there any trends with respect to changes in HRM professionals’ roles? If so, what are they and what are the causes?
3.What are the implications of changes for HRM professionals’ roles in terms of knowledge and skill for HRM professionals?
4.Are there other implications of changes in HRM professionals’ roles?
5.What is the future for HRM professionals?
Please do not conduct any interviews or surveys in completing this project. Please do not use general websites such as Blogs, Wikipedia, etc., and instead, focus solely on research that has been published in academic and professional sources.
Your report should be about six to seven pages in length and must be properly cited and referenced using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Please be sure to provide a brief introduction to your paper as well as a summary and a conclusions section. Your report should be double-spaced and should use Times New Roman 12.
Our topic is Strategic human resource management
I just to finish part 1,whic is “What have been the historical roles played by human resource management (HRM) professionals?”
2 pages,double-space.
Attached is the literature I collected and class literature powerpoint. It may useful…
if you need any material,please let me know.
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MN5334 International Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour.

Question Description

What problems would you anticipate, and why, if multinational companies continue to rely on parent (home) country nationals in managing their overseas subsidiaries? Critically discuss how management should respond to these problems.
The course title is : MN5334 International Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour.
1.For the assignment, you must work individually and write an essay on the topic. The upper word limit is 2,500 words (excluding references) but no less than 2200 (excluding references) .
2.Work must be typed, contain an accurate word count and use Harvard system of referencing. A successful essay is one that uses both theory and evidence to answer the set question directly. This requires that you read widely, not just the suggested texts for the chosen essay topic.
3. No plagiarism. Reference should be real.
Attachment are related materials, please check before start, Let me know if you need any related resource, Thank You So Much!
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