Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship: BSS057-6

Coursework Information Sheet
To be supplied to students when they receive the coursework assignment task.

Unit Co-ordinator: Dr Pauline Loewenberger
Unit Name: Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Unit Code: BSS057-6
Title of Coursework: Critical evaluation of individual creative thinking skills
% weighting of final unit grade: 40%

Feedback details
The university policy is that you will receive prompt feedback on your work within 10 working days of the submission date.  Exceptionally where this is not achievable (for example due to staff sickness) you will be notified as soon as possible of the revised date and the reasons behind the change.

Submission Date: 10am (UK time) 24th August 2018
Feedback Date: 10 working days (10th September 2018)
Details of how to access the feedback: Breo


  • Your work will be marked using the assessment evaluation criteria on the final page
  • You must submit your work by the stated deadline (late submissions not accepted)
  • You are allowed one single submission. Please make sure the file uploaded is the correct one.
  • Feedback will be provided within 10 working days of submission.
  • A random sample of students will be invited for a viva voce to check authenticity


Core learning outcomes
  On completion of this unit you should be able to: Assessment number
1 Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of theories and models of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and change management in the context of contemporary organisations. 1
2 Synthesise individual and organisational theoretical perspectives to systematically promote the potential for creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and change in practice. 1


Threshold standards
Assessment number In order to pass the assessment you will need to:
1 Demonstrate an adequate knowledge and understanding of challenges and opportunities in promoting organisational creativity and innovation or developing corporate entrepreneurship.
Synthesise alternative perspectives of influential contemporary theorists, contributors and models.
2 Demonstrate adequate knowledge, skills, abilities and approaches necessary to effectively orchestrate organisational systems to promote and sustain creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and manage change.
Synthesise capability across multiple levels to add value and optimise creativity, innovation and organisational performance.

Creativity and innovation are important to all organisations regardless of size, structure and sector and this unit focuses on all organisations from small start-ups through to multinational corporations.  Blocks and barriers exist at the individual and organisational levels of analysis.  This assignment is concerned with individual creative thinking skills.
The task:
You will develop a plan for an organisation to promote creative thinking with a view to enhancing innovation. You will need to include an in-depth critical analysis and evaluation of individual creative thinking skills in the organisation supported by the ideas of influential contemporary contributors published in quality academic sources.
In this unit we have explored various alternative approaches.  You are expected to critically evaluate alternative contemporary perspectives in the context of the organisation leading to meaningful conclusions and to develop feasible recommendations to the organisation on how to promote creative thinking at the individual and group levels of analysis.
You will present your critical evaluation as an individual report of approximately 2400 words in length excluding the reference list.
The context of the assignment will be introduced by the teaching team in Week 1 and will be either:

  • A live consultancy project for a company


  • A contemporary case study.

Supplementary guidelines will be provided.

Section / Title Details / Guidance
University coversheet Include name, student ID number, unit title and code, assessment title, date of submission.
Title page Title of your report.  Address (to/from) and date the report.
Executive Summary 200-word maximum summary of your whole report, including key recommendations.
Contents Page Include page numbers.
Introduction Short (approximately 250 words) introduction to the report setting out what the aims and objectives of the report are, what the report will cover and why.  Why are creativity and innovation important?
Analysis Using third party sources (e.g. academic literature and practitioner-orientated material) for support, critically evaluate theoretical perspectives underpinning the promotion of individual creative thinking in established work organisations. Make reference to any relevant models, and frameworks and include critical viewpoints. (Approx 1500 words)
Conclusions This section should initially answer the report aim and objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis of literature. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this research.  It should also begin to weigh up the options available and begin to identify the way forward.   No new information should be presented in the conclusions. (Approximately 250 words)
Recommendations Make recommendations for improvement based upon your conclusions, clearly stating how they can add value to the organisation.   Recommendations should be fully feasible and justified stating clearly costs, priority level, time-scale, resources, who is responsible, benefits and any further implications to the organisation. Your proposals should be actionable (‘immediately implementable’) not just a list of ideas. (Approximately 200 words)
Reference List A list of the third-party sources you have consulted and which are cited directly in the text.  All these sources should be properly identified.
Harvard style (see the Learning Resources website:
Appendices Lengthy appendices are not necessary and must be discouraged.   Ideally there will be no appendices, but if there are the total number should not exceed two and the total number of pages should not exceed four.


Criteria Excellent 70% or higher Very Good 60-69% Good 50-59% Satisfactory 40-49% Marginal Fail 35-39% Fail 0 – 34%
Application of theory Draws on major theoretical contributors introduced in the unit and with substantial evidence of independent reading. Draws on most theoretical contributors introduced and with evidence of independent reading. Draws on a good range of theoretical contributors introduced but with limited evidence of wider reading. Demonstrates an adequate application of  appropriate theory (ies) drawing on published sources introduced. Limited evidence of understanding key issues and concepts. Weak application of appropriate theories and models. Fails to demonstrate detailed understanding. Very little use of published sources. Very little or no attempt to use published sources.  No evidence of understanding key issues and concepts.
Critical evaluation of an excellent range of directly relevant quality academic and practitioner sources. Demonstrates an excellent understanding and clear practical awareness of the challenges and opportunities in synthesizing integration of theory and practice.
Critical evaluation of a very good range of relevant quality academic and practitioner sources. Demonstrates a very good understanding and practical awareness of the challenges and opportunities in synthesizing theory and practice. Less in-depth than for an A grade. Critical evaluation of a good range of relevant quality academic and practitioner sources. Demonstrates a good understanding of challenges and opportunities in synthesizing theory and practice.
Demonstrates adequate critical evaluation of some relevant quality academic and practitioner sources.  Demonstrate an adequate knowledge and understanding of challenges and opportunities in promoting organisational creativity and innovation or developing an entrepreneurial start-up.
Lacks critical analysis and fails to demonstrate an understanding of relevant challenges and opportunities. A random collection of statements with no attempt to use evidence to support the arguments. Nothing of value to the task.
Conclusions Conclusions are valid and clearly derived from in-depth analysis and reflection drawing on application of major theoretical contributors and experiential learning.  Entirely convincing. Conclusions are clearly derived from in-depth analysis through application of most major theoretical contributors and experiential learning.   Largely convincing Conclusions are mainly derived from analysis through application of theoretical contributors and experiential learning.   Limited and not entirely convincing. Conclusions are not clearly derived from analysis through application of theoretical contributors and experiential learning.   Validity of conclusions is unconvincing. Conclusions do not follow from the evidence and argument presented. A random collection of statements based on the student’s own point of view with little or no attempt to draw analysis to conclusions.
Recommendations Clear and appropriate recommendations. Professional applicability. Clear and appropriate recommendations. Less comprehensive than for an A grade. Recommendations are reasonably clear and mostly realistic Recommendations are vague. Doubtful feasibility Recommendations are unclear or unrealistic No attempt to identify appropriate recommendations
Presentation and Referencing
Clearly and concisely structured in report format, sourced throughout and with a comprehensive bibliography. Clearly and concisely structured in report format, sourced throughout and with a good bibliography. Well-structured in report format, sourced throughout and with an adequate bibliography.
Not in report format. Few citations and a passable bibliography.
Few citations and no bibliography. Not in report format. Poorly structured.
No citations and not in report format. Poorly structured

Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Assignment 1 Evaluation Criteria

Section / Title Details / Guidance
University coversheet Include name, student ID number, unit title and code, assessment title, date of submission.
Title page Title of your report.  Address (to/from) and date the report.
Executive Summary 200-word maximum summary of your whole report, including key recommendations.
Contents Page Include page numbers.
Introduction Short (approximately 250 words) introduction to the report setting out what the aims and objectives of the report are, what the report will cover and why.  Why are creativity and innovation important?
Analysis Using third party sources (e.g. academic literature and practitioner-orientated material) for support, critically evaluate theoretical perspectives underpinning the promotion of individual creative thinking in established work organisations. Make reference to any relevant models, and frameworks and include critical viewpoints. (Approx 1500 words)
Conclusions This section should initially answer the report aim and objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis of literature. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this research.  It should also begin to weigh up the options available and begin to identify the way forward.   No new information should be presented in the conclusions. (Approximately 250 words)
Recommendations Make recommendations for improvement based upon your conclusions, clearly stating how they can add value to the organisation.   Recommendations should be fully feasible and justified stating clearly costs, priority level, time-scale, resources, who is responsible, benefits and any further implications to the organisation. Your proposals should be actionable (‘immediately implementable’) not just a list of ideas. (Approximately 200 words)
Reference List A list of the third-party sources you have consulted and which are cited directly in the text.  All these sources should be properly identified.
Harvard style (see the Learning Resources website:
Appendices Lengthy appendices are not necessary and must be discouraged.   Ideally there will be no appendices, but if there are the total number should not exceed two and the total number of pages should not exceed four.


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Bowie State Employees Input Importance in Effective Talent Management

Question Description

Chapter I: Introduction
This study is about the importance of employee participation in talent management of multinationals and small businesses. Talent management focuses on the organization, monitoring and controlling of skills and talent within a business entity for rapid growth and expansion. Although considered expensive, talent management is important in the productivity and profitability of a business. A business that fails to manage talent is bound to fail. Planning and strategizing are essential elements of effective talent management. Employee involvement in talent management is one of the main strategies a business can use to achieve successful talent management. Therefore, the study focuses on establishing the significance of employee participation in ensuring effective talent management.
Research has shown that engaging employees in talent management make an organization successful. Also, many CEOs focus on high productivity and creating an enabling environment to move the organization to higher levels of profitability. What does it take to achieve business success? The key is to focus on the knowledge and skills of the personnel. The productivity of an organization is the total of knowledge, skills, and experience of its employees. Employee engagement in talent management has proved to be beneficial in the following ways: increased performance (Payambarpour & Hooi, 2015) , enhanced acceptance of set goals, resulted in high retention of employees (Deepika & Sampurna, 2018).
Increased performance is closely associated with the engagement of employees in talent supervision.When employees are engaged in planning and strategizing talent management, it results in increased performance. This is because the employees feel part of the process of moving the organization to the next level. But when the employees are left out in talent management, they feel disconnected from the company goals and aspirations, which results in low morale and motivation.
Involvement of employees in talent management leads to acceptance of organizational goals, therefore, motivating them to work towards the success of the organization. The general direction of an organization is given by the highest governing body, for instance, the board of directors. However, those who determine whether or not the organization takes the direction given are the implementers, the employees. Therefore, it is important to engage the employees in every step of goal setting to achieve success.
Lastly, studies have shown that the involvement of employees in talent development leads to high employee retention (Deepika & Sampurna, 2018). As already mentioned talent management is expensive, but it pays when employees work for a long period for an organization. When an organization loses skilled and highly resourceful labor force to the competition, the organization loses a competitive advantage and differential advantage.
Statement of the Problem
Many multinationals use traditional strategies in talent management without taking note of the developmental and perspective changes. One of these strategies is the use of boardroom meeting to decide what and what is not necessary talent management. This results in bridging skill-gap by employing more employees leading to a ballooned wage bill. Moreover, the employees can be pushed into taking careers path that are not in line with the aspirations and passion, resulting in low motivation at the workplace. This is because people like working longer in what they love doing and avoid working on what they do not like. Therefore, the researcher feels that the involvement of employees in talent management is the most effective strategy.
Purpose of the study
A study has shown that for effective talent management employees have to be involved especially in the planning stage (Violetta, Vlad, & Zalk, 2017). According to Violetta and others (2017) employees reciprocate positively when the organization invests in them. The researcher conquers with this and therefore thinks that effective talent management participation of employees is necessary. This is in opposition to traditional talent management where managers seat in a board meeting to project the skill-need of the organization. However, there has been a little study to establish that employee participation leads to effective talent management concretely. Therefore, the research has purposed to carry out a study to determine whether effective talent management is related to the involvement of employees.
Research Questions
The researcher seeks to establish that employee participation is essential in effective talent management. Therefore the researcher seeks to answer the following questions: Is employee involvement significant ineffective talent management? Should the employees participate from the beginning to the end in the process of talent management? Do employees open up in discussing their career paths and the skills they feel they need to be effective at their work?
Need for the Study
There is a need to study employee participation in talent management because there is already little research that has been carried in this area (Akram, Wayne, & Jaap, 2014). Moreover, the traditional methods used in talent management do not match with developmental changes an organization goes through. This calls for a change of gear. For instance, traditionally the top management of an organization is tasked with identification of positions and roles that are in line with the organizational values and objectives and work out to fill them with the best talent. However, the business dynamics that face every organization due to performance, technological, managerial and environmental changes, need arises for the adaptation of new strategies. One of these is the involvement of employees in effective internal talent and external recruitment.
Theoretical Framework
Employment involvement in increasing productivity and changing the company culture is a call of every CEO (Akram, Wayne, & Jaap, 2014). This has the support of three theoretical frameworks: theory X and Y, Two Factor theory and goal setting theory (Mildred, 2016). What is the Theory X and Y about employee participation and consequently talent management?
Psychologist Douglas McGregor advanced theory X and Y in 1957 (Leanna, Kopelman, & Prottas, 2015). McGregor argued that employees’ performance is better under the management that espouses self-direction and self-motivation. Therefore, theory X and Y form one of the key theoretical pillars on which the study shall be carried out in establishing whether employee participation is key in effective talent management.
Another theory on which this study shall be advanced is the two-factor theory. Herzberg introduced the two-factor theory of motivation based on satisfaction and dissatisfaction (Mildred, 2016) by arguing that an employee feels satisfied when assigned tasks that are challenging enough to exploit his or her full potential. Therefore, employees will feel more motivated if they get involved in talent management.
In goal setting theory Edwin Lock postulated that setting goals lead to higher performance. Involving employees in setting goals will not only engage them in accepting them but motivate them towards higher performance and satisfaction. Therefore, the participation of employees in talent management will lead to the high productivity of an organization.
In a nutshell, theory X and Y, Two-factor theory and goal setting theory all support employees participation in realization of higher productions. These theories explain that employees’ involvement forms the basis of highly motivated and performing labour force. If this is the case, employee participation is essential in effective talent management especially internal skill development and external recruitment.
Definition of TermsEmployee involvement, Employee involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs. by (Heathfield, 2019)
Employee participation, Employee participation involves management actively encouraging staff to assist in running and improving business processes and operations. Also known as employee involvement, employee participation includes management recognizing individual employees’ opinions and input, so that employees understand that management views them as unique and individually valuable to running the business.
by (Redsteer, 2019)
Talent management, An organization-wide, holistic strategy for hiring, training, and retaining top-performing employees. by (Ingwersen, 2018)

Chapter II: Literature Review
Multinational Talent Management
The journal article is a study that is sourced from the book titled The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management by David Collings, Kamel Mellahi, and Wayne Cascio. It focuses on the ability of multinationals to manage the skills and the talent they have in their organizations across the board. Talent management is an expensive process which then prompts many multinational companies to use an integrated and standard design when it comes to talent management (Björkman, Ehrnrooth, Mäkelä, Smale, & Sumelius, 2017). Additionally, the study encourages the multi-corporations to step out of their comfort zone on talent management and implement better ways that fit the employees working in a particular culture.
Similarly, Cascio, & Boudreau (2016) carry one with the same train of thought by highlighting the different factors that can be used in achieving global competence in countries they operate from; companies are continually seeking better ways of implementing talent management. The study also shifts the focus and identifies that it is companies that need to have a developmental change and also a change in perspective because they cling on old and traditional ways of talent management grounded in human resources. Another important point that is made is that the employees tend to gain more benefits when the company tailors their talent management based on the country and the culture.
It is not all organizations that share the same perspective. Some businesses especially the small businesses and the local businesses tend to have a limited view of their enterprises and overlook the need for talent management. However, this study by Khilji, Tarique, & Schuler (2015) shows that talent management is not merely about the size of the employee pool but about perspective in the expansion of the business. Having a macro view regarding talent management in an organization helps the employees to increase their productivity and thus the profitability of the business. Multinational companies are also used encouraged to change their perspective so that they effectively manage their global talent. Krishnan, & Scullion (2017) supports the ideas expressed in the study. In a study conducted by Krishnan, & Scullion, (2017) showed that many small and medium enterprises have a traditional view of talent management. On the other hand, Morris, Snell, & Björkman, (2016) proposes a framework for global talent management that companies that use in redesigning.
Effectiveness in Talent Management
Many of the studies regarding talent management tend to neglect the perspective of the employees who are the center of it all. It is ironic that talent management is sometimes done without the input of the employees whose role cannot be underestimated. In the study Talent management practice effectiveness: investigating employee perspective, by Khoreva, Vaiman, & Van Zalk, (2017) shows that employee perspective is critical to having effective management that is also effective. The effectiveness of talent management can be significantly influenced by the involvement of employees. Blind planning or planning with the exclusion of the employee does not have positive outcomes and even though some of these management styles may work; they are never truly effective.
On the other hand, to determine the effectiveness, McDonnell, Collings, Mellahi, & Schuler, (2017) conducted a study that uses a systematic review process in identifying the reason behind the ineffectiveness of talent management. The paper begins by tracing the evolution of talent management which will undergo more changes with changes in the industry and also in the technology and appraisal methods used. Various themes in the paper are also highlighted to show the high performers and low performers. The systematic review showed that while talent management was evolving, the ways used and the strategies applied in managing talent in organizations were not changing with the same speed as the changing talent.
Taking a focus on the hospitality industry, the study by Deery, & Jago (2015) aims to investigate the themes that are often discussed under effective talent management. Work-life balance and retention strategies are two elements that are critical in effective talent management. Management of talent requires the managers to properly identify their employees’ weaknesses and strengths and then helping them achieve their career goals while at the same time spurring productivity which directly impacts the organizations. Employees who understand their purpose in a company, due to the effective talent management in the company, tend to stay longer at the organization. The study urges the companies to consider work-life balance and retention strategies when redesigning talent management.
Also taking a critical review of the approaches in talent management, the study takes a review and empirical research analysis. From the analysis by Gallardo-Gallardo, E., & Thunnissen, M. (2016) emphasizes on the use of new methods such as the application of methods derived from bibliometric and analysis of the content. Talent management, according to the authors will only present value when it is approached from a mature level. What this maturity means is that talent management should change with the employees such that it is relevant at all times and also change with the employees to remain applicable and successful. In addition, the literature urges the companies only to select that which is useful and applicable in their work environment as opposed to forcing all or any new methods in the industry.
Organizations have to accept the transformation of talent management and rapidly take up tools and resources to help in managing their talent. Some of the new approaches use psychology such that the talent management attaches to performance management, recruitment, career development, employees attitudes, and testing. However, many corporations do not adopt these approaches and thus miss out on the impact created by using theories founded in psychology. Following the analysis, the findings showed that the focal articles on talent management between2008-2016 lacked the strategic approach that banked on research. Additionally, vetting talent management trends is also required. According to Rotolo, Church, Adler, Smither, Colquitt, Shull, & Foster (2018) banking on the researched theories and approaches will propel talent management further.
Value of Talent Management and Value in Talent Management for Corporations
Sparrow, & Makram, (2015) conducted a study that supplements the studies that aimed to investigate the value that can be gained by both employees and the organization. Many companies may feel the need to catch up with their competitors by blindly implementing talent management structure and then fail to provide value to the employees and the process lose both financially and talent wise. Employees are the focus when it comes to talent management seeing they are the ones with the skills and the talent needed by organizations. Therefore, they can be included in the decision making which is itself an addition of value.
Sparrow, Hird, & Cooper (2015) in Strategic talent management. In Do We Need HR
Tafti, Mahmoud Salehi, & Amiri (2017) conducted a study that focused on talent management and particularly critical success factors, obstacles and challenges in talent management. The study highlights these challenges by researching all the structural barriers that already exist in these organizations. These factors are categorized into four categories, and they are environmental challenges, managerial challenges, structural challenges and behavioral challenge.Conversely, the study was also categorized according to the talent management success and further subdivided into environmental success factors, managerial success factors, and structural success factors. Similarly, Thunnissen, (2016) also does a study that emphasizing on gaining value form the method that has been selected for talent management in organizations. These literature were useful in portraying the picture concerning talent management from different angles and perspectives.
Employees Input is Importance in Effective Talent Management
Chapter III: Critical Analysis/Discussion
The literature review was critical in providing information regarding the areas and the approaches that have been used in the past by different authors. It was also useful in revealing the areas that have been neglected concerning the study of how employees can input and be involved in talent management while still maintaining a high level of effectiveness. The literature was also separated to include the various standpoints from which the issues of employee input and effective talent management have been viewed. The three viewpoints researched include multinational talent management and effectiveness in talent management. The literature that was discussed and included was relevant and focussed on either multinational talent management or effectiveness in talent management and in some cases both.
On the literature that focussed on multinational talent management some of the similarities across the different sources was that planning and strategy are important in the quest of talent management and more so with the involvement of employees. A focus on the various ways that multinationals can apply the idea to all their branches and franchises across the globe was one of the aspects that were observed. The ability of the multi-corporations being able to strategize and maintain uniformity while still allowing for customization of the plans on talent management is one of the issues that is raised and discussed by the different literature. An example is the journal article titled The Oxford Handbook of Talent Management by David Collings, Kamel Mellahi, and Wayne Cascio. The journal article has focused on multinational and the involvement of employees in effective talent management. One of the take outs from the literature sources that discussed the problem and in particular with a focus on the multinational is that one of the hurdles to implementation was the increased costs of managing talent. Another similarity between the sources in this category is the fact that they all encourage companies to step out of the comfort zones in talent management and instead find other ways of better handling talent and doing so effectively to the extent it becomes part of company practice.
Another critical observation that was made was the fact that the companies have a responsibility of first evaluating their organizational culture and identifying how it has impacted the achievement of the goal of having an effective talent management process that also allows for the employee input. The other sources of multinational talent management also address similar issues. The journal articles identify the factors that can be used in the achievement of global competence in all the countries that the company has representation (Akram, Wayne, & Jaap, 2014). It also urges companies to always be on the outlook for the betterment of their talent management processes. A change of perspective is one of the main lessons that companies can take from the sources since there needs to first be a change in perspective and culture for any of the strategies and plan towards talent management remain applicable and useful.
Lastly, both articles identify the strengths of customizing the process to fit the country of operation and the culture of the people in that host country. One of the missing elements in the previous source has been the idea of customizing the strategies and the plans such that they take the form of the host country and culture. However, one of the ideas that were emphasized on and stressed on was the fact that companies can be motivated to engage in the expensive process of talent management with employee involvement based on the benefits accrued as a result. Tailoring of talent management leads to numerous benefits with some being increasing the employee retention rate, increasing of performance and acceptance of organizational goals by employees among other benefits. Implications of failing to customize and involve employees in the process of talent management include the inability to grow and improve the talent management as well as lack of all the benefits that have been identified.
Conversely, the literature on effective talent management was also useful in providing insight concerning the best approaches to use in the achievement of effective management of the talent. The similarity in the literature was the acceptance of the involvement of employees in the process of effective talent management. Some of the discrepancies found in the literature sources were the inability to measure the level of effectiveness concerning talent management. One of the sources also focused on an industry which means that all the suggestions and recommendations following the study would not be so easily transferable to other firms or industries since it was a bit specific. Additionally, the sources encouraged the companies to pursue effective talent management but offering little guidance on the various ways that goal can be achieved. However, the sources also highlighted some important elements in effective talent management by companies such as the acceptance of transformation of talent management. The suggestion of various approaches to implementing were also provided which is important for companies looking to integrate certain practices in talent management with the help of their employees. These approaches were also based on psychology, and there was an emphasis on the attachment to other components such as recruitment, employee attitudes, performance management, and career development.
Chapter IV: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations
Overall, the literature has proposed various ways the subject matter can be approached in terms of the involvement of employees in effective talent management. Some of the important elements from the review and analysis are that multinationals have to allow the integration process to be customized such that it not only matches the company plan for talent management but also recognizes the need for the culture and the country of operations. Also, the emphasis of companies trying approaches and solutions that are not in their comfort zones was another component that is useful. On the other hand, companies are encouraged to identify areas in their organizational culture that needs transformation for the strategy to work and be fully effective. That said, companies can use the recommendations offered by the studies in helping the transition of old and traditional practices to new and tested approaches for talent management (Mildred, 2016). One of the suggestions is to recognize the importance of employees’ engagement in the process and some of the benefits that are accrued as a result of employee engagement in talent management. Additionally, it was shown that deciding on an approach that also attaches to other areas such as employee attitudes and performance management is critical to the success of the process of talent management.
Akram, A. A., Wayne, F. C., & Jaap, P. (2014). Talent Management: Current Theories and Future Research Directions. Journal of World Business 49 , 173-179.
Deepika, P., & Sampurna, R. (2018). Talent management and employee engagement – a meta-analysis of their impact on talent retention. Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 50 Issue: 4 , pp. 185-199.
Leanna, L., Kopelman, R. J., & Prottas, D. J. (2015). McGregor’s Theory X/Y and Job Performance: A Multilevel, Multi-source Analysis. Journal of Managerial Issues, 27(1-4) , 84-101.
Mildred, A. K. (2016). Effect of Employee Employment on Job Performannce at Kenya Medical Research Institute (Cenntre for Global Health Research) Kisumu. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
Payambarpour, S. A., & Hooi, C. (2015). The impact of talent management and employee engagement on organisational performance. International Journal of Management Practice 8(8 4) , 311-336.
studies, i. f. (n.d.). Succession planning . (W. Hirsh, Interviewer)
Violetta, K., Vlad, V., & Zalk, M. V. (2017). Talent management practice effectiveness: investigating employee perspective. Employee Relations, Vol. 39 Issue: 1 .
Akram, A. A., Wayne, F. C., & Jaap, P. (2014). Talent Management: Current Theories and Future Research Directions. Journal of World Business 49 , 173-179.
Deepika, P., & Sampurna, R. (2018). Talent management and employee engagement – a meta-analysis of their impact on talent retention. Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 50 Issue: 4 , pp. 185-199.
Leanna, L., Kopelman, R. J., & Prottas, D. J. (2015). McGregor’s Theory X/Y and Job Performance: A Multilevel, Multi-source Analysis. Journal of Managerial Issues, 27(1-4) , 84-101.
Mildred, A. K. (2016). Effect of Employee Employment on Job Performannce at Kenya Medical Research Institute (Cenntre for Global Health Research) Kisumu. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
Payambarpour, S. A., & Hooi, C. (2015). The impact of talent management and employee engagement on organisational performance. International Journal of Management Practice 8(8 4) , 311-336.
studies, i. f. (n.d.). Succession planning . (W. Hirsh, Interviewer)
Violetta, K., Vlad, V., & Zalk, M. V. (2017). Talent management practice effectiveness: investigating employee perspective. Employee Relations, Vol. 39 Issue: 1 .
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Alibaba Company International HRM Strategy

Question Description

word count: 3000
For this assignment, you will need to take the role of a HR manager, taking part in an internal evaluation of your international organisation’s human resource management strategy. As a result will be expected to submit a report with your recommendations to the HR Director.
Please select an appropriate (Multinational Corporation) MNC of your choice. I have chosen Alibaba as my targeted company. Your audit is from an ‘HR’ perspective as it is likely that the business will establish a joint venture in the new market which will require some staff to be recruited locally and also the relocation of some expatriate staff from within your organisation to manage the new venture alongside those of your joint venture partner.
Your report should highlight the HR functions as listed below. Your report will analyse a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 of the following HR Practices:
1.Recruitment and Selection
2.Training and Development
3.Reward Management
After 1 – 3 above you have to include the following approaches to the HR practices :
In each of your chosen areas of HR practice, please identify how your recommended strategies will impact upon:
I.Organisational Performance
II.Employee Commitment
III.Workforce Flexibility
I. Workforce Quality
In addition the report should include:
The purpose of the report – a brief overview of the selected sector for the last five years and its developments and challenges and future needs. This assignment will assess all of the learning outcomes for this module.
Your data response should include an analysis, using both qualitative and quantitative data, of the following:
•Key economic drivers in the Host country
•A comparative analysis of HR systems globally
•Organisational issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy (Cross-cultural training for expatriates, T&D section) and the social aspect of the host country in the (PESTLE analysis). Please use the following structure below as a guide to the content your tutor(s) will expect to see in your assignment based upon the learning outcomes being assessed.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
L01: Critically examine the economic drivers in the international business environment that influence HRM strategies and evaluate the main HRM theories and models in relation to economic drivers.
L02: Evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategies in achieving the goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration
L03: Critically Analyse the differences in approach to HRM Globally and outline possible reasons for such differences
L04: Critically evaluate the theory and evidence about the relationship between HRM and organisational performance
L05: Analyse the organisational, national and cultural specific issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy
L06: Demonstrate the management skills required in international business to successfully engage and win support from key stakeholders
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Multinational Business Strategies Project

Part (1)

  1. Research Proposal:

Your proposal should be 2–3 p ages in length. APA style must be followed.
This project entails developing a full strategic analysis on a publicly held multinational enterprise (MNE). It must be public because of the depth and transparency of data you will need to adequately complete the project. This MNE may be in any industry, based in any international location, and held in any public market. A number of MNEs in less developed economies are publicly listed in foreign equity markets. It is strongly suggested that highly diversified MNEs (conglomerates) be avoided due to the added complexity in completing your project. The research proposal should present a concise and rigorous case for studying your proposed firm in light of global strategic management. It should consider the following:

  • Corporate overview (basic description of MNE, its operations, market position, leadership, etc.)
  • Financial performance overview (briefly review revenues, net income, profit ratios, balance sheet, equity trends)
  • Business segments (divisions or SBUs [strategic business units] with performance contributions)
  • Subsidiary/parent-child structure (corporate hierarchy with performance contributions)
  • Geographic segmentation (current with performance contribution)
  • Recent strategic initiatives/stated strategic objective
  • Important negative events or challenges
  • Domestic/foreign industry summary (includes industry name and the primary and secondary NAICS and SIC codes)
  • Brief key competitors overview (minimum two domestic and two foreign, using salient aspects listed above)
  • Reason for your interest in the MNE


  1. Current Research Summary and Annotated Bibliography

You will submit your current research summary and annotated bibliography. Your summary should be 1–2 paragraphs in length, detailing the research involved to date. The annotated bibliography should be an annotated list of the major sources you intend to use or consult for your final paper.
Part (2)

  1. MNE Overview and Key Strategic Background
    • Characterize the chosen firm (e.g., firm’s scale, strategic business units, scope of products and markets, diversification type, current financial and strategic performance trends (5-year max) with a brief comparison to industry trends, market shares, etc.)
    • Describe the current international operations of the firm (e.g., geographic distribution of operations and their contributions to firm performance)
    • What are the recent strategic initiatives (and their motivations) of the firm?
    • Briefly analyze the MNE’s domestic and international rivals (a representative top challenger for each is fine)


  1. Strategy Tripod Part One: Industry Conditions (Opportunities and Threats)
    • What are the top five foreign markets for the MNE’s industry?
    • Compare and contrast the five forces affecting the MNE’s industry. Note critical factors to each and critical differences in the MNE’s domestic and foreign markets.
    • Which functions in the industry value chain are key to competitiveness for your MNE? How well do they address the industry’s key success factors and key drivers of change?
    • Assess the strategic fit of the MNE’s generic competitive strategy with industry conditions.


  1. Strategy Tripod Part Two: Internal Resources and Capabilities (Strengths and Weaknesses)
    • Analyze the value, rarity, imitability, and organizational (VRIO) aspects of the firm’s core resources and capabilities within its value chain functions. Do any competencies reach the “core” or “distinctive” level over rivals?
    • How well do these capabilities and resources support the MNE’s generic strategy choice?
    • What resources and capabilities should the firm augment or develop to improve its future global competitiveness?
    • Should the firm acquire, outsource, or build these resources internally?


  1. Strategy Tripod Part Three: Institutional and Cultural Conditions
    • How are formal and informal institutions setting the “rules of the game” for the MNE’s direct and indirect international operations?
    • Using Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture, how will the MNE’s domestic cultural norms compare to those of its foreign partners or subsidiaries?
    • Which is currently a greater concern—cultural or institutional distance?
    • What are your recommendations for the firm’s future IBS to leverage its exposure to these various “rules of the game”?


  1. Entrepreneurship and Internationalizing the Firm
    • How effectively has the firm managed the five “entrepreneurial strategies” in its growth?
    • Are there institutional or industry-based conditions affecting entrepreneurship opportunities?


  1. Internationalization: Where, When, Why, and How
    • From the institution-based and resource-based views, does the firm possess “overwhelming resources and capabilities to offset its liability of foreignness”?
    • How do the firm’s strategic goals align with the location-specific advantages of its global footprint?
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of management’s entry mode choices and entry timing.
    • Which diversification strategies have been used? Have they contributed to performance?
    • Has performance benefited from international acquisitions or collaborative strategies?
    • What are your recommendations for the MNE to pursue future complementary strategic options?


  1. Internationalization: Strategy, Structure, and Learning
    • Which of the four strategy/structure configurations is used?
    • Considering the three legs of the strategy tripod, evaluate the “strategic fit” of the MNE’s strategy/structure configuration to its IBS goals.
    • Does this approach offer any innovation or learning advantages over the approaches of the MNE’s top rivals?
    • Has the firm internalized any knowledge management or learning capabilities that maybe leveraged between developed and emerging economies?


  1. Strategizing Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Has the MNE developed firm-specific capabilities to differentiate on corporate governance dimensions?
    • From the stakeholder-based view, what is a CSR initiative that will directly impact the competitiveness of the MNE?


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