Multinational strategies and structures

uestion Description

Utilizing the Multinational Strategies and Structures: The Integration-Responsive Framework, Figure 10.1, (Peng, 2014, p.298) Identify, and discuss in detail, four MNEs that apply each of these four  strategies. How, when and why do they apply these specific, and respective strategies. 1-2 pages; 1-2 references,  APA.
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Human Resource management


This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
L01: Critically examine the economic drivers in the international business environment that influence HRM strategies and evaluate the main HRM theories and models in relation to economic drivers.
L02: Evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategies in achieving the goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration
L03: Critically Analyse the differences in approach to HRM Globally and outline possible reasons for such differences
L04: Critically evaluate the theory and evidence about the relationship between HRM and organisational performance
L05: Analyse the organisational, national and cultural specific issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy
L06:  Demonstrate the management skills required in international business to successfully engage and win support from key stakeholders
Details of the task

For this assignment, you will need to take the role of a HR manager, taking part in an internal evaluation of your international organisation’s human resource management strategy. As a result will be expected to submit a report with your recommendations to the HR Director.
Please select an appropriate (Multinational Corporation) MNC of your choice. Your audit is from an ‘HR’ perspective as it is likely that the business will establish a joint venture in the new market which will require some staff to be recruited locally and also the relocation of some expatriate staff from within your organisation to manage the new venture alongside those of your joint venture partner.
Your report should highlight the HR functions as listed below. Your report will analyse a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 of the following HR Practices:
1.  Recruitment and Selection
2.  Training and Development
3.  Reward Management
After 1 – 3 above you have to include the following approaches  to the HR practices :
In each of your chosen areas of HR practice, please identify how your recommended strategies will impact upon:
I.         Organisational Performance
II.          Employee Commitment
III.          Workforce Flexibility
I.          Workforce Quality
In addition the report should include:
The purpose of the report – a brief overview of the selected sector for the last five years and its developments and challenges and future needs. This assignment will assess all of the learning outcomes for this module.
Your data response should include an analysis, using both qualitative and quantitative data, of the following:
•                Key economic drivers in the Host country
•                A comparative analysis of HR systems globally
•                Organisational issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy (Cross-cultural training for expatriates, T&D section) and the social aspect of the host country in the (PESTLE analysis). Please use the following structure below as a guide to the content your tutor(s) will expect to see in your assignment based upon the learning outcomes being assessed.




Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

  • Font style, Arial, font size 12
  • 1.5 line spacing.
  • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
  • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
  • Pages should be numbered
  • Your name [should/should not – delete as required] appear on the script.
  • Your student number should be included on every pa


1.    Executive summary
2.    Introduction
3.    Company profile
4.    Industry drivers
a.    Host country profile
b.    PESTEL analysis
c.    Why to go there?
5.    HRM strategy (choose any two from the left + the one on the write)
a.    Recruitment and selection
(explain the entire topic characteristics ,then apply to  these strategies)     
b.    Training and development (Explain the entire topic
characteristics ,then apply to
  these strategies)
c.    Reward management (explain
the entire topic  characteristics
 ,then apply to  these strategies
6.    Conclusion
7.    Recommendations
8.    References
                      i.        Organizational performance management is the process of making sure that the organisation resources are being properly used to achieve organisation goals.
                    ii.        If an employee is affectively committed to their organisation, it means that they want to stay at their organisation. They typically identify with the organisational goals, feel that they fit into the organisation and are satisfied with their work.
                   iii.        A flexible workforce is one that grows in number to meet needs at any given time and falls back to a baseline number when the increased size is no longer necessary. … For the employer, the major benefit of the flexible workforce is lower payroll and other employee-related costs.
                   iv.        Workforce Quality Concepts that include superior technical abilities, excellent communication, effective interpersonal skills and strong capacity for self-management. Employees might walk through the door with some of these characteristics but need strengthening in specific areas.


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International Human Resource Management

Question Description


  • You are expected to use on-line and off-line facilities to obtain:
    • Academic literature to provide research evidence to support your answers.
    • Examples from web sites which support your answers.
  • All published information with regards to organizations which you have used in the preparation of your assignment, should be included in your appendices.

Your assignment should include at least six relevant references to academic literature (in addition to any references made to commercial websites).Any references cited must be referenced appropriately, using the Harvard Referencing style.The quality of your references and bibliography will be considered in the assessment process.
MNCs of differing nationalities exhibit distinct patterns of management coordination and control internationally, Edwards et al (2016:7)
Critically evaluate the best ways multinational companies (MNCs), operating across borders, can ensure their human resource policies are applied equitably throughout the organisation in order to generate company-wide thinking?You must use relevant industry examples to illustrate your answer.

Within your analysis, you must provide relevant organisation-based industry examples to support theoretical arguments. The assignment must have a wide and visible application to industry, through the application of appropriate organisational industry examples.
Students should be aware that this assignment requires the integration of the major themes of the module. Student skills such as researching materials, analysing, synthesising and critically evaluating the application of theory in practice will be assessed.A superior assignment will demonstrate relevant research skills, analysis and critical evaluation rather than just description.
The word count for this assignment is 3000 words with a +10% margin.
You can Take some examples, find what international company have done, positive or negative example both accept ,what can you learn from this example, find some example support your argument.
use Subheading

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Evaluating an International HRM Strategy 3000 words-M016

Question Description

For this assignment, you will need to take the role of a HR manager, taking part in an internal evaluation of your international organisation’s human resource management strategy. As a result will be expected to submit a report with your recommendations to the HR Director.
Please select an appropriate (Multinational Corporation) MNC of your choice. Your audit is from an ‘HR’ perspective as it is likely that the business will establish a joint venture in the new market which will require some staff to be recruited locally and also the relocation of some expatriate staff from within your organisation to manage the new venture alongside those of your joint venture partner.
Your report should highlight the HR functions as listed below. Your report will analyse a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 of the following HR Practices:
1.Recruitment and Selection
2.Training and Development
3.Reward Management
After 1 – 3 above you have to include the following approaches to the HR practices :
In each of your chosen areas of HR practice, please identify how your recommended strategies will impact upon:
I.Organisational Performance
II.Employee Commitment
III.Workforce Flexibility
I. Workforce Quality
In addition the report should include:
The purpose of the report – a brief overview of the selected sector for the last five years and its developments and challenges and future needs. This assignment will assess all of the learning outcomes for this module.
Your data response should include an analysis, using both qualitative and quantitative data, of the following:
•Key economic drivers in the Host country
•A comparative analysis of HR systems globally
•Organisational issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy (Cross-cultural training for expatriates, T&D section) and the social aspect of the host country in the (PESTLE analysis). Please use the following structure below as a guide to the content your tutor(s) will expect to see in your assignment based upon the learning outcomes being assessed.
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