Strategic International Business Management Level 7

uestion Description



Strategic International Business Management

Level 7

Title of Assignment

Final Assignment – People Management (July 2017)

Programmes undertaking the assignment

Various – RKC

Hand-in date

To be submitted via Online Campus

Weighting within the module


Word limit

3000 words (+ / – 10%)

Details of the Assignment There is some diversity of opinion regarding the management of change in multinational firms. Prepare a report that critically evaluates the utility of theoretical models of change for executives who are looking to transform ways of working within their multinational firms.
Work should be underpinned by theory, examples and supported by extensive references. Students should use the readings and many web sources provided as well as the material to which reference has been made in the lectures. Your own supported synthesis and interpretation should be offered.

Learning Outcomes to be assessed

This assessment assesses how well you can do the following (as outlined in the module specification):

  • Understand and critically evaluate theories of leadership, motivation and change management and their effective implementation in an international context.
  • Understand and critically evaluate theories of managing diversity and their effective implementation in a cross-cultural context.
  • Promote a professional and ethical approach to organisations.
Key Skills to be practised / assessed This assessment assesses how well you can do the following (as outlined in the module specification):

  • Enhance and apply planning, organising, decision-making and time management skills appropriate for use in an organisational context.
  • Experiment and develop personal initiative and responsibility in undertaking complex investigations in the solving of organisational problems and issues.
  • Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field.
  • Use terminology associated with the subject area accurately and in a way, which demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding.
  • Develop and enhance both individually and collaboratively effective written and oral communication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Assessment criteria Your assessment will be assessed according to these criteria which are reflected in the Assessment Feedback Sheet:

  • Degree of knowledge and understanding of the module subject
  • Ability to develop an argument which is clearly justified and relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration
  • Ability to develop an argument which is well structured
  • Breadth and depth of reading from the relevant academic literature
  • Ability to critically synthesise and apply relevant theories and concepts from a range of sources
  • Ability to apply the Harvard referencing system in the correct manner
  • Ability to collect and analyse relevant data
  • Ability to identify and evaluate a range of strategic options relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration
  • Degree of originality in generating relevant and justified solutions to the business problem under consideration
  • Professionalism of presentation
  • Ability to manage time to submit by the deadline
  • Academic good conduct
Academic good conduct Your assessment must comply with the University of Salford policies on academic honesty which are summarised here:…
On this assignment all your work must be your own. Presenting as one’s own the words, ideas, or expression of another in any form is cheating (plagiarism). If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, detailed guidelines on how to avoid it can be found at
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and ignorance will not be excused. Students found plagiarising may be excluded from the University.
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strategic Management, business and finance

Question Description

Unit 2 (steps 4–5) paper should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the cover sheet, the references and appendices. Units 1 and 2 both are included in the Unit 2 deliverable. This combined paper should be 6–10 pages, exclusive of the cover sheet, references and appendices. The content pages include all of the Unit 1 pages as well as the discussion of your personal strategy and strategy formulation process, your strategy implementation tactics and the measures you will use to evaluate your progress in meeting your personal strategic plan objectives.
Paper format: Your papers must be written in APA format and include at least three scholarly references, in addition to your textbooks and the QuickMBA web site Separate each section of the paper using an APA heading or subheading, as appropriate. The written portion of the paper should contain your mission and vision statements as well as a summary of each of the other sections of the planning process indicated below. The complete paper must include (in this order): title page, table of contents, abstract page, content pages, references page, and appendix pages. Be sure your paper is well written and free of grammatical errors.
*****Step 4
In this step, you formulate your personalized broad strategy, using the concepts in the course texts. Your strategy should focus on your personal Strategy Canvas that separates you from your competitors (people you believe will be competing for the same job.) Think of how you will create value by making it more advantageous to employ or contract with you. Ideally, you provide more value than just being inexpensive. Refer to Figure 1–3, p. 18 in Blue Ocean Strategy for guidance on how to create your own personal Blue Ocean Strategy. See DocSharing for the Strategy Canvas template. Please choose no fewer than six areas in which you will be compared to your colleagues. Those will be the measures on your Strategy Canvas. Examples can include pay, willingness to relocate, etc.
In developing your personal Four Actions Framework, think about what things you are doing now that can be lessened in some way (Reduced); new capabilities you want to develop (Create); your capabilities that need no further development effort (Eliminate); and your capabilities that need improvement (Raise). I have attached the document to this post.
With your personal Strategy Canvas and Four Actions Framework in hand, identify specific objectives you will need to accomplish in order to implement your strategy. Your completed Strategy Canvas and Four Actions Framework templates must be included in your paper’s Appendix, and you must discuss your findings in the body of your paper. Also, be sure to cite and reference the Strategy Canvas and ERRC.
Step 5
In this step, you develop the specific actions that will lead to the accomplishment of your objectives. Each action should include four key elements:
1. What specific actions will you take to achieve each objective?
2. When must each action be completed to achieve the objective?
3. What measure (metric) will you use to measure your success in completing each action?
4. What level of the metric will you accept as indicative of successful accomplishment? In other words, what does success look like?
This portion of your personal strategy is essential. The failure of organizations to align their actions to their strategic plans is a primary reason why strategies fail. You need a clear line of sight from your vision, mission and objectives to your actions. Actions and objectives that do not support the specified strategy must be modified or replaced. See DocSharing for a modified Balanced Scorecard template. Your completed modified Balance Scorecard template must be included in your paper’s Appendix section, and you must discuss your findings in the body of your paper.
Final reminder: ***Units 1 and 2 Assignments are designed to develop a personal strategic plan. This Assignment is not meant for doing a business strategic plan, even if it is your own company. The papers are intended to guide students through developing a life plan, applying to both personal and professional strategies
Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.
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Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness, business and finance

uestion Description

Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched.
  2. Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns.
  3. Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success.
  4. Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation.
  5. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
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Strategic Planning and Strategic Management, business and finance

Question Description

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to help students understand strategic business terminology (vision, mission, goals, objectives, specific objectives, internal and external scanning), to recognize the components of a strategic plan and to be familiar with the core information and steps needed to create a strategic plan. Furthermore, this assignment allows students to recognize the difference between strategic planning and strategic management.
Assignment Steps
Write a 700-word analysis in which you complete the following:

  • Describe and define the four basic steps in creating a Strategic Plan.
  • Describe and define internal and external analysis.
  • Describe and define the responsibilities and duties of the Strategic Manager.
  • Explain why companies need strategic management planning.

Cite 3 scholarly references, including at least two peer-reviewed references from the University Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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