Strategic Management – Business management homework help Question Description Outline the threats in Harley-Davidson’s external environmental. Which threats pose the greatest short-term and long-term risks for the company? · Identify the company’s core competencies. Given the existing situation, does Harley-Davidson have a competitive advantage that is sustainable? · Define Harley-Davidson’s business strategy. Based on your analysis, do you recommend any changes in strategy to address the threats facing the company? · Evaluate international conditions and the company’s performance outside of the U.S. What options are available to support Harley-Davidson’s overseas expansion? Use the following outline Harley Davidson response. I. Introduction II. Current Situation/Issues/Problems (List and Discuss) III. Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem IV. Selection of, and Justification for, Selected Alternative V. Conclusion VI. Appendix A – Current Scenario & Analysis – Research Assignment Rubric for Textbook Cases (Rubric 2) Significantly Exceeds Minimum Standards Meets or Somewhat Exceeds Minimum Standards Fails to Meet Standards Introduction 5 points 3-4 points 0-2 points Current Situation/ Issues/ Problems (List and Discuss) Able to list and correctly discuss all issues. 14-15 points Able to list and adequately discuss most issues. 10-14 points Failed to list and adequately discuss few or discussed no issues. 0-9 points Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem – List advantages and disadvantages of each alternative Able to list correct alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages for each issue 24-25 points Able to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages for most issues 18-24 points Failed to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages for various issues. 0-17 points Selection of, and Justification for, Selected Alternative Able to select correct alternative(s), and provide from textbook correct justification for them. 19-20 points Somewhat able to select correct alternative(s) and provide textbook justification for them. 13-19 points Failed to select correct alternative(s) and/or to provide textbook justification for them. 0-12 points Conclusion 4-5 points 3-4 points 0-2 points Appendix A – Current Scenario – Research – Where is the organization now? Analyze the current scenario Able to correctly determine and analyze current situation for organization in case and provide references from research as well as textbook. 29-30 points Somewhat able to correctly determine and analyze current situation for organization in case and to provide references from research as well as textbook. 23-29 points Failed to correctly determine and analyze current situation for organization in case and/or to provide references from research as well as textbook. 0-22 points Total 95-100 points 70-94 0-64 Paper will be checked by Turnitin for plagarism. Please only original submissions. Attachments: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document iconthreats_in_harley.docx

Strategic Management – Business management homework help

Question Description

   Outline the threats in Harley-Davidson’s external environmental. Which threats pose the greatest short-term and long-term risks for the company?

  • Identify the company’s core competencies. Given the existing situation, does Harley-Davidson have a competitive advantage that is sustainable?

  • Define Harley-Davidson’s business strategy. Based on your analysis, do you recommend any changes in strategy to address the threats facing the company?

  • Evaluate international conditions and the company’s performance outside of the U.S. What options are available to support Harley-Davidson’s overseas expansion?

Use the following outline Harley Davidson response.

  1. Introduction
  2. Current Situation/Issues/Problems (List and Discuss)

III.                                    Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem

  1. Selection of, and Justification for, Selected Alternative
  2. Conclusion
  3. Appendix A – Current Scenario & Analysis – Research

Assignment Rubric for Textbook Cases (Rubric 2)

Significantly Exceeds Minimum Standards

Meets or Somewhat Exceeds

Minimum Standards

Fails to Meet Standards


5 points

3-4 points

0-2 points

Current Situation/ Issues/

Problems (List and Discuss)

Able to list and correctly discuss all issues.

14-15 points

Able to list and adequately discuss most issues.

10-14 points

Failed to list and adequately discuss few or discussed no issues. 0-9 points

Alternatives for Each Issue/Problem – List advantages and disadvantages of each


Able to list correct alternatives and their advantages and

disadvantages for each issue

24-25 points

Able to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and

disadvantages for most issues

18-24 points

Failed to list adequate alternatives and their advantages and

disadvantages for various issues.

0-17 points

Selection of, and

Justification for, Selected


Able to select correct alternative(s), and provide from textbook correct

justification for them.  19-20 points

Somewhat able to select correct alternative(s) and provide textbook

justification for them.  13-19 points

Failed to select correct alternative(s) and/or to provide textbook

justification for them. 

0-12 points


4-5 points

3-4 points

0-2 points

Appendix A – Current

Scenario – Research – Where is the organization now?  Analyze the current scenario

Able to correctly determine and analyze current

situation for organization in

case and provide references from research as well as textbook.

29-30 points

Somewhat able to correctly determine and analyze

current situation for

organization in case and to provide references from

research as well as textbook. 23-29 points

 Failed to correctly determine and analyze

current situation for

organization in case and/or to provide references from

research as well as textbook. 0-22 points


95-100 points



Paper will be checked by Turnitin for plagarism. Please only original submissions.


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Strategic Management – Business management

Strategic Management

Details. This is a two part assignment. Please pay keen attention to details

Complete Part 7 of the Strategic Plan assignment according to the directions in the Part 7: Executive Summary and Consolidated Plan section of the “Strategic Plan” resource.

Part 7: Executive Summary and Consolidated Presentation (Topic 8)

Executive Summary

Write a 500-750 word executive summary that seeks to spark interest in potential investors/stakeholders. The goal of the executive summary is to create an opportunity for investors/stakeholders to consider the full details of your Strategic Plan and then decide to provide support.

Consolidated Presentation

Create a consolidated Strategic Plan PowerPoint in 25-30 slides with speaker notes that is directed towards interested investors/stakeholders (3.4). Address Parts 1-7 and include improvements from better understanding of the concepts, and strategies.

Address the following:

  • The presentation seeks to explain how your competitive advantage is achieved through your strategic initiative plan. (1.1)
  • Describe why your organization’s mission and vision seek to promote the greater social good from a Christian perspective. How does your organization or perhaps even your plan accommodate an organization’s responsibilities to the greater social good, from a Christian perspective? (4.1)
  • Include how your plan address ethics, cooperate social responsibility, and sustainability.
  • Describe how your plan utilizes your leadership skills to encourage innovation within your organization. (1.4)
  • Include an explanation of the global and international considerations in your strategic plan.

Provide three to five sources in your presentation

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Business Management Strategic Planning Models

Question Description

There are a number of well-known strategic planning models. To bring your team up to speed on the evolution of strategic planning itself, write a white paper of 1,200–1,500 words that addresses the following specific models of strategic planning:

  • Michael Porter’s Five Forces
  • Adrian Slywotzky’s Value Migration
  • W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne’s Blue Ocean Strategy

Using the Web resources provided and any others that you find, address the following in your white paper:

  • Discuss the premise underlying each of the three models of strategic planning and the advantages that each brings to the process.
  • Discuss how to apply or implement strategic planning using each of the methods.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of each strategic planning method.

Select 1 of the models, and respond to the following questions:

  • What methods could be used to ensure continuous process improvement in the organization from a production and operations management perspective?
  • From a business finance or accounting perspective, how would you analyze the business and measure the effectiveness of your strategy so that you can make the best decisions for the organization?
  • As a leader, how would you help the organizational structure and culture adapt to the changes that would result from this strategy (e.g., how you would empower teams, resolve conflicts, and motivate employees to support the changes from this strategy)?
  • From a marketing perspective, what effect will the strategy have on your marketing plan; product differentiation, positioning, life cycle, and portfolio; and Internet or retail marketing to your customers?
  • What human resource management changes will be necessary because of the strategy? Address each of the functions of human resources, including staffing, training and development, performance management, compensation, and employee relations.
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Business Strategic Management

Question Description

Complete each essay question using only the material found in book ISBN 978-0-13-416784-8
Concepts of Strategic Management and Cases in Strategic Management by Fred David, 15th edition, 2015, Prentice Hall.
1.Distinguish between long-range planning and strategic planning .Provide examples to illustrate your point.
2.Identify the pitfalls in strategic planning for which management should watch out, then pick any five and discuss, in detail, the strategic implications of this risk.
3.Compare and contrast vision statements with mission statements. Describe why a mission statement is so important in the strategic-management process.
4.Identify and discuss 10 external forces that must be examined in formulating strategies: economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive. Give examples of each.
5.Define Competitive Intelligence (CI) and discuss three ways that CI can be gathered.
6.Explain Porter’s Five Forces Model and its relevance in formulating strategies. For each competitive force, discuss one condition that is likely to increase the threat of that force.
7.Explain how to develop and use an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix. Discuss the five steps needed to develop an EFE Matrix.
8.Explain how to develop and use a Competitive Profile Matrix.
9.Identify the five basic functions of management, and describe each function with an emphasis on their relevance in formulating strategies.
10.First, discuss the importance of financial analysis in strategic management. Next, discuss the three separate fronts on which an effective financial ratio analysis is conducted. Then, discuss the limitations of financial ratio analysis.
11.Describe the purpose and importance of an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix. Then, discuss the five steps involved in performing an IFE.
12.What are the characteristics of effective strategic objectives? Discuss why it is important to clearly state objectives.
13.The textbook lists eleven types of strategies. Describe and give examples of each.
14.Define the three types of integration strategies. Give examples and guidelines for when each is strategically appropriate.
15.Define the three intensive strategies. Give examples and guidelines for when each is strategically appropriate.
16.Discuss, in detail, the SWOT Matrix. Describe each component of the matrix and discuss its strategic implication. Discuss the use of the SWOT Matrix in strategic analysis.
17.Compare and contrast the BCG Matrix and the IE Matrix. What are the benefits and limitations of each?
18.Diagram and explain the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM).Describe the positive features and limitations of this analytic tool.
19.Discuss the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation.
20.Compare and contrast the different types of organizational structures: functional, divisional, and matrix. Describe each and discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
21.Although there are many marketing activities that impact the success or failure of strategy-implementation efforts, three activities are indicated in the text as being especially important. What are these three activities? Discuss why they are so important.
22.Discuss the major R&D approaches for implementing strategies. Discuss guidelines used to determine whether a firm should conduct R&D internally or externally.
23.Discuss Rumelt’s four criteria for evaluating strategies. List and describe each of the three strategy-evaluation activities.
24.Discuss the four different perspectives related to the Balanced Scorecard and explain what the Balanced Scorecard attempts to balance. Identify and explain the questions that must be asked when using Balanced Scorecard Analysis.
25.Discuss how business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are interrelated.
26.Discuss the reasons why preserving the environment should be a permanent part of doing business. Describe a sustainability report.
27.Discuss the potential advantages to initiating, continuing, and/or expanding international operations.
28.Explain the concept of protectionism. Discuss the role that protectionism plays in global commerce.
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