edia Portfolio Unit Name: Cultural Competence In Health Care HEA230

Unit Name: Cultural Competence in Health Care HEA230
Assignment Details:………………
Assignment Topic/Task: Media Portfolio
Type of Document: Media Portfolio (not coursework)
This assignment involves the collection and analysis of media material on a current cultural safety in health issue(s). You are required to link contemporary issues as presented in the media with those discussed in the unit outline and in the readings.
Task: You will need to:
1. Identify a specific cultural safety in health issue or issues.
2. Collect a minimum of 4 media items which may include newspaper articles, editorials, letters to the editor, magazine articles, video clips, online blogs and other electronic articles. The sources will need to be local, interstate and possibly international. Utilize a variety of sources in order to assess the breadth and depth of the issue. Using only one source may result is a biased account of the issue.
3. Please note material including cartoons, posters, health promotion YouTube clips, or academic journal articles and government publications are not media items unless they are discussed and cited as a media release or news item.
4. Hot link the reference to the media item in the body of the text.
5. Summarize key issue(s) in the media material collected.
6. Link and/or compare the keys issue/s from the media material to various models and approaches investigated in the unit by citing HEA230 unit content and/or related reference materials.
7. Discuss how the media material might affect or contribute to the current debate or discussion on the issue.
8. Discuss your position and views on the issue as it was presented and explore other perspectives.
9. You will need to read widely on the issue/s, including books, journal articles and government reports.
You may wish to browse through these two references for ideas on why we look at the media in a health unit.
1. Germov, J., & Freij. M. (2013). Media and health: moral panics, miracles, and medicalisation. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second opinion: introduction to health sociology (5th ed.). (pp.337-355). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.
2. Willis, K., & Elmer, S. (2011). Society, culture and health an introduction to sociology for nurses. (2nd ed.). (pp45-65). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.
Example(as a guide only) and marking criteria file attached. Please follow marking criteria file while writing.
Please note:
The task is to select an article from the Media it may be a transcript from a radio or TV program. It may also be a news item found in the newspapers or magazines.
Editorials in academic journals or articles from academic journals are not media items nor are web sites.
References: APA 6th style. Must be correct and must have Digital Object Identifier( DOI) if needed. Please check comma, dot.etc. Must be 100% correct.
Please make sure this assignment meets all the academic needs and requirements. Please write according to marking criteria file attached. Correct grammar and meaningful sentences. Please help me to score A+ grade in university.
Top 10 Aussie PHD expert writer only Please. Make this assignment perfect at first time rather than revision time to time.

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Career Management and Employability

Career Management and Employability
Critical Self-Apprisal
When completing your apprisal ensure that you cover the areas described in the process below.
Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support
| Prepared by Natasha Kenny, 2010 1
What is Critical Reflection?
Critical reflection occurs when we analyze and challenge the validity of our presuppositions and assess
the appropriateness of our knowledge, understanding and beliefs given our present contexts
(Mezirow, 1990). Brookfield (1990) explains that critical reflection involves three phases:
1. Identifying the assumptions (“those taken-for-granted ideas, commonsense beliefs, and selfevident
rules of thumb” (pg. 177)) that underlie our thoughts and actions;
2. Assessing and scrutinizing the validity of these assumptions in terms of how they relate to our
‘real-life’ experiences and our present context(s);
3. Transforming these assumptions to become more inclusive and integrative, and using this
newly-formed knowledge to more appropriately inform our future actions and practices.
The process of critical reflection may be conceptualized through the descriptions and questions
contained in the following two figures (adapted from Brookfield 1990, 1995; Mezirow, 1990).
• Describes situation and general reaction with little attempt to
uncover personal assumptions/beliefs about the situation
Why? What if?
• Integrates meaningful reaction to situation based on
assumptions/beliefs, feelings, and alternative perspectives/points of
Now What?
• Uncovers the root causes of our knowledge, assumptions and beliefs.
Discovers new meaning and suggests how this experience can impact
and inform the future
Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support
| Prepared by Natasha Kenny, 2010 2
Brookfield, S.D. 1995. Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. Jossey-Bass, CA.
Brookfield, S.D. 1990. Using critical incidents to explore learners’ assumptions. In pages 177-193 of J.
Mezirow (Ed). Fostering Critical Reflection in Adulthood. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Fransisco.
Mezirow, J. 1990. How critical reflection triggers transformative learning. In pages 1-20 of J. Mezirow
(Ed). Fostering Critical Reflection in Adulthood. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Fransisco.
What happened
(describe the
Why /how did it
happen? What
factors contributed?
How do you feel
about it?
What is your new
interpretation of the
experience? What is
the significance?
What did you learn
about yourself and
What will you do as
a result of this
experience? How
will you use it to
inform your future?
1. Personal set of documents (up to 2000 words) which MUST include three core compulsory documents (60% overall module mark):
• Critical narrative of your research findings and analysis of your own business sector (trends, market, growth areas) (approx. 500 words) (20% overall module mark) (TO DO THIS IS NECESSARY)
• Your personal Career Action Plan (10% overall module mark) (TO DO THIS IS NECESSARY)
• Your CV (10% overall module mark) (YOU DON’T NEED TO DO THIS)
Plus at least 4 elements (5% each towards overall mark) from the selection of documents expected to be completed throughout the module. Must be submitted as part of ONE document portfolio via Turnitin: (TO DO THIS IS NECESSARY)
• Your skills audit (in line with Anglia Ruskin Employability Programme )
• Reflective response to your individual personality profile
• Evidence of attendance and engagement at business and law fair (reflections of employers, what was learnt, conversations, actions)
• Evidence of writing a job description and advert (from point of view of employer)
• Personal job application to one of the jobs including personal statement/covering letter
Individual commentary (to 1000 words) (30% mark) A personal reflection on the activities completed throughout the module, including writing a job application, applying for a job, the shortlisting process, the group interview process and what has been learnt. (TO DO THIS IS NECESSARY)

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inequality in your home country (criminal justice).

inequality in your home country (criminal justice).

Stage 1(Only) – Introduction (Inequality)
STAGE 1 You need to write a one-full (bottom) page introduction explaining what you are doing in the Handbook and naming the topic you will be analyzing for the application?Step ?f? above. This will be your application topic for all the Handbook entries. A PARTIAL SAMPLE HANDBOOK ENTRY: (STAGE ONE) The very first page of the entire Handbook needs to do three things: One, it should explain what you are seeking to accomplish here?to give yourself a permanent record of what you learned, to see how classical theory applies to a contemporary issue and to see how you can use theory both to explain the situation and to show you ways to study the situation. Two, it should make clear what the data source is, explain why you picked this topic, summarize the main points of that data source and put it in context. So for instance, the data source I am using for this sample entry is Jonathan Rausch?s online response on the Brookings Institute website, to the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage in ?The Supreme Court weds gay marriage to family values? (https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2015/06/26/the-supreme-court-weds-gay-marriage-to-family-values/). Lastly, you have to discuss how the article connects with the theorists? perspectives on the other three stages above. (1) a comparison of the theories of Karl Marx and Jane Addams, (2) a comparison of the theories of Emile Durkheim and max Weber, (3) a comparison of two additional theorists. But you don?t need to explain it too deeply yet. (SEE THE HANDBOOK GUIDE FILE) **SEE AND REFER TO ALL THE SAMPLES I PROVIDE UNDER THE ATTACHED FILES** Make sure you tell why do you choose this article To tell a little bit about myself so you can include it in this stage 1 handbook assignment: ? I am an undergraduate student in the U.S. majoring in Sociology and have interest in sociology and criminal justice. ? I?m from Indonesia, and I?m planning to go back to my home country I want to get or be involved in Politics as a member of parliament/government leader there. So, how is it related to the article? How is it a concerned? TOPICS FOR APPLICATION IN HANDBOOK ENTRIES. You are to select one article about inequality in your home country (criminal justice). And I chose the topic about a corrupt police in Bali, Indonesia: http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/money/the-bribes-youll-probably-have-to-pay-in-bali/news-story/8bca987e6754d298629c56dbb8f4ca6f All essays should use ASA Style in references and citation: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/583/01/
STAGE 1 You need to write a one-full (bottom) page introduction explaining what you are doing in the Handbook and naming the topic you will be analyzing for the application?Step ?f? above. This will be your application topic for all the Handbook entries.
(STAGE ONE) The very first page of the entire Handbook needs to do three things:
One, it should explain what you are seeking to accomplish here?to give yourself a permanent record of what you learned, to see how classical theory applies to a contemporary issue and to see how you can use theory both to explain the situation and to show you ways to study the situation.
Two, it should make clear what the data source is, explain why you picked this topic, summarize the main points of that data source and put it in context. So for instance, the data source I am using for this sample entry is Jonathan Rausch?s online response on the Brookings Institute website, to the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage in ?The Supreme Court weds gay marriage to family values? (https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2015/06/26/the-supreme-court-weds-gay-marriage-to-family-values/).
Lastly, you have to discuss how the article connects with the theorists? perspectives on the other three stages above. (1) a comparison of the theories of Karl Marx and Jane Addams, (2) a comparison of the theories of Emile Durkheim and max Weber, (3) a comparison of two additional theorists. But you don?t need to explain it too deeply yet. (SEE THE HANDBOOK GUIDE FILE)
Make sure you tell why do you choose this article
To tell a little bit about myself so you can include it in this stage 1 handbook assignment:
? I am an undergraduate student in the U.S. majoring in Sociology and have interest in sociology and criminal justice.
? I?m from Indonesia, and I?m planning to go back to my home country I want to get or be involved in Politics as a member of parliament/government leader there. So, how is it related to the article? How is it a concerned?
TOPICS FOR APPLICATION IN HANDBOOK ENTRIES. You are to select one article about inequality in your home country (criminal justice).
And I chose the topic about a corrupt police in Bali, Indonesia:

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Sociologists believe that ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ are socially constructed./ What is meant by the term ‘secularisation’?

Sociologists believe that ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ are socially constructed./ What is meant by the term ‘secularisation’?

Sociologists believe that ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ are socially constructed./ What is meant by the term ‘secularisation’? According to your understanding, is Australia a ‘secularised’ society?/ What is ‘modernity’, and how does it relate to sociology?/What is meant by the term ‘affective individualism’? What is its significance in the development of the modern family?
Order Description
Choose 3 questions to answer from the following questions. Your responses should be a maximum of 600 words each (1800 words total).
There is no referencing required. Your responses must be in short essay format and NOT in note form.
Written feedback is not provided for this assessment task, only your letter grade (Pass, Credit, etc.)
Exam questions: (choose 3)
1. Sociologists believe that ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ are socially constructed. Discuss using one example.
2. What is meant by the term ‘secularisation’? According to your understanding, is Australia a ‘secularised’ society?
3. The terms ‘globalisation’ and ‘globalism’ are often used to describe modern social trends. Discuss the terms using examples.
4. What is ‘modernity’, and how does it relate to sociology?
5. What is meant by the term ‘affective individualism’? What is its significance in the development of the modern family?
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
• Be familiar with key sociological concepts as they are applied to the study of Australian society.
• Have developed an understanding of a range of theoretical perspectives on social life from the 19th century to the present.
• Have developed a broad understanding of research techniques, materials social science epistemology.
• Be able to read, summarise and apply essential sociological ideas to the study of contemporary life.
• Have developed a rich understanding of contemporary Australian life.
• Written and verbal expression allowing the synthesis and clear explanation of complex ideas.

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