Health Psychology and Health Sociology
Juno is a fictional comedy-drama movie that was released in 2007 about the contemporary issues and struggles that teenagers undergo in confronting adulthood issues. It stars Ellen Page who is a teenage girl that unfortunately gets pregnant and is forced to deal with the pressures of life at an early age since the pregnancy was unplanned. She is an independent and single minded teenager who decides to confront issues in her life the best way her young mind thinks. Her only way out is to offer the baby for adoption since she cannot afford juggling between her education and raising up a baby. Besides Ellen Page, other characters featured include; Jennifer Garner, Michael Cera, Allison Janney and Jason Bateman. The key psycho-social issues in this movie are teenage sexuality, pregnancy, and subsequent motherhood. The society does not treat such issues with the seriousness it deserves hence the issue of teenage pregnancies spiraling out of control.
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