Health Psychology and Health Sociology

Juno is a fictional comedy-drama movie that was released in 2007 about the contemporary issues and struggles that teenagers undergo in confronting adulthood issues. It stars Ellen Page who is a teenage girl that unfortunately gets pregnant and is forced to deal with the pressures of life at an early age since the pregnancy was unplanned. She is an independent and single minded teenager who decides to confront issues in her life the best way her young mind thinks. Her only way out is to offer the baby for adoption since she cannot afford juggling between her education and raising up a baby. Besides Ellen Page, other characters featured include; Jennifer Garner, Michael Cera, Allison Janney and Jason Bateman. The key psycho-social issues in this movie are teenage sexuality, pregnancy, and subsequent motherhood. The society does not treat such issues with the seriousness it deserves hence the issue of teenage pregnancies spiraling out of control.
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Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era

Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era
Link for Text Book: {}
Part 1: Name the reading that you selected and its page numbers in the textbook. Any of the primary source readings from the feminist theory chapter or from the chapter on poststructuralist and postmodernist social theory is acceptable.
Part 2: 15 paragraph summary statements.
Regardless of the length of the primary text you select, you are expected to write at least 15 statements summarizing paragraphs (or multi-paragraph chunks). Even if the reading were to have 50 paragraphs, you need only write 15 statements as you work your way through the text. You are nonetheless required to cover the reading from beginning to end; it is not acceptable to cover the first 15 paragraphs and then stop.
I suggest that, as you work your way through your selected reading, you subdivide the reading into 15 chunks. Some might be single paragraphs, but others might be two or more paragraphs if these paragraphs seem to develop a common theme.
You are welcome to summarize MORE than 15 paragraphs if you find this works better for you.
Please number your paragraphs according to their order in the textbook. If a reading has 50 paragraphs, number 1-50. You need only provide summary statements for 15 of the paragraphs, or for 15 grouped chunks of paragraphs. I need to be able to follow where you are in the reading, however, so I need for you to number ALL of the paragraphs in the selected primary source reading. You may leave some numbers blank, or you may group others together, but please indicate when you are doing this so that I can follow your summary.
Part 3: Based on your paragraph summary statements, articulate what you consider to be the 3-5 main points of the reading.
Number your points from 1 to 3 (or 4 or 5 depending on how many overall summary statements you have). Please indicate by numbers the paragraph summary statements you used to come up with each of these overall main points.

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SOC402: Contemporary Social Problems and the Workplace

SOC402: Contemporary Social Problems and the Workplace Week 1 DQ 1 ( Three Sociological Perspectives )
2 Answers Included
Three Sociological Perspectives
Compare the differences among the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology (structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism). With which theory and theorist do you find that you share similar views with and why? Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

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Feminist Theory Sociology

eminist Theory Sociology
Subject: Sociology
Theory Reflection essay
Feminist Theories Harriet Martineau Chapter 8 of Ritzer, George. Contemporary Social Theory and its classical Roots: The Basic. London: McGraw Hill, 2006. Briefly outline what the essay will discuss, including the choice of theory/theorist and explaining why this one was chosen 2 points 2) A brief description of the historical, economic, political and social/cultural circumstances of the time during which the theory was developed 1 point: economy of the time 1 point: political situation of the time 1 point: cultural/social climate of the time, e.g. any major world or national events, any prominent social movements active 1 point: identification of location in the world 4 points total 3) A description of the theory in your own words, including any key terms or concepts and associated definitions; 5 points: correct explanation of the theory, demonstrating comprehension of the ideas found in the theory, describing key ideas 3 points: identification and explanation of key concepts & other relevant terms 8 points total 4) A brief description of a life event or circumstances that you will use to explore the applicability of the theory to real life circumstances, in this case your life and the society in which you have been raised; 2 points 5) Application of the theory to your life circumstance as noted in 4). Note merits and detriments. 3 points: application is demonstrating comprehension of the theory, not necessarily a complete comprehension or complete application, sufficient to demonstrate some understanding 3 points: identification one merit and one detriment 6 points total 6) Conclusion: Final commentary of overall applicability of the theory to your life circumstances 2 points 7) Bibliography

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