Contemporary Issues in Rural Sociology: Family Life

Contemporary Issues in Rural Sociology: Family Life

What are some of the major issues in rural family life? If you are from a rural community, offer an example that supports your post. If you are from an urban community, highlight some of the main differences between the major issues in family life in urban vs rural areas.
Each forum should include an initial post and two response posts to your fellow classmates. Initial posts should be a minimum of 250 words and should reference the text and outside sources (where applicable). Each response post should be a minimum of 100 words. Be sure to include a reference section for each post.

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ST-4S39-V1: Strategic Systems Thinking

Task: “Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015). Critically discuss the above statement in relation to effectively developing the strategic knowledge base in your organization.
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The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Subject: Sociology

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)
Subject: Sociology
Service: Research Paper Writing
Style: APA
Number of pages: 5 pages (1375 words)
Number of sources: Up to the Writer
Topic of your paper: The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)
Subject: Sociology
The paper should be no longer than 5-7 pages and include the following from a transcultural, multi-systems perspective: Social Problem Definition (root cause analysis) including these dimensions: a. Who is affected and who is impacted (data and demographics) b. Social values involved in the social problem. c. Epidemiology of the social problem. d. Scope of the problem (dimension of the problem within a larger context) e. Target of the problem f. Health determinants of the social problem g. Health disparities of the social problem h. root cause analysis diagram (

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Sociology paper #1

Sociology paper #1
Make a central theme based on some readings of the books about how people believe in death and believe that people will die but they can’t imagine themselves died. Also, how different people deal with death. How some people try to avoid the idea of dying. For example if someone is seriously sick and know that they are gonna die soon and try to avoid their fate and mortality.
It should be three pages. I need two different papers for me and my friend. It is not reading assignment. It is sociology assignment.
“The grief recovery handbook” by James and Friedman
“The death of Ivane Illich” by tolstoy
“As above and Mitch albom” and “Tuesdays with Morrie”
“The last lecture”
Film “IKIRU”

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