Religion and Sociology

Religion, Sociology
Order Description
For the fourth writing assignment, you are asked to read an Inside Higher Ed article entitled, “Taking a Stand for Science”, written by Colleen Flaherty.
To access the journal article, click on the following link:
You may also want to review the background article regarding this issue written by Scott Jaschik: Science or Religion?
For this assignment, you may want to focus on the following key concepts in the course:
Socialization Agents, Separation of Church and State, Profane, Sacred

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sociology research paper

write the paper based on the sub title. The supported document i send you in the big attachment and also the required readings are in the next email. Pls check.
topic? October Revolution in Russia
?mainly focused on the theoretical perspectives(valued-added theory and resource mobilization theory) and six conditions of the valued-added theory: Structural conduciveness?Structural strain, Growth and spread of a generalized belief, precipating factors, Mobilization for action, and social control. you can find it on the file named”soc4305a_02.pdf”). Please also used only 1 or 1.5 pages to briefly discuss the organization structure(bureaucracy), leadership
-Please read the file “termpaper_rubric_SOC4305A.docx“ carefully? please also read the slides and readings which relate and support the ideas of this paper.
-At least 5 from outside the course materials and 2 from the course(readings that I send to you in another email). You may use newspaper articles or other non-scholarly sources in addition to your 7 references. (you can use more than 7 reference, but you don’t have to)

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Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior.

Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior.

Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior. Professionals in the field apply a sociological lens to examine various influences on society in order to better understand current and historical behaviors. This perspective assists professionals in examining various social structures and institutions, which are systems in society that influence human behavior, to inform their understanding of groups as well as daily interactions with diverse viewpoints. For this project, you will examine a contemporary social issue using your sociological lens. You will create a concept map, breaking the social issue that you have chosen into smaller pieces related to certain sociological concepts, describe the relationship of the concepts and smaller pieces to the social issue, and explain how the sociological concepts help you better understand the social issue. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five. The final concept map and paper will be submitted in Module Seven. In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Explain cultural beliefs and biases utilizing a sociological lens . Explain the influences that shape the creation of roles within society utilizing real-world examples . Draw basic connections between social inequalities and human behavior . Identify the relationship between social change and contemporary social problems through the application of basic sociological concepts Prompt You will begin by selecting your own contemporary social issue to use as the base of your project. You may use an issue from the list provided below or choose an issue of interest to you that you find in the news or media, or perhaps one you encounter in your daily life. Bullying , Crime and violence ,Drug and alcohol abuse ,Income inequality and wealth distribution You will then create a concept map to break down your selected issue into supporting sociological concepts. These sociological concepts will include: Cultural beliefs and biases ,Social roles , Social inequalities , Existing social conditions You will also explain the relationship between the sociological concepts and the social issue, describing how the concept is present in the social issue. In paper format, you will explain how the connections you made in the map between the sociological concepts and the social issue helped you better understand the social issue. This is where you will demonstrate the importance of using a sociological view when examining social issues.

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Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to SociologyUnit I Scholarly Activity
Sociologists study social phenomena that are relevant to them in terms of the social climate in which they live. Today’s climate involves:
Sociologists study social phenomena that are relevant to them in terms of the social climate in which they live. Today’s climate involves: ? the aftermath of a war in Iraq that left Iraq ripe for Isis militants, ? a radical Sunni group determined to return Iraq to pre-war Sunni control, ? a struggling economic recovery from a deep recession at home, ? the crashing auto and housing industries resulting in huge unemployment and mass foreclosures, and ? a schism between political parties so wide that nothing is being accomplished as each party works diligently to stop the other party from passing legislation. With all of this upheaval, it is not surprising that many sociologists are now researching and writing about terrorists, economic upheaval, and the loss of identity due to the loss of jobs. During all of this turmoil, the first African American was elected President of the United States. Many changes have taken place since President Obama’s election and reelection to the White House. Few of these changes have been debated as much as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). For this assignment, you will use your sociological imagination to ferret out some of the issues behind this debate. ? Go to the government healthcare website and find three facts about the ACA. List and describe each fact. ? Using your understanding of theory and the chart on page 17 of your textbook, explain how a functionalist, conflict theorist, and interactionist would explain the Affordable Care Act. Be sure to discuss the ACA in terms of each perspective’s view of the individual, social order, and social change. o Do not debate the ACA itself. Rather, use these perspectives to understand how a sociologist studies the Act. ? In a sentence or two, describe your personal beliefs about the ACA. ? Use sociological imagination to explain how you developed your beliefs concerning the Act. Include a discussion of a minimum of two of the following: race, class, gender, religious and political affiliations, and how being part of these groups affects your thoughts on the Act. ? Finally, using the materials in Chapter 2, how might you study people’s beliefs about the ACA? Describe the steps you would follow in the research process to answer this question. Be sure to describe your study, the method, and a few specific questions you would ask. Your response must be at least two pages in length, using the Times New Roman, 12-pt. font. Each part of the question should be completely answered in its own section. It is required that the sections use the following headings: Facts, Applying the Perspectives, Personal Beliefs, Sociological Imagination, and Research Process. Be sure you use in-text citations as well as an appropriate references page at the end, according to APA style. SOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology 3 If you wish for further guidance concerning citations—or just want to learn more about them—the Success Center has created a Citation Guide that will help you with different types of citations and what they involve. The Guide also provides a Sample Essay and a Sample Research Paper that show how the citation guidelines should be applied. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

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