Sociology in the work place

Paper details:
Part A: Introduction and Topic Description (One Page)

Introduce Your Pape
r (What are you going to do?)

Describe Your Topic (What is your topic? How does your topic relate to our class?)
Part B
: Analysis (Three to Four

One Page for Each Perspective

Functionalist Analysis (What is functionalism? What would
functionalists say about your topic?)

Conflict Analysis (What is the conflict perspective? What would conflict theorists say about


Interactionist Analysis (What is symbolic

interactionism? What would

interactionists say abou
t your topic?)
Part C: Reflection (Two Full Paragraphs)

Conclusion (What did you do? What conclusions have you reached regarding your topic?)

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Sociology Issues

Sociology Issues

Sociology Issues
Paper instructions:
Collection of newsprint articles: each student will summit 2 newsprint articles related to  Sociology issues in the society. each review should be presented in two
parts. the first part should contain the students’s name, TITTLE OF ARTICLE, name of journal, authors of the article and a summary of the articles. in the second part
of the assignment, an in depth critique should be presented stating if you agree or disagree with the theme of the author and explain why.each article should be no
less than 3 written pages. THIS ARE THE PROFESSOR INSTRUCTIONS. the research can be done on web journals, i need the reference page

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Book: ISBN 978-0078026959
Please read before watching the video and completing your one page reflection paper. Each unit has one video that you are required to watch and then answer the following questions in a one page essay reflection paper. 1) What was the video about? 2) Name in detail at least three things that you learned from the video. 3) What chapter in your textbook did the video relate to? 4) How were you able to make the connection between the video and the chapter? (Please do not include the questions.)
Each one page reflection paper is worth a total of 75 points. You must answer all four questions in essay format. Your paper must be doubled spaced and you must use Times Roman 12 point font. Please make sure that your margins are set at 1”. All of the movie clips are found on Lone Star College’s Library website. Please go to LSCS Libraries, Research Databases, and Films on Demand. You are also able to copy the URL address that I have included and paste it within the address bar. If you experience any technical problems please call technical support at 936-273-7385. If you are trying to access the videos off campus you must have a library code. Please submit your papers in the drop box which can be found under the Reflection Paper Assignment Tab.
Please do not complete each unit’s reflection paper until it has been assigned. All dates are found on the courses calendar. I will not accept any late papers. I will only accept papers that have been completed and turned in within the range of the assigned date and the due date for each unit that can be found on the courses calendar. For example if you turn in the reflection paper for unit two while we are still in unit one I will not accept it.

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Admission/Application Essay, Sociology Stress

Admission/Application Essay, Sociology Stress
Project description
Read some studies on primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention of stress and write a paper comparing them. Next, identify at least one organizational stress management method aligned with each type of prevention. Choose one that you believe would be most effective. Justify your response.

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