Interior Design Is the solution to the negative power of words to change negative behaviors in the world (Lakoff) or simply to stop using negative words (Lawrence)

Interior Design Is the solution to the negative power of words to change negative behaviors in the world (Lakoff) or simply to stop using negative words (Lawrence)

Include at least 7 secondary sources. Four of these 7 sources must be essays or parts of books from the Sawyer Library catalog or databases. You should also draw on readings from Graff and Birkenstein’s They Say / I Say or Across the Curriculum Reader. You may certainly use items found in your Bibliography assignment or that you used in writing Synthesis # 1.
This final synthesis essay gives you a chance to really stretch your writing muscles and discuss your topic in numerous ways to persuade your reader. Of course, this is an argument synthesis so you are arguing a specific point and using sources to help your point come to light and appear logical and persuasive. Your sources will be valuable in providing examples or support for your ideas as well as counter arguments or ideas that you will shoot down or dismiss as you argue yourself.
The Assignment
Compose a 10 page/7 source argument synthesis. Remember, you must argue a position in this essay and use sources to help prove your point. I am also asking that you include a counter argument or two to show your versatility in arguing and seeing different sides of the topic.
The objective of this assignment is NOT to make you an expert in linguistics or economics or nuclear physics or evolution or medical ethics, but to give you practice in constructing an argument (your I say in response to the they say of other writers), in using a system of citation and documentation (in this case, MLA style), and in synthesizing a variety of sources with your own ideas into a coherent essay.

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economic individual report

economic individual report
please do a research of australian economics before do the ass. coz it is quite import for me. Although i submit two same order, please write differently, coz we are two separate people but in one group, and it is a individual report.

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Complete the Economic Terms Exercise (ETE) in Week One of the student website. The ETE is not a graded assignment and does not have to be turned in. It is for your benefit to help develop your economic vocabulary.

Complete the Economic Terms Exercise (ETE) in Week One of the student website. The ETE is not a graded assignment and does not have to be turned in. It is for your benefit to help develop your economic vocabulary.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper (worth 10 points) in which you include the following:
· Describe the history and evolution of health care economics and the timeline of health care funding. The timeline should be a historical look at health care funding in the United States. The typical span is the early 1900s through today. What historic events shaped our current health care economy?
· Include at least two outside resources.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. The paper should have an Introduction, Conclusion, and appropriate headings to guide the timeline.
Submit your written assignment for grading.

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Prepare a 750- to 1,050-word speech in simple terms and concepts that focus on international trade and foreign exchange rates.

Assume that you have been appointed as the Speaker of the House. You must deliver a speech about the current state of the U.S. macroeconomy to a number of amateur reporters who are unfamiliar with economics.
Prepare a 750- to 1,050-word speech in simple terms and concepts that focus on international trade and foreign exchange rates.
Integrate a summary of your answers to the following questions and cite external research to further justify your facts:
· What happens when there is a surplus of imports brought into the U.S.? Cite a specific example of a  product with an import surplus, and the impact that has on the U.S. businesses and consumers  involved.
· What are the effects of international trade to GDP, domestic markets and university students?
· How do government choices in regards to tariffs and quotas affect international relations and trade?
· What are foreign exchange rates? How are they determined?
· Why doesn’t the U.S. simply restrict all goods coming in from China? Why can’t the U.S. just minimize    the amount of imports coming in from all other countries?

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