HSA 520 Final Exam Part 1

1) An information-inquiring culture has transparent: Answer
information discovery.
Core values.
direct reports.
accounting and finances.
2) Emerging trends that are encouraging heathcare executives to become interested in developing innovative, integrative, and cost-beneficial HMIS solutions include: Answer
wireless, user-friendly portables.
tape recordings.
X-ray films.
accessible records
3) An information-discovery culture ensures: Answer
critical information about due processes.
sharing of insights freely and encourages employees to collaborate.
sensitivity for privacy.
giving up the power of controlling others.
4) The genesis of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) goes back to the roots of numerous areas, including: Answer
computing privacy.
information economics
multidimensional data sets.
medical policies.
5) The executive who oversees the financing function, budgeting, and funding of the health services organization”s operating programs is the: Answer
6) Question 6
Effective communication is essential for forming all kinds of work relationships, especially for: Answer
delivering one-sided, manager to subordinate, communication.
telling board members what is going to happen.
providing clear, firm autocratic orders.
building strong social networks among key stakeholders.
Question 7
As a trustworthy leader, the senior executive must have the ability to: Answer
exude trust from their direct reports and corresponding followers.
develop a top-down working relationship with followers.
articulate how or why certain things are or are not being executed without explanations.
dictate to others on how to manage their time. Question 8
In a healthcare services organizational context, the mission, goals, and objectives of the health organization determine how: Answer
to evaluate verified data.
to verify the veracity of amassed healthcare information.
HMIS should be incorporated throughout an organization.
to network computer systems and functional tasks.
Question 9
The role of the CEO or CIO to oversee the use of HMIS in any healthcare services organization requires that the individual has been trained and has experience and mastered a certain set of: Answer
rules and laws.
strategic, tactical, and operational IT competencies.
department goals and strategies.
efficient business processes.
Question 10
Within the context of healthcare services organizations, there are many published examples of Internet use, including: Answer
PowerPoint presentations.
access to online insurance service data.
access to personal credit scores.
final reports developed in ACCESS.
Question 11
The 2006 Pew Internet and American Life Project survey found that the following users seek health information online in the United States: Answer
1 of 10
5 of 10
8 of 10
10 of 10
Question 12
The digital divide stands to affect: Answer
health quality.
myriad online activities.
information associations.
Question 13
URL stands for: Answer
uniform relocation lab.
universal resource locators.
uniform restructuring link
usability relocation link
Question 14
Customer relationship management (CRM) software must be designed with the following in mind. Answer
An in-depth recognition of its customers” specific needs.
Strategic communication is for different types of software.
Enhancement of existing programs and services.
Creative services that would progress and fulfill the organizational long-term goals.
Question 15
SCM ensures readily available access to: Answer
order tracking.
return on investment (ROI).
health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
demand printing. Question 16
The primary goals of supply chain management (SCM) are: Answer
to achieve increased efficiencies with regard to information flows and exchanges between the organization and its external parties.
to satisfy the need for economies of scale.
to increase the volume of daily purchasing.
to decrease efficiencies with regard to information flows and exchanges.
Question 17
Existing ERP packages include: Answer
Question 18
For practice management systems delivered from private healthcare organizations and hospitals, electronic billing and patient scheduling are being developed for numerous benefits, including: Answer
keeping manual follow-up procedures.
reducing, or possibly eliminating, all paper-based forms for which healthcare services organizations are especially vulnerable.
increase the accuracy of billing/coding.
eliminating electronic order processing Question 19
Issues that may arise with a RHINO setup like the Mayo Clinic”s include problems with: Answer
maintaining separate processes as previously developed.
using insurance companies to iron out problems.
difficulties with patients.
data shadowing and the need for creating interfaces to communicate among disparate platforms and software. Question 20
One of the stated goals of HL7 collaboration is to: Answer
develop coherent, extendable standards that permit structured, encoded healthcare information of the type required to support patient care.
sustain interoperability
enhance existing programs and services.
create services that would progress and fulfill the organizational long-term goals. Question 21
Consolidation, sometimes purported as a market-sheltering activity occurs when: Answer
the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is shared.
the program instructions and data provides the CPU with a working storage area.
two or more comparable healthcare services organizations combine to augment or preserve market power.
read-only memory (ROM) is shared. Question 22
EHR will be one of the most costly project expenditures that a healthcare services organization will undertake, with regard to the investments of time and money and the resultant challenge of returns on investments (ROI). This is due to: Answer
the significance of the returns to be realized from an EHR implementation remains a concern for many healthcare executives.
the program instructions provide the CPU with a working storage area.
two or more comparable healthcare services organizations combine to augment or preserve market power.
read-only memory (ROM) is shared. Question 23
When combined with various other workflow tools, computerized physician order entry (CPOE) can also be useful in providing information about: Answer
manual follow-up procedures.
reducing paper-based forms.
patient scheduling.
eliminating electronic orders.
Question 24
Three categories of healthcare data are required, almost universally, by healthcare services organizations for supporting their planning and decision-making activities, and one of these is: Answer
vital statistics.
environmental statistics.
census statistics.
consensus statistics. Question 25
Substantial administrative and clinical benefits can be achieved, should a universal EHR system be finally realized and these include: Answer
increased paperwork.
greater documentation errors.
easy dissemination of critical patient information to other care providers for follow-up assessments.
extremely slow accessibility of patient records universally. Question 26
Language interoperability challenges include: Answer
operating system interoperability.
semantic differences.
data stored in different database platforms such as Microsoft SQL server.
different HMIS have been designed and developed by different IT providers. Question 27
WSIHIS provides user interfaces that provide: Answer
encapsulated business logic in a shared middle tier.
data related to patients” medical profiles and information about the progress and status of treatment.
medical content generated dynamically based on a specific patient”s medical profile.
client applications that will access the same middle tier. Question 28
Technically, most legacy systems were developed using different languages such as: Answer
Java or Visual Basic.
Linux operating systems (OS).
Microsoft SQL server.
Macintosh operating systems (OS). Question 29
In the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, growing demands for health care due to an aging population and the slowing down in mortality rate among older adults over the last few decades have led to: Answer
an increase in non-profit organizations.
less need for sensor-based monitoring.
further growth and development of mobile health care.
less demand for medical devices. Question 30
Core functions of WSIHIS are based on different Web services, including: Answer
standardization service.
the appointment service.
census statistics service.
implementation service.

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Policy Briefings (australia-and-climate-change-negotiations

briefing should be 500 words long.
Your first policy briefing must be the Economics Policy topic.
On Wednesday morning of Weeks 4 and 10 at 9am a folder containing one or more policy documents [such as a detailed Report on a specific policy issue] will be released on the AIP Cloudeakin page. You must submit your briefing by 11.59pm Friday of that same week. So, in effect, you have three days to prepare your Briefings.
Submit online into the relevant dropbox in the CloudDeakin Assignments Folder, via Turnitin.
Ensure that each policy briefing is clearly identified, pages are numbered, and you have included a header with your name and student number on every page.
The task
You are to assume the role of a ministerial adviser. Your minister holds a senior portfolio in the current government (ie, your minister is not a member of the opposition). Your minister is a busy person and will soon attend a meeting to make a decision on how to proceed in a particular policy area. Your policy briefing should include what the minister needs to know in order to make that decision.
Your briefing will be based on a particular policy document. This might be a government or opposition policy document, a research report, the transcript of a speech, or another similar document.
To complete your policy briefing, follow the guidelines below.
This should be a simple statement of no more than one sentence. It may be as little as the name of the policy document, or it may be a phrase that encapsulates the issue.
In this section of your policy briefing you should clearly and concisely summarise the policy document you are analysing. What is the main argument? The key findings?
You should also outline the implications of the policy document you are analysing. Why is the issue important to the minister for whom you are writing the brief? Why do they need to know about this? What are the implications of the document for your minister, other stakeholders, target groups, and so on?
Remember, the Minister will probably not read the original document so they are relying on you to provide them with accurate information about the policy area.
Policy context
This section of your briefing should be a concise overview of the background to the policy issue. This may include discussion of current and previous policies addressing the issue or topic; views or policies of the various parties; the views of the main actors or stakeholders; and media debate and public discussion. You might also want to address the question of why this issue is on the agenda.
Note: Section 3 will probably require you to do additional research. You should refer to this research in the briefing, although you will not include a bibliography.
Your briefing must conclude with some recommendations (between 1 and 4 is a good target). Your recommendations should be numbered, expressed in no more than a sentence or two. The recommendations section should start: ‘That the minister should ….’
Consider your tone carefully and ensure that you are making recommendations that are actually within the scope of powers available to the person you are briefing.
Note: It is extremely important that you think about tone in writing your briefing. If your briefing includes assumed knowledge that the reader does not actually possess, or if you incorrectly assume that the reader shares your values or priorities, then your communication will be far less persuasive. Consider who you are writing for, the party they are from, and what their views on the policy might be. It is not necessary for you to make recommendations based on the ideology of the current minister, but they should be realistic. For example, it is unlikely that any minister would find the recommendation ‘Make all education free’ very useful.
Marking Criteria
When marking, assessors will look for the following:
Has the student followed instructions and guidelines?
Does the student demonstrate an ability to summarise a body of complex information, identify the key issues, and communicate these issues clearly and concisely?
Does the student demonstrate a good understanding of the context and broader debates of this policy issue, and has correctly identified relevant actors and stakeholders?
Does the student write clearly and succinctly, and with a professional tone?
Receiving Marks and Feedback
You will receive comments as well as a mark for the first policy briefing within three weeks of the submission date. However, we will be treating the second policy briefing as an exam, and you will only receive a mark for that task at the end of trimester.
[Reference: This exercise has been amended from Maddison, S. and Denniss, R. (2013) Public Policy in Australia: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press: Port Melbourne, pp 224-5.

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This is a Capstone Project where you will utilize all the information we’ve learned thus far in the semester.

Details: This is a Capstone Project where you will utilize all the information we’ve learned thus far in the semester.
For this assignment you will be preparing a presentation analyzing a single example of poor decision making. The presentation is intended to be delivered to other managers who make decisions similar to the one(s) that you are analyzing. Your goal is to help these managers learn” from the example so they can avoid making the same mistakes.
To begin you will need to use the use the AIU Library, the Internet, and course resources to locate a single example (from business, news reports, government, economics, history, and so forth) where decisions made produced negative consequences.
Examples of the types of decisions you may choose from include: (you may use one of these or select one on your own)
Decision to allow the Challenger shuttle to fly in cold weather
Decision by Martha Stewart to lie to federal prosecutors
Decision by Coca-Cola to introduce New Coke”
Decision by Paris Hilton to drive while intoxicated and with a suspended license
Decision by Enron executives to commit fraud
Decision by President Kennedy not to support the Cuban invasion at the Bay of Pigs
These are only a few examples. There are literally thousands of decisions you can choose from if you do a bit of research.
Remember that in presentations slides focus only on main posts with the specific information and details about each point identified within speaker’s notes (speaker’s notes contain all the information needed by the speaker to address each main point on each slide in detail. Your presentation does not need graphics (although they are acceptable in moderation) or special effects. (If you are unfamiliar with how to use PowerPoint please visit the PowerPoint Guide in the Student Success Learning Lab).
Your presentation should address each of the following:
A brief description of the example selected. Outline the situation (what happened, when, where), identify what decisions were made and why, and explain the negative consequences that resulted. The more detailed you are here the easier it will be for you to provide analysis for parts 2, 3, & 4 of the project.
From our learning all semester
(Units 1, 2, 3, & 4) identify what decision concepts (theories, principles, heuristics, traps, etc.) were present in the situation. For each concept identified be sure to provide information to support how and why you believe each was present.
Provide an overview focusing on what other managers, who make similar types of decisions, can learn from your analysis so they can become better decision makers.
References are to be provided in APA.

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Economics MT 445 Practice Exam

1.In the United States and in most European countries, aging populations and declining
birthrates threaten public finances. As the population ages, there are fewer workers
paying taxes relative to the number of retired people receiving government benefits.
Which of the following government policies would NOT help reduce the pressure on
public finances?(Points:1)
offer financial incentives to increase the birthrate
reduce taxes paid by current workers so that they an save for their future
reduce retiree benefit payments
raise the retirement age
the first six months of 2003, branches of Commerce Bank in New York City were
robbed 14 times. The New York City Police recommended steps the bank could take to
deter robberies, including the installation of plastic barriers called "bandit barriers." The
police were surprised the bank did not take their advice. According to a deputy
commissioner of police, "Commerce does very little of what we recommend. They”ve
told our detectives they have no interest in ever putting in the barriers."
It would seem that Commerce bank would have a strong incentive to install "bandit
barriers" to deter robberies. Why wouldn”t they do it? (Points:1)
The banks would rather delay installation of any theft deterring equipment in anticipation
of new lower cost innovations in the security devices market.
The banks must have weighed the cost of installing bandit barriers against the benefits
and decided that they have "no interest in ever putting in the barriers".
The banks are concerned that "bandit barriers" would send the wrong message to
customers — that the bank is unsafe.
The banks probably resent any interference from the police department.
Quilts alters, reconstructs and restores heirloom quilts. Cassie has just spent
purchasing, cleaning and reconstructing an antique quilt which she expects to sell for
$1,500 once she is finished. After having spent $800, Cassie discovers that she would
need some special period fabric that would cost her $200 in material and time in order
to complete the task. Alternatively, she can sell the quilt "as is" now for $900. What is
the marginal cost of completing the task?(Points:1)
$1,000 plus the value of her time
term "market" in economics refers to(Points:1)
a place where money changes hands.
a legal institution where exchange can take place.
a group of buyers and sellers of a product and the arrangement by which they come
together to trade.
an organization which sells goods and services.
revenue received from the sale of an additional unit of a product (Points:1)
is a marginal benefit to the firm.
is called profit.
is called gross sales.
is called a net gain.
Table 2-3
Table 2-3 shows the number of labor hours required to produce a digital camera and a
pound of wheat in China and South Korea.
Refer to Table 2-3. China has a comparative advantage in (Points : 1)
both products.
wheat production.
digital camera production.
neither product.
production possibilities frontier model shows that (Points:1)
if consumers decide to buy more of a product its price will increase.
a market economy is more efficient in producing goods and services than is a centrally
planned economy.
economic growth can only be achieved by free market economies.
if all resources are fully and efficiently utilized, more of one good can be produced only
by producing less of another good.
of the following countries does not come close to the free market benchmark?
The United States
2002, BMW made a tactical decision to use a robot to attach the gearbox to the
engines of its vehicles instead of using two workers as it had done previously. The robot
method had a higher cost but installed the gearbox in exactly the right position. In
making this decision, BMW (Points:1)
faced no tradeoffs because the robot method increased efficiency.
faced a tradeoff between higher cost and lower precision (in installing the gearbox in
exactly the right position).
adopted a negative technological change because it replaced workers with robots.
eroded some of its competitiveness in the luxury car market because of its increased
cost of production.
successful market economy requires well defined property rights and (Points:1)
balanced supplies of all factors of production.
an independent court system to adjudicate disputes based on the law.
detailed government regulations.
a safety net to ensure that those who cannot participate in the market economy can earn
an income.
major factor contributing to the slow growth rate of less developed economies is
the lack of well-defined and enforceable property rights.
the lack of natural resources.
the lack of workers.
the high rate of illiteracy.
of the following would cause both the equilibrium price and equilibrium
quantity of barley (assume that barley is an inferior good) to increase? (Points:1)
An increase in consumer income.
A drought that sharply reduces barley output.
A decrease in consumer income.
Unusually good weather that results in a bumper crop of barley.
Table 3-1
Refer to Table 3-1. The table above shows the demand schedules for loose-leaf tee of
two individuals (Sunil and Mia) and the rest of the market. If the price of loose-tea raises
from $3 to $4 the market quantity demanded would (Points : 1)
decrease by 32 pounds.
increase by 64 pounds.
increase by 32 pounds.
decrease by 64 pounds.
the quantity demanded for a product exceeds the quantity supplied the market
price will rise until(Points:1)
the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied. The product will then no longer be
quantity demanded equals quantity supplied. The equilibrium price will then be greater
than the market price.
only wealthy consumers will be able to afford the product.
quantity demanded equals quantity supplied. The market price will then equal the
equilibrium price.
is the difference between an "increase in supply" and an "increase in quantity
There is no difference between the two terms; they both refer to a shift of the supply
There is no difference between the two terms; they both refer to a movement along a
given supply curve
An "increase in supply" means the supply curve has shifted to the right while an
"increase in quantity supplied" means at any given price supply has increased.
An "increase in supply" means the supply curve has shifted to the right while an
"increase in quantity supplied" refers to a movement along a given supply curve in
response to an increase in price.
Figure 3-4
Refer to Figure 3-4. The figure above represents the market for canvas tote bags.
Compare the conditions in the market when the price is $50 and when the price is $35.
Which of the following describes how the market differs at these prices? (Points : 1)
At each price there is a surplus; the surplus is greater at $35 than at $50.
The difference between quantity supplied and quantity demanded is greater at $50 than
at $35.
At each price there is a surplus; firms will lower the equilibrium price in order to eliminate
the surplus.
At each price the supply of tote bags exceeds that demand for tote bags.
buys a new cell phone for $100. He receives consumer surplus of $80 from the
purchase. How much does Brett value his cell phone? (Points:1)
difference between the highest price a consumer is willing to pay for a good and
the price the consumer actually pays is called(Points:1)
producer surplus.
the substitution effect.
the income effect.
consumer surplus.
Figure 4-5
Refer to Figure 4-5. The figure above represents the market for iced tea. Assume that
this is a competitive market. If 20,000 units of iced tea are sold (Points : 1)
the deadweight loss is equal to economic surplus.
producer surplus equals consumer surplus.
the marginal benefit of each of the 20,000 units of iced tea equals $3.
marginal benefit is equal to marginal cost.
does not exist when a competitive market is in equilibrium.
is equal to the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus.
is the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied when the market
price for a product is greater than the equilibrium price.
is equal to the difference between consumer surplus and producer surplus.
Figure 4-9
Figure 4-9 shows the market for cigarettes. The government plans to impose a unit tax
in this market.
Refer to Figure 4-9. What is the size of the unit tax? (Points : 1)
Cannot be determined from the figure.
the demand curve for a product is downward sloping and the supply curve
is upward sloping. If a unit tax is imposed in the market for this product, (Points:1)
sellers bear the entire burden of the tax.
the tax burden will be shared among the government, buyers and sellers.
buyers bear the entire burden of the tax.
the tax burden will be shared by buyers and sellers.
of the following would result in a lower absolute value of the price elasticity of
demand for a product?(Points:1)
wide variety of substitutes available for the good
short time period considered
the good is a luxury item
the expenditure on the good large relative to one”s budget
the percentage change in price is 20 percent and the value of the price elasticity of
demand is -5, then quantity demanded (Points:1)
will increase by 100 percent.
will increase by 5 percent.
will decrease by 100 percent.
impossible to determine without additional information.
demand is unit price elastic, a change in price causes total revenue to stay the
same because(Points:1)
the percentage change in quantity demanded exactly offsets the percentage change in
buyers are buying the same quantity.
total revenue never changes with price changes.
the change in profit is offset by the change in production cost.
of the following statements about the price elasticity of demand is correct?
The elasticity of demand for a good in general is equal to the elasticity of demand for a
specific brand of the good.
The absolute value of the elasticity of demand ranges from zero to one.
Demand is more elastic in the long run than it is in the short run.
Demand is more elastic the smaller percentage of the consumer”s budget the item takes
price elasticity of the supply of teenage labor services is approximately 1.36.
Suppose the minimum wage rises from $6.60 per hour to $7.00. Using the midpoint
formula, calculate the approximately change in the will the quantity supplied of teenage
labor. (Points:1)
5.9 percent
13.6 percent
8 percent
There is insufficient information to answer the question.
firm has successfully adopted a positive technological change when (Points:1)
it can produce more output using the same inputs.
it produces less pollution in its production process.
can pay its workers less yet increase its output.
it sees an increase in worker productivity.
to Figure 10-5. Identify the minimum efficient scale of production.(Points:1)
Figure 10-7
Refer to Figure 10-7. The lines shown in the diagram are isocost lines. Which of the
following shows an increase in the firm”s total cost budget while the price of labor and
capital remain unchanged? (Points : 1)
the movement from CE to BF
the movement from CE to AF
the movement from BD to AF
the movement from BD to CE
Table 10-2
Table 10-2 shows cost data for Lotus Lanterns, a producer of whimsical night lights.
Refer to Table 10-2. What is the average variable cost per unit of production when the
firm produces 90 lanterns? (Points : 1)
is the difference between "diminishing marginal returns" and "diseconomies of
scale"? (Points:1)
Both concepts explain why marginal cost increases after some point but diminishing
marginal returns applies only in the short run when there is at least one fixed factor,
while diseconomies of scale applies in the long run when all factors are variable.
Both concepts explain why average total cost increases after some point but diminishing
marginal returns applies only in the short run when there is at least one fixed factor,
while diseconomies of scale applies in the long run when all factors are variable.
Diminishing marginal returns which applies only in the short run, when at least one factor
is fixed, explains why marginal cost increases, while diseconomies of scale which
applies in the long run, when all factors are variable, explains why average cost
Diminishing marginal returns which applies only in the short run, when at least one factor
is fixed, explains why average variable cost increases, while diseconomies of scale
which applies in the long run, when all factors are variable, explains why average total
cost increases.
president of Toyota”s Georgetown plant was quoted as saying, "Demand for high
volumes saps your energy. Over a period of time, it eroded our focus [and] thinned out
the expertise and knowledge we painstakingly built up over the years." This quote
suggests that(Points:1)
Toyota was experiencing an excess demand for its automobiles which it had difficulty
keeping up with.
as Toyota expanded its capacity, it experienced diseconomies of scale.
Toyota was focused on "churning" out cars that it did not invest sufficiently in training its
high demand for Toyota”s cars prevented the company from focusing on its strength:
auto design.
Figure 11-1
Refer to Figure 11-1. If the firm is producing 200 units, (Points : 1)
it breaks even.
it is making a loss.
it should cut back its output to maximize profit.
it should increase its output to maximize profit.
demand for each seller”s product in perfect competition is horizontal at the
market price because(Points:1)
each seller is too small to affect market price.
the price is set by the government.
all the sellers get together and set the price.
all the demanders get together and set the price.
supply is found by(Points:1)
vertically summing the relevant part of each individual producer”s marginal cost curve.
horizontally summing the relevant part of each individual producer”s marginal cost curve.
vertically summing each individual producer”s average total cost curve.
horizontally summing each individual producer”s average total cost curve.
of the following describes a situation in which a good or service is produced at
the lowest possible cost?(Points:1)
productive efficiency
allocative efficiency
marginal efficiency
profit maximization
Figure 11-5
Figure 11-5 shows cost and demand curves facing a typical firm in a constant-cost
perfectly competitive industry.
Refer to Figure 11-5. What is the minimum price the firm requires to produce output?
(Points : 1)
It cannot be determined
possible advantage of a horizontal merger for the economy is that (Points:1)
the merging firms could avoid losses.
the merged firm might reap economies of scale which could translate into lower prices.
the degree of competition in the industry will be intensified.
the government stands to collect more corporate income tax revenue.
merger between the Ford Motor Company and General Motors would be an
example of a(Points:1)
vertical merger.
horizontal merger.
conglomerate merger.
Figure 14-8
In 2006 the California government changed its regulatory policy to allow competition
into the cable television market. Figure 14-8 shows the cable television market in
Refer to Figure 14-8. Following the policy change, the subscription price falls from PM
to Pc. What is the increase in consumer surplus as a result of this change? (Points : 1)
the area A+B+C
the area B+C
the area D+F
the area B+C+D
Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) had a monopoly until the 1940s because
it was a public enterprise.
it had a patent on the manufacture of aluminum.
the company had a secret technique for making aluminum from bauxite.
it had control of almost all available supply of bauxite.
a theatre company expects $250,000 in ticket revenue from five performances and
288,000 in ticket revenue if it adds a sixth performance, the (Points:1)
marginal revenue of the sixth performance is $48,000.
marginal revenue of the sixth performance is $38,000.
cost of staging the sixth performance is probably higher than the cost of staging the
previous five.
company will be making a loss on the sixth performance because its ticket sales will be
less than average received from the previous five.
Figure 14-7
Figure 14-7 shows the cost and demand curves for the Erickson Power Company.
Refer to Figure 14-7. Why won”t regulators require that Erickson Power produce the
economically efficient output level? (Points : 1)
because there is insufficient demand at that output level
because at the economically efficient output level, the marginal cost of producing the last
unit sold exceeds the consumers” marginal value for that last unit
because Erickson Power will earn zero profit
because Erickson Power will sustain persistent losses and will not continue in business
in the long run.
the long run, if price is less than average cost, (Points:1)
there is an incentive for firms to exit the market.
there is profit incentive for firms to enter the market.
the market must be in long-run equilibrium.
there is no incentive for the number of firms in the market to change.
Table 12-2
Eco Energy is a monopolistically competitive producer of a sports beverage called
Power On. Table 12-2 shows the firm”s demand and cost schedules.
Refer to Table 12-2. What is the maximum output (Q) that maximizes profit and what is
the price (P) charged? (Points : 1)
P=$55; Q=5 cases
P=$50; Q=6 cases
P=$45; Q=7 cases
P=$40; Q=8 cases
a monopolistically competitive firm breaks even, the firm (Points:1)
is earning an accounting profit and will have to pay taxes on that profit.
is earning zero accounting and zero economic profit.
should advertise its product to stimulate demand.
expand production.
run equilibrium under monopolistic competition is similar to that under perfect
competition in that(Points:1)
firms produce at the minimum point of their average cost curves.
price equals marginal cost.
firms earn normal profits.
price equals marginal revenue.
have just opened a new Italian restaurant in your hometown where there are
three other Italian restaurants. Your restaurant is doing a brisk business and you
attribute your success to your distinctive northern Italian cuisine using locally grown
organic produce. What is likely to happen to your business in the long run? (Points:1)
Your competitors are likely to change their menus to make their products more similar to
Your success will invite others to open competing restaurants and ultimately your profits
will be driven to zero.
If your success continues, you will be likely to establish a franchise and expand your
market size.
If you continue to maintain consistent quality, you will be able to earn profits indefinitely.
periodically meets to agree to restrict the cartel”s oil output, and yet almost
every member of OPEC produces more than its own output quota. This suggests that
OPEC has a(Points:1)
cooperative equilibrium.
noncooperative equilibrium.
new potential entrants.
threat of substitute goods.
is a prisoners” dilemma? (Points:1)
a game that involves no dominant strategies
a game in which prisoners are stumped because they cannot communicate with each
a game in which players act in rational, self-interested ways that leave everyone worse
a game in which players collude to outfox authorities
two oligopolistic industries selling the same product in different locations. In
the first industry, firms always match price changes by any other firm in the industry. In
the second industry, firms always ignore price changes by any other firm. which of the
following statements is true about these two industries, holding everything else
Market prices are likely to be higher in the first industry in which firms always match
price changes by rival firms than in the second where firms ignore their rivals” price
Market prices are likely to be lower in the first industry where firms always match price
changes by rival firms than in the second where firms ignore their rivals” price changes.
Market prices are likely to be the same in both markets because they are both
oligopolistic markets.
No conclusions can be drawn about the pricing behavior under these very different firm
does a prisoners” dilemma lead to a noncooperative equilibrium? (Points:1)
because each player had agreed before the game started to minimize the harm that he
can inflict on the other players
because each player is uncertain how other players will play the game
because players must choose from have a limited number of non-dominant strategies
because each rational player has a dominant strategy to play a certain way regardless of
what other players do
DeBeers Company of South Africa was able to block competition through (Points:
economies of scale.
ownership of an essential input.
government-imposed barriers.
differentiating its product.
the late 1990s, airlines would post proposed changes in ticket prices on
computer reservations systems several days before the new ticket prices went into
effect. Then the federal government took action to end the practice. Now airlines can
only post prices on their reservations systems for tickets that are immediately available
for sale.
Source: Scott McCartney, "Airfare Wars Show Why Deals Arrive and Depart," Wall Street Journal, March
19, 2002.
Why would the federal government object to the old system of posting prices before
they went into effect? (Points : 1)
because it is a form of price discrimination in that consumers who need to travel
immediately are subject to different fares compared to those who will travel at a later
date when the price changes go into effect
because it is essentially a form of price signaling; airlines try to determine the reaction of
competitors before committing to a price change
because it creates chaos in the air travel market: if an airline plans to cut fares, then
consumers are likely to postpone purchases but if an airline plans to increase fares, then
a shortage will result.
because it makes it more difficult for airlines to agree on ticket price changes and likely
to spark an airfare war
in factor markets differs from demand in product markets in that (Points:1)
the demand for a factor of production is difficult to determine.
the demand for a factor of production is influenced by workers” productivity and by the
producers” expected sales revenues, not by tastes and preferences of consumers.
demand for a factor of production is based on the tastes and preferences of firms.
demand for a factor of production is based on the tastes and preferences of resource
who paint water towers earn higher wages relative to painters who paint
houses because(Points:1)
the demand for tower painters is greater than the demand for residential painters.
painting water towers is more risky than painting houses.
the tower painters” union is probably more powerful than the wall painters” union.
the supply of water tower painters exceeds the supply of wall painters.
to the signaling hypothesis, (Points:1)
signaling about job openings occur in help wanted classified ads.
a college diploma signals to employers that a person has certain desirable
a slowdown in output signals to companies the need to hire more labor.
a high unemployment rate is a signal to the government to take some policy action.
discrimination occurs when(Points:1)
a firm pays workers different wages based on irrelevant factors.
customers refuse to buy products produced by a racially diverse workforce.
customers refuse to buy products they believe to be of poor quality.
workers refuse to serve customers of a different race.
a competitive firm is paying a wage of $12 an hour and sells its product at
$3 per unit. Assume that labor is the only input. If, hiring another worker would increase
output by three units per hour, then to maximize profits the firm should (Points:1)
not change the number of workers it currently hires.
not hire an additional worker.
hire another worker.
There is not enough information to answer the question.
Table 16-2
Refer to Table 16-2. What is the profit-maximizing quantity of labor that the firm should
hire? (Points : 1)
5 units
$4 units
$3 units
2 units
decrease in the wage rate causes(Points:1)
an increase in the quantity of labor demanded.
a rightward shift of the firm”s labor demand curve.
a leftward shift of the firm”s labor demand curve.
a decrease in labor”s productivity.
this quote from an article in the Wall Street Journal: "The stock of educated
workers isn”t increasing fast enough to keep up with rising demand. ……. Employers are
paying the typical four-year college graduate [without graduate school] 75% more than
they pay high-school grads. Twenty-five years ago, they were paying 40% more.
Employers insist on ever better-educated, skilled workers. "
Source: David Wessel, "Lack of Well-Educated Workers Has Lots of Roots, No Quick Fix", Wall Street
Journal, April 19, 2007, Page A2.
Which of the following best explains the rapid increase in the wage differential between
college graduates and high school graduates? (Points : 1)
The demand for college educated workers shifted to the right while the supply of college
educated workers shifted to the left.
The supply of high-school educated workers shifted to the right faster than the demand
for college educated workers shifted to the right.
The demand for college educated workers shifted to the right faster than the supply of
college educated workers shifted to the right.
The demand for high-school educated workers shifted to the left faster than the supply of
college educated workers shifted to the right.
discrimination takes place when an employer (Points:1)
pays workers the lowest wage possible.
pays workers different wages on the basis of some arbitrary characteristics of workers
that are irrelevant to the job performed.
pays lower wages to workers who are not as productive as other workers.
pays workers compensating wage differentials.
a competitive firm is paying a wage of $12 an hour and sells its product at
$3 per unit. Assume that labor is the only input. If the last worker hired increases output
by three units per hour, then to maximize profits the firm should (Points:1)
not change the number of workers it currently hires.
lay off some of its workers.
hire additional workers.
There is not enough information to answer the question.
In academia, professors in some disciplines receive higher salaries than
others. For example, professors teaching in business schools receive higher salaries
than professors in the English department. Suppose in Unity College, assistant
professors in the business school earn $Wb while assistant professors in the English
department earn $We < Wb. Now suppose the government passes comparable worth
legislation that requires academic institutions to pay all faculty the same salaries.
Following the passage of comparable worth legislation, Unity College responds by
placing salaries at $Wa between the two existing salaries. Which of the following is the
result of the legislation?(Points:1)
The supply of English professors increase and the supply of business professors
The demand for English professors decrease and the demand for business professors
There will be a surplus in the market for English professors and a shortage in the market
for business professors.
There will be a surplus in the market for English professors and the market for business
professors will not be affected.
domestic product understates the total production of final goods and services
because of the omission of(Points:1)
intermediate goods.
nonmarket household production.
prices in the economy rise, then(Points:1)
the purchasing power of a dollar rises.
the purchasing power of a dollar stays constant.
the purchasing power of a dollar declines.
the purchasing power of a dollar cannot be determined.
Table 19-5
Consider the table above showing three stages of production of an automobile.
Refer to Table 19-5. The value added by the automobile dealer equals (Points : 1)
output of Mexican citizens who work in Texas would be included in the (Points:1)
gross domestic product of Mexico.
gross national product of Mexico.
gross national product of the United States.
net national product of the United States.
personal income equals personal income (Points:1)
minus personal tax payments.
plus government transfer payments.
minus personal tax payments plus government transfer payments.
minus government transfer payme

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