osephine is 86 years old and an unmarried piano teacher. She has recently had a number of falls, her mobility has deteriorated and she is struggling to cope at home

Paper details:
Josephine is 86 years old and an unmarried piano teacher. She has recently had a number of falls, her mobility has deteriorated and she is struggling to cope at home. She has no past medical history of note although has recently had some leg ulcers which are healing well. She was admitted into an Intermediate Care Unit for a short course of intensive rehabilitation.
She lives on her own in a first floor flat and is keen to return as soon as she can. Prior to this admission she had not left the flat for some time as she is very anxious about walking down the stairs. Friends had been bringing her shopping. Josephine likes to keep busy and enjoys writing. She no longer plays the piano but still enjoys teaching the students she has had for a long time.
Please see the video’s in the folder ‘Josephine’ in the BBL assessment folder.
The essay should focus on the case of Josephine as a means of critically engaging with approaches to rehabilitation. Use of the literature is required to support comments made and critical analysis of the literature is required throughout the assignment. Although the essay may be approached in a number of ways, the following areas should be addressed:
• A brief description to Josephine’s presentation, the functional problem you plan to focus on in your essay and justification for this prioritisation. This should relate to one of the main areas of study including gait, balance, sit to stand or reach and grasp and should be specific not only to her physical presentation but also her narrative (presented on the video). Appropriate literature should support both your description and justification.
• The main body should include a detailed and critical engagement with one identified approach (or intervention) which would support her rehabilitation in the area identified. This could relate to a specific practice regime, or behavioural strategies. This must be justified and the approach (or intervention) utilised supported through reference to relevant literature. Any limits in the current literature should be identified and discussed. You should also include reference to how you will measure the impact of your approach, which should also be justified with reference to the literature.
• A conclusion which summarises the strengths and weaknesses of the approach selected with specific reference to Josephine.
• The literature presented through this case study should show evidence of critical engagement.

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Current Affairs Worldview

Paper details:
Throughout your studies in World Religions, you have been introduced to a variety of religious worldviews that are impacting a society and the marketplace in a variety of ways that can be both positive and negative for a community. The task for your Week #6 Project is to write a Current Affairs Worldview Essay that demonstrates the contemporary application of such a religious worldview that is impacting a society’s marketplace today. Your essay should include the following and must not exceed a time frame of 5 years:
Seek out and read a Current Affairs article of interest that details a contemporary religious worldview from among those we will study in this class and the impact it is having on a particular marketplace in society today.
These types of articles can be found in a variety of resources including journals, newspapers, magazines, documentaries, news organizational reports, websites, and through online searches.
Pick just one (1) article and write a 2-4 page review and analysis of just that one article. Your review should be much like that of literary review or a movie review encouraging your reader to either read it or ignore it.
Provide all of the required bibliographical material and citations for locating the resource including title, date of publication, publisher, website, and all retrieval information.
Summarize the main content of the article and how it is related to the course and the religious worldview that it expresses.
Provide details as to why you selected the article and what you found of interest as to why you did nor did not like the article.
Identify what new insights you discovered about this topic.
What was the author seeking to accomplish through this article?
How does this article increase your understanding of religious woldviews and their impact upon the marketplace in society today?
Be sure to use good writing and mechanical techniques and include the use of MLA in-text citations and a Reference Page to identify your resource and avoid plagiarism.

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internationalizing strategy

internationalizing strategy
Term Paper
5 pages
10 sources
Paper details:
Choose any company of your choice that intends to internationalise their operations. Write a report to recommend the internationalisation strategy(s) that will work for the expansion of their sales.
• Write a brief company overview covering the historical development of the company and its current market context.
• Analyse the new market environment, conduct marketing research and value chain analysis and identify key factors that impact on the promotion of the selected new product.
• Explain your new product / service development idea and clearly indicate the unique positioning of the proposed product / service.
• Critically analyse the financial resources that are required to support the development of the new product/ service for new market entry.
• Using business model canvas to explain the new business model and explain how to value will be created for potential customers.
Critically evaluate the potential risks for the proposed business idea and how those could be managed.

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Conflict Identification and Resolution

onflict Identification and Resolution
– Communication Strategies
4 pages
3 sources
Paper details:
Conflict Identification and Resolution
We live in a very complex and culturally diverse society. When we bring individuals together from diverse backgrounds in a work environment conflict can arise when expectations are not realized or met. Rather than hoping conflict will go away, this paper will explore and identify the reasons for conflict and how to successfully address them in a team environment.
Write a four- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) assessing the components of conflict. The following need to be addressed within your paper:
1. Describe a conflict within an organization or team with which you are familiar.
2. Identify and describe the source(s) and level of the conflict and support with evidence.
3. Describe the steps taken to resolve the conflict or, if it is an ongoing conflict, propose steps to resolve the conflict.
4. Describe a minimum of three conflict outcomes that could reasonably occur as a result of the conflict resolution. Support your reasoning for each possible outcome.
Your paper must use a minimum of three scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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