Programming Languages report

Programming Languages report
Programming Languages report
– Computer Science
3 pages
3 sources
Paper detalis:
You are working as a Programmer for ElectroSoftware Ltd a Company who specialise in developing Hardware and Software solutions with the Raspberry Pi Microcomputer. You have been asked to design, create, implement, debug and test a system, for the drinks industry. The System will be of a mimic drinks vending machine. You will use Electronics & Programming to complete this task.
You are to produce a report that:
• Explores a range of existing programming languages and explain how the chosen language will aid the development of a drinks vending machine (P1)
• Explains how the Python language is suitable for future enhancement of the drinks vending machine (M1)
• Produce an Algorithm as a Flowchart that will aid the development of code for a drinks vending machine (P2)
Extra information:
I would recommend discussing 3 programming languages: Python, Java and C++
Literature Review and Proposed Service Improvement Plan to Improve Service User
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Number of pages:
19 pages
30 sources
Paper details.
5000 words literature review
The following structure should be considered when writing this assignment:
Introduction and Background (Maximum 300 words).
Briefly introduce and reference the key topic that has inspired your proposal for change to improve the
service user experience. You will need to provide a rationale as to why you have chosen this topic and
illustrate the significance of this using appropriate evidence. It will be useful to set the scene for your
service user improvement by providing statistics from the literature that demonstrate the scale of the
issue that you feel needs to be improved. You can also introduce the impact of the issue on patient
Literature Review (Around 2900 words)
A literature review is a critical analysis of the findings of a variety of different authors on a given subject.
This section requires you to have the knowledge and skill to undertake a literature search around your
chosen topic.
If you have not used the skill of undertaking a literature search for previous assignments it is
strongly recommended that you visit the library for a refresher on how to go about this. You will
not be able to write this section until you have undertaken a substantial literature search and read the
literature that you will be critiquing. Anglia Ruskin University’s library page hosts search engines such
as CINAHL Plus, Cochrane and Medline.
You will need to identify how you have undertaken the search for your literature and a summary
of this will be placed within your appendix. This will include a list of the search criteria that you have
used including, search engines used, key words or terms, date range (keep this contemporary),
inclusion criteria (e.g. specific countries), exclusion criteria etc. You will need to demonstrate how you
have used criteria to reduce the number of articles you have identified to a manageable number that
address the key topic you are focusing on.
The literature that you use should include:
o published primary research
o Local and National Policy
o a range of literature from other relevant sources (articles, books and reputable websites
that provide additional insight into the topic under review)
Cormack’s (2000) framework for critiquing primary research is a useful tool to support you in appraising
research papers and organising your thoughts around these. You are required to use this tool to
demonstrate that you have identified appropriate research literature and considered the value of this.
You will be required to include a table in the appendix which shows that you have used
Cormack’s framework to evaluate your chosen research papers.
Why is it important to conduct a literature search and read the literature prior to structuring this
section and deciding on the key themes within it?
Only when you have read the literature will you be able to establish some prominent and emerging
themes to help structure this section of the assignment. Do not pre-empt or second guess these themes
before you have read the literature – otherwise your discussion will not reflect the literature or provide
a logical review.
The limit of a 2900 word count for this section will require you to be succinct in your writing and you are
advised to choose no more than 2 themes from the literature to structure your discussion. Any more islikely to result in a descriptive account of the literature, rather than an analytical and challenging debate
of the literature.
How should research articles be discussed within this section?
The work that you have done using Cormack’s framework will be key to the discussion in this section.
When reviewing research based literature you need to be able to identify whether the research had a
quantitative or qualitative approach, or perhaps a mix of both.
Where possible you should make comment on the overall design of the study, the ethics associated
with the study, the sample size and sampling technique, the data collection methods and in some cases
it may be appropriate to discuss how the data were analysed.
A literature review is not just a summary of who said what. It is an analysis, evaluation and comparison
of the findings of different authors writing about the same topic.
Application to practice is also important and you will need to demonstrate that you are able to consider
the literature in the context of the practice setting. Your previous experience around your chosen topic
will help to inform this.
Change Management (Around 1400 words)
You will be required to consider carefully how your proposed service user improvement could be
implemented in the future (N.B. You are not expected or permitted to implement this plan as part
of this assignment).
Develop an action plan using the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound
(SMART) framework.
This action plan will be placed in your appendix and will not be included in the word count. The plan
will be used within your discussion about change management in this section of the essay.
You will need to familiarise yourself with change theory.
Identify one theory of change that you will discuss in this section and make reference to the stages of
this change theory as you discuss the proposed implementation of your service improvement. For
example, if you choose to use Lewin’s (1947) renowned change theory, within the ‘unfreezing’ stage’
you will be required to discuss the positive driving forces that will support your proposed change (for
example, involving all staff in a discussion to explore the benefits of the change, demonstrating the
positive impact on patient care, positive impact on resources such as staff time, staff job satisfaction
etc.). You would also discuss the negative restraining forces that could impede the change (for example,
resistance to change by staff, cost, lack of education etc.) The Force Field Analysis in Lewin’s theory
would inform the discussion here as you would need to consider if the factors against change outweigh
the factors for change. How might you address this? Are there any of the negative drivers that can be
influenced to provide a more positive impact?
Make it clear who should be involved to achieve the change and what effect the proposed change will
have on stakeholders, and the multi-professional health care team. Briefly consider how leadership
theory can be effectively used to enable and sustain the change in collaboration with the team from old
local care/professional practices to new evidence-based practices.
Make realistic recommendations for the implementation of your service improvement that are
State how the change will be measured for success, from a pre-change state to a post-change state.Conclusion (Maximum 400 words)
State what has been learned during this assignment, keeping it specific to the information covered in
the main body of this essay (no new material should be discussed).
Make recommendations for further self-development in terms of developing evidence-based practice
through; literature searching skills; skills in the analysis and evaluation of literature; growth as a leader
and growth as a change agent.
Finally make a recommendation for future research that is needed to give some specific evidence￾based information for current nursing practice e.g. a gap in the existing evidence-based knowledge in
the current research findings.
Summary of Literature Search

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Admission Essay For MBA Program

Admission Essay For MBA Program
2 pages
Admission Essay
2 pages
0 source
Paper detalis:
Admission essay for MBA program at LMU
Letter of Recommendation for MBA program

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Human Development (The breakfast Club)

Paper detalis:
Human Development Application Paper (150 Points)
This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the life span development concepts you have been learning throughout the course.
Access the film The Breakfast Club (1985) by John Hughes for this assignment. No substitutions.
Select one of these characters: John Bender (played be Judd Nelson)
Andrew Clark (played by Emilio Estevez)
Brian Johnson (played by Anthony Michael Hall)
Allison Reynolds (played by Ally Sheedy)
Claire Standish (played by Molly Ringwald)
Once you have identified which character you will analyze, fully cover the following topics in your paper:
• Introduction
Describe the character. Include general review of physical, cognitive, socioemotional and multicultural information. Describe why the character was placed in detention.
• Physical Development
Consider the ways in which the character demonstrates “normal” physical development through the use of at least 2 peer-reviewed empirical journal articles (and your text). Note any ways in which the character does not fit the expected adolescent physical developmental milestones. (Cite these ideas)
• Cognitive Development
Consider the ways in which the character demonstrates “normal” cognitive development through the use of at least 2 peer-reviewed empirical journal articles (and your text). Note any ways in which the character does not fit the expected adolescent cognitive developmental milestones. (Cite these ideas)
• Social Development
Based on theory and research, consider the ways in which the character demonstrates “normal” social development with the use of at least 2 peer-reviewed empirical journal articles (and your text). Note any ways in which the character does not fit the expected adolescent social developmental milestones. (Cite these ideas)
• Identity Development
Based on theory and research, consider the ways in which the character demonstrates “normal” identity development with the use of at least 2 peer-reviewed empirical journal articles (and your text). Note any ways in which the character does not fit the expected adolescent identity developmental milestones. (Cite these ideas)
• Implications for practice
Considering the factors identified in the above sections, how would a professional counselor incorporate the developmental theory and research in their work with this client (character)? Be specific here. What might application of this theory and research look like in the counseling room? (Cite these ideas)
• Resilience
Define resiliency based on the text and your research. Using your text and 2 peer-reviewed empirical journal articles, discuss factors that suggest your character currently has a high, medium or low level of resiliency. Identify social and/or behavioral changes that could help the character become more resilient.
• Resilience for Minorities. This film has very little diversity – gender and socio-economic diversity is present; all the students are approximately the same age. There is no diversity in race and sexual orientation. Consider an additional character in the film (one we add), who is a person of color and/or homosexual/bisexual/transgendered. What does the research suggest the kay factors of resilience would be for a minority teenager? Do they differ from resilience factors for white teens? In what ways?
• Personal Reflection on Adolescence
Summarize your adolescent development applying developmental theories and concepts to yourself (using text). Be through here – reviewing physical, cognitive, social and identity developmental stages and issues.
• Conclusion
Briefly summarize the paper. Then discuss your overall reaction to the assignment. What did you learn about yourself and life span development through this assignment.
NOTE: All research used for this paper should have been published within the last 10

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