International Business Research Project

International Business Research Project
Title International Business Research Project Prefered Language style English (U.S.)
Type of document Research Paper
Number of pages/words 5 Pages Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)
Subject area Company Analysis
Academic Level Undergraduate
Style APA
Number of sources/references 5
Order description:
All of the instructions below. Including the proper APA guidelines. They are very important to stick to, my professor is very particular about the format and grammar. Also, The rubric is included in the documents. This project will have 4 additional sections. If it is at all possible I would like the same person to work on them. Thank you in advance for your help.
International Business Research Project
The purpose of this Course Project is to engage students in understanding the far-reaching challenges and opportunities of operating an international business. Upon the completion of this Course Project, students will also have a greater appreciation of how culture, political systems, society, and other factors impact business practices not only domestically but internationally.
The Course Project must be comprehensive and follow the following analytical stages.
There are four sections in this Course Project and are due at the end of Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8. At the end of Week 8, you will submit a complete report containing all sections along with a cover page, table of contents, body text with appropriate subtitles, references page, and appendices. There is a separate reflection document which students will complete individually and submit.
Each section should be two- to three-pages in length with appropriate references shown on the references page. The final report should be 8- to 12-pages in length not including the cover page, references page, and appendices. If embedded images are used, they should be sized appropriately and integrated with the text.
Sections should be formatted according to DeVry’s APA guidelines. Refer to the Files section of the Course Menu for the DeVry Manual on APA as well as other supporting documents.
Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. At least five authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable). These should be referenced following APA guidelines.
Appropriate citations are required following APA guidelines.
All DeVry University Policies are in effect, including the Plagiarism Policy.
Please post any questions about these papers in the Course Q & A Forum in the Introduction and Resources module.
Your report will be graded on quality of research, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure (see rubrics below).
• Suggestions for Preparing Your Report
• Apply a three-step process of writing: Plan, Write, and Complete.
• Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
• Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
• Consider using visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report.
• Use graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, tables, and charts.
Section Outline
Section 1: Business Profile
• Name, history (background), and ownership (private, public, government, or mixed)
• Country or countries where the business operates
• Stock exchange identifier and listing
• Description of the products and services (4 P’s) offered and where sold
• SWOT analysis
Section 2: Competition, Social, and Economic Factors
• Competition
• Demographics of consumers
• Organization structure
• Entrance and exit strategies
• Government structure and economic indicators
Section 3: Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources
• Marketing strategies
• Pricing strategies
• Global operations and supply chain
• Compensation and appraisal system
• Employee culture, employer relations, and practices
Section 4: Global Finances
• Exchange rates
• Sources of funds
• Stock performance
• Accounting practices (GAAP and IFRS)
• Financial performance
• Initial thoughts about this project.
• What learning growth have you experienced?
• Thoughts on this project and its effect on your professional career.
• Suggestions for improving this Course Project.
• Thoughts on working individually or in a team of three.
Section 1: Select and Profile a Foreign Business
Due to globalization, there are a multitude of businesses that you can select. You have the option of selecting any legal business operating in a foreign country that is listed on a major stock exchange. You should select a business that is of interest to you and has information available for your report. In this section, you would provide an in-depth profile of your selected business covering items A through E.
Section 1: Business Profile
Items Needed
• Name, history (background), and ownership (private, public, government, or mixed)
• Country or countries where the business operates
• Stock exchange identifier and listing
• Description of the products and services (4 P’s) offered and where sold
• SWOT analysis
APA format; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors
• Cover page
• Table of contents
• References
• Appendices
Section 2: Competition, Social, and Economic Factors
This section should present an analysis of the operating environment for your selected business. It should include graphs and tables either embedded within the body text or in the appendices. Make sure you provide the appropriate sources for material that is not original.
Following are some questions to ask:
• Who are the competitors?
• Who purchases the products and/or services?
• How is my foreign business organized (e.g., flat, tall, matrix)?
• What are the various strategies for entering this country?
• What role does the government play in the operation of the business?
There are several sources from which the issues can be determined. They include business documents, textbooks, annual reports, business or government web sites, and published articles.
In this section, you would provide specific information on your selected business covering items A through E.
Section 2: Competition, Social, and Economic Factors
Description Items Needed
• Competition
• Demographics of consumers
• Organization structure
• Entrance and exit strategies
• Government structure and economic indicators
APA format; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors
• Cover page
• Table of contents
• References
• Appendices
Section 3: Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources
This section should present an analysis of the marketing, operations, and human resources for your selected business. It should include graphs and tables either embedded within the body text or in the appendices. For example, you could include a map showing where products or services are sold. In addition, you could have an illustration of the supply chain system showing the sources of materials and labor used throughout the world. Make sure you provide the appropriate sources for material that is not original.
Following are some questions to ask:
• How does my business market their products or services?
• How are prices established?
• What are the criteria for selection of suppliers?
• What are the wages of the employees? Competitive to similar businesses?
• What is the culture of your business?
There are several sources from which the issues can be determined. They include business documents, textbooks, annual reports, business or government web sites, and published articles.
In this section, you would provide specific information on your selected business covering items A through E.
Section 3: Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources
Items Needed
• Marketing strategies
• Pricing strategies
• Global operations and supply chain
• Compensation and appraisal system
• Employee culture, employer relations, and practices
APA format; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors
• Cover page
• Table of contents
• References
• Appendices
Section 4: Global Finances
This section should present an analysis of financial management for an international business. It should include a list of financial resources, as well as a one-year chart on the stock performance of your business. Finally, you would describe the accounting method used by your business and how you would use the business’s financial statements to analyze their business. Make sure you provide the appropriate sources for material that is not original.
Following are some questions to ask:
• How does fluctuating exchange rates affect my business?
• Where can my business go to secure financing?
• How has my business performed in the stock market?
• What impact has the IASB had on my business?
• How has my business benefited the stakeholders?
There are several sources from which the issues can be determined. They include business documents, textbooks, annual reports, business or government web sites, and published articles.
In this section, you would provide specific information on your selected business covering items A through E.
Section 4: Global Finances
Items Needed
• Exchange rates
• Sources of funds
• Stock performance
• Accounting practices (GAAP and IFRS)
• Financial performance
APA format; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors
• Cover page
• Table of contents
• References
• Appendices
• Reflection
Think about this assignment and write a well-thought-out reflection about how this assignment influenced your thinking about international business.
Items Needed
Statements are substantive and detailed: your thoughts on the project overall, actions taken, choices made over the course of the project, what learning and growth has occurred, your thoughts on the role of this project in developing a professional understanding, and competency in the world of international business.
APA format; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors

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Leadership and professional image – Evidence-Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research – Western Governors University

Paper details:
Health Problem
Increased hospitalization is due to factors such as aging among individuals and an increase in the number of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases. These chronic diseases have increased hospitalization hence the risk of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Therefore, the healthcare problem under discussion is hospital-acquired infections, which are acquired through various means that include the infections acquired through central line brood stream and surgical procedures. Some devices are also associated with HAIs. They include catheter of the urinary test, pneumonia ventilator. Some organisms associated with HAI are those that can resist drugs such as Staphylococcus aureus.
Task 1: Leadership Experience
Nursing is a practice discipline that includes direct and indirect care activities that affect health outcomes. As a baccalaureate nursing student, you are developing new competencies in leadership, and in order to achieve mastery, you must apply those competencies to live practice experiences and situations. This Leadership Learning Experience (LLE) is designed to allow you to choose a clinical focus (e.g., practice, policy, education, population) in which you apply your leadership problem–solving skills. The LLE requires engagement with other people within the setting to complete.
You will develop a project within a practice setting that allows you to develop these leadership skills. You will identify a problem area in a practice setting that you specifically want to address (e.g., practice, policy, population, education) that aligns with organizational priorities. Example sources for the problem area may include the following:
• Practice: joint commission standards, core measures as quality indicators, other data
• Policy: legislation, staffing ratio, regulations from state boards
• Population: children with diabetes, adult obesity
• Education: future of nursing, Benner’s recommendations about nursing education
You will focus on a real-life solution for the problem. You should choose a topic that is timely, manageable, and realistic to the current healthcare environment. An external resource person (i.e., manager, clinical leader, clinical educator, policy expert, or population expert) must confirm the relevance of the selected project and your engagement in the setting as part of project completion. As with all projects, you should think how you, as a nurse, function in the following roles: detective, scientist, and manager of the healing environment.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Note: Any information that would be considered confidential, proprietary, or personal in nature should not be included. Do not include the actual names of people, stakeholders, or other personally identifiable information. Fictional names should be used. Also, agency-specific data, including financial information, should not be included but should be addressed in a general fashion as appropriate.
Note: Your submission may be in a variety of formats (e.g., report, multimedia presentation).
1. Develop a written proposal by doing the following:
2. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.
Note: You may need to meet with your organization or practice setting, your manager, or your supervisor to help choose a current problem or issue.
1. Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose and the healthcare environment.
2. Discuss your investigation of the problem or issue.
3. Provide evidence to substantiate the problem or issue (e.g., organizational assessment, national source documents, evidence from a stakeholder).
4. Analyze the state of the situation using current data.
5. Analyze areas that might be contributing to the problem or issue.
6. Propose a solution or innovation for the problem or issue.
7. Justify your proposed solution or innovation based on the results of your investigation and analysis.
8. Recommend resources to implement your proposed solution or innovation. Include a cost-benefit analysis of your proposed solution or innovation.
9. Provide a timeline for implementation based on your proposal.
10. Discuss why eachkey stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation.
11. Summarize your engagement with the key stakeholders or partners, including the input and feedback you received.
12. Discuss how you intend to work with those key stakeholders or partners in order to achieve success.
13. Discuss how your proposed solution or innovation could be implemented, including how the implementation could be evaluated for success.
14. Explain how you fulfilled the following roles during your process of investigation and proposal development:
15. scientist
16. detective
17. manager of the healing environment
1. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
2. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
JLP Task 1 (0318)
Not Evident Approaching Competence Competent
A1. Problem or Issue An identification of the problem or issue is not provided. The identified problem or issue is not related to practice, policy, population, or education, or it does not align with organizational priorities that are in need of solving. The identified problem or issue is related to practice, policy, population, or education, and it aligns with organizational priorities that are in need of solving.
A1a. Explanation of Problem or Issue An explanation of the problem or issue is not provided. The explanation addresses the problem or issue, but it does not include an appropriate, logical rationale for why the problem or issue applies to the chosen area of practice and the healthcare environment. The explanation of the problem or issue includes an appropriate, logical rationale for why the problem or issue applies to the chosen area of practice and the healthcare environment.
A2. Investigation A discussion of the investigation of the problem or issue is not provided. The discussion of the investigation of the problem or issue is illogical or vague. Or the discussion is trivial or missing key . Or the discussion of the investigation is irrelevant to the problem or issue. The discussion of the investigation of the problem or issue is logical and sufficiently detailed. The discussion of the investigation is thorough and relates to the problem or issue.
A2a. Evidence of Problem or Issue Evidence to substantiate the problem or issue is not provided. The provided evidence fails to substantiate the problem or issue because it is not an appropriate form of evidence, or the evidence does not logically support the problem or issue. The provided evidence substantiates the problem or issue because it is an appropriate form of evidence (e.g., organizational assessment, national source documents, or evidence from a stakeholder), and it logically supports the problem or issue.
A3. Analysis An analysis is not provided. The analysis addresses the state of the situation, but current data is not used to support the analysis. Or the analysis is implausible or is not supported by specific examples. The analysis addresses the state of the situation using current data, and it is plausible and well supported with specific examples.
A3a. Contributors to Problem or Issue An analysis is not provided. The analysis is limited to addressing minor areas that contribute to the problem or issue. Or the analysis is implausible or is not supported with specific examples. The analysis addresses all the areas that potentially contribute to the problem or issue. The analysis is plausible and well supported with specific examples.
A4. Proposed Solution or Innovation A proposal for a solution or innovation for the problem or issue is not provided. The proposal of a solution or innovation to the problem or issue is illogical, inappropriate, or missing significant components. An appropriate solution or innovation is proposed for the problem or issue. The solution or innovation is logical, well reasoned, and includes allsignificant components.
A4a. Justification of Proposed Solution or Innovation A justification of the proposed solution or innovation is not provided. The justification of the proposed solution or innovation does not make logical connections between the problem and the solution, or it is not based on the results of the investigation or analysis. The justification of the proposed solution or innovation makes logical connections between the problem and the solution, and it is based on the results of the investigation and analysis.
A5. Resources and Cost-Benefit Analysis A recommendation or a cost-benefit analysis is not provided. The resources recommended for implementation of the proposed solution or innovation are inappropriate for the needs of the solution or innovation. Or the recommendation is missing key resources. Or a cost-benefit analysis is not included, or the analysis is illogical or not an accurate representation of the needs of the proposed solution or innovation. The resources recommended for implementation of the proposed solution or innovation are appropriate for the needs of the solution or innovation. The recommendation includes all essential resources. A cost-benefit analysis is included, and it is a logical and accurate representation of the needs of the proposed solution or innovation.
A6. Timeline A timeline for implementation is not provided. The timeline is not accurate or not achievable given the needs of the proposed solution or innovation. The timeline is accurate and achievable for the needs of the proposed solution or innovation.
A7. Importance of Key Stakeholders or Partners A discussion is not provided. At least 1 of the stakeholders or partners that are identified in the discussion are inappropriate for the implementation of the solution or innovation. Or essential stakeholders or partners are missing in the discussion. Or the discussion does not address why eachidentified stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation. All of the key stakeholders or partners that are identified are appropriate for the implementation of the solution or innovation, and there are no missing essential stakeholders or partners. The discussion also addresses why eachidentified stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation.
A7a. Engagement with Key Stakeholders or Partners A summary is not provided. The summary of the engagement with the key stakeholders or partners is vague or trivial. Or the summary does not include the input and feedback received from them. The summary of the engagement with the key stakeholders or partners is sufficiently detailed and meaningful, and it includes the input and feedback received from them.
A7b. Success A discussion is not provided. The discussion ineffectively addresses how to work with the key stakeholders or partners discussed in part A7 in order to achieve success. The discussion is illogical or is missing supportive . The discussion effectively addresses how to work with the key stakeholders or partners discussed in part A7 in order to achieve success. The discussion is logical and includes supportive .
A8. Implementation A discussion is not provided. The discussion ineffectively addresses how the proposed solution or innovation could be implemented. Or the plan for implementation is illogical or missing key . Or the discussion does not include an appropriate, well-supported, or well-reasoned plan for how the implementation could be evaluated for success. The discussion effectively addresses how the proposed solution or innovation could be implemented. The plan for implementation is logical and thorough. The discussion includes an appropriate, well-supported, and well-reasoned plan for how the implementation could be evaluated for success.
B1. Role of Scientist An explanation is not provided. The explanation ineffectively addresses how the role of the scientist was fulfilled during the investigation process and proposal development. Or the explanation is vague or lacks specific, relevant examples. The explanation effectively addresses how the role of the scientist was fulfilled during the investigation process and proposal development. The explanation is detailed and includes specific, relevant examples.
B2. Role of Detective An explanation is not provided. The explanation ineffectively addresses how the role of the detective was fulfilled during the investigation process and proposal development. The explanation is vague or lacks specific, relevant examples. The explanation effectively addresses how the role of the detective was fulfilled during the investigation process and proposal development. The explanation is detailed and includes specific, relevant examples.
B3. Role of Manager of the Healing Environment An explanation is not provided. The explanation ineffectively addresses how the role of the manager of the healing environment was fulfilled during the investigation process and proposal development. The explanation is vague or lacks specific, relevant examples. The explanation effectively addresses how the role of the manager of the healing environment was fulfilled during the investigation process and proposal development. The explanation is detailed and includes specific, relevant examples.
C. Verification Form A submission is not provided. The “Professional Verification Form” from the organizational leader advising leadership experience is submitted, but the submission is incomplete. The submission of the “Professional Verification Form” from the organizational leader advising leadership experience is complete.
D. The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style. The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style.
E. Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.

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Case study on Innovation and competition in the knowledge economy

Paper details:
The case study must be no longer than 3000 words (+/- 10%) excluding tables, graphs and bibliography.
This assignment requires you to write a case study on business innovation and competition: focusing on a company of your choice, write a case study articulating the company’s approach to innovation and how innovation helps the company to remain competitive. Use some of the theories and models that we have studied in the module in order to interpret the evidence from your case study. Discuss what you have learned from applying these theories and models to the understanding of the company’s approach to innovation and of how it uses innovation in order to compete. The case can be supported by evidence collected from secondary sources: academic literature, company reports, market intelligence, databases (such as patent databases, company databases etc.)
Select a company for which reliable information is available, for example because:
• There are already academic case studies written on that company’s innovation and business/competitive strategies, that you can reference
• There are public company reports can be easily accessed (a good database on which to search for company reports and general company information such as press releases and articles from the trade press is NexisLexis)
Helpful hints on how to write your case:
Provide a short general introduction that describes:
• The company’s sector of operation, and the nature of the innovation processes in the industry
• The company’s main economic activity and key economic data (size in terms of number of employees, turnover, location and main organizational structure if possible)
Describe the company’s approach to innovation and how innovation helps the company to remain competitive, for example by exploring:
• What resources are they dedicating to innovation?
• Where do they source their ideas for innovation?
• How do they organize their innovation processes?
• What kind of innovation outputs do they generate (patents, new products, new processes)?
• How do they protect their innovations from imitation?
• How do they use innovation in order to enter or create new markets?
Analyse the company’s approach to innovation and competition:
• What theories and models presented in the course help explain:
• Why do they adopt their approach to innovation? What are the industry/market/firm-specific factors that drive their approach to innovation?
• Why do they choose specific competitive strategies?
Using theories and models to interpret the evidence is very important: do not just describe the company’s approach to innovation and competition, but analyse it in light of the literature that we have explored in the module.

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Diversity Plan

Diversity Plan
– Social Issues
Type of service:
Research Paper
Double spacing
Paper format:
Number of pages:
8 pages
Number of sources:
3 sources
Paper details:
Develop a comprehensive Diversity Plan based on your completed Needs Assessment. Include measurable goals and objectives, and an Action Plan that includes implementation, training, and evaluation. Proper APA style is required. Minimum length: 8-10 pages with at least 3 references in addition to your texts. (15 points.)
PLEASE USE (Harvey, C. and Allard, J. (2014) Understanding and Managing Diversity (6th ed.) NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.) AS ONE OF THE THREE SOURCES.

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