The Complexity of Intercultural Communication
Task: What is the importance and the function of cross-cultural management in international
Title: A nice title – clear and pertinent
1. Introduction – what is this essay about?
The importance and value of understanding culture as a key element in successful
international business
A brief introduction to your essay – what is it about?
2. Literature Review
a. Culture:
The definition of culture, the function of culture in a society and the theoretical
model/framework to be used to study culture (for example, Hofstede, Hall,
Trompenaar’s models)
b. Cross-cultural Management
Strategies and model/frameworks used to study and practice cross-cultural
management, for example, the 3-step model in the lecture notes.
3. Case studies
Choose two countries, could be your own country and a different country, or two different
countries from yours. Compare the similarities and the differences between these two
countries. Consider, what are the social changes in these two cultural backgrounds in the
past two or three decades? How do you evaluate and make arguments on these changes?
Create a simulated businesses environment that you need to manage a mixed group of
employees from these two countries; what do you need to know and to do?
Please note, in this essay, we only focus on the national cultures. We do not discuss
organisational cultures.
4. Conclusion
Briefly conclude your essay. Provide “A list of tips that global managers need to know about
cross-cultural management”.
Use at least 10 references, including 3-5 academic journal papers.
2500 words (10% margin, exclusive of reference list and appendix), submission: week 10,
Friday, 05/12/2014 to Turnitin only. Turnitin closes at 23:59.
Use Harvard System to properly reference your essay, including both in-text referencing and
end of paper reference list. Improper referencing will lead a mark loss or a fail. You should
upload a Microsoft Word document to Turnitin.
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