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I’m taking this music class, and it’s my second time taking it because we’re allowed to get credit twice from it, so we have an assignment to listen to certain clips that i can’t provide the link for since it’s limited access. i have my paper for the same clip from last semester and i just want someone to rephrase it for me it’s only 700 words very simple

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Think of an event in your life and explain where your perception was different from the perception of another. Identify what happened that made you aware that perceptions were not the same. Drawing from the Reading, why do perceptual errors occur?

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You have been hired by McDonalds UK to work in its Corporate HR division with responsibility for further improving its reputation as an employer.

  • Undertake a brief SWOT analysis for McDonalds’ position in the labour market and discuss the people management implications of that SWOT analysis.
  • Set out your principal recommendations as to the steps the company should now take in order to further re-brand itself positively as a good employer.
  • What wider purposes could be served for the company if it succeeds in further turning round its image as a poor employer?


  • You are expected to demonstrate an awareness of relevant concepts underpinning the Human Side of Management as a field of study
  • Critically reflect on the key debates, arguments, criticisms relating to people management that arise from the case study.
  • In addition, you are expected to show theoretical depth and breadth on arguments and recommendations relating to Management of people.

Finally, demonstrate a critical awareness of the contemporary and competitive business environment as the context within which management of people takes place.



> 2500 words + or – 10% (not including contents and reference list)

> You need to support your work with reference to academic sources (e.g. books and journal articles) as well as examples of organisational good practice (e.g. practitioner magazine articles / websites – chosen carefully). Use Harvard referencing style (see the Learning Resources website:

> 10-15 Reference.

> 0% plagiarism.

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Module 4 – SLP

Economics of Organization and Strategy

For this final SLP, imagine that your business has become successful and you are now considering expanding the scope of your company. Carefully review all of the required background materials, and then write a three-page paper answering the following questions. Make sure to cite at least one of the required readings for each of your answers:

  1. If you were to engage in horizontal integration, which of your direct competitors would you decide to acquire? Overall, do you think horizontal integration is the best long-run plan for your business if it is successful?
  2. Do you think your business should vertically integrate over time? Should you engage in backwards vertical integration, forward vertical integration, both, neither? Explain your reasoning.
  3. How about diversification/conglomerate strategy? Any advantage to diversifying your business? Discuss unrelated diversification and related diversification and whether or not these strategies might be good for your business. Explain your reasoning.

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