Research Proposal and combination of 2 previous papers


You are not conducting original research; you will only be developing a proposal for future research. You identified a model to promote EBP clinical research on Narcolepsy & Cataplexy. Please use model to organize your final proposal. In addition, integrate the Part 1 PICO(T) paper, Part 2 Literature review and this Part 3 to synthesize your findings and draw conclusions. Include in Part 3 how you might apply for funding for this project. Please use the Proposal paper outline provided for you during the first week as a guide for your paper. 

This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract is required for this final proposal.   The Final EBPG proposal requires 7 pages in addition to the title page, abstract page, and reference page.

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Module 09 Discussion – Thank You Letter


Write and post a sample “thank you” letter to the potential employer you just had an interview with.

Optimal Resume is a good resource to use when developing a “thank you” letter or utilizing letter examples.

Add a comment on how you felt about writing this letter and why it is an important addition to post-interview etiquette? You may put the sample thank you letter on a word document and submit as an attachment to the discussion post box. This sample thank you letter is one you will want to keep for future reference.

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cultural interview

Interview a person from a different cultural background and have them explain one of their rites or customs. Write a description of this culture practice. Your paper should be: One (1) page tittle page  reference page  Typed according to APA style for margins, formating and spacing standards 

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Technology is integral to successful implementation in many projects,   through either support or integration or both. Name at least one   technology that could improve the implementation process and the   outcomes of your EBP project. Do you plan to use this technology? If   not, what are the barriers that prevent its use?

Kimberly s response

One way in which technology is important in my EBP is by the utilization of the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR). This system was originally created in 1998 to be a database which held childhood immunization registries. It has since been further developed due to the change in the Michigan Public Health Code. It now includes not only children but citizens of all ages. It is a program which allows all providers including pharmacies, schools, and other health care organizations to input immunization information into one comprehensive record (MCIR, n.d.). It also includes things such as hearing and vision testing and lead testing. Because lead testing is found in this database, it would help me to identify children who may be at a higher risk of lead exposure from addresses located within the database as well as if they have had lead testing done.

Another avenue which I may decide to look at would be the Women, Infant, Children (WIC) program. They use a database provided by the State of Michigan which provides a central schedule. If I identify families who may need education regarding lead I can see if they have an appointment and, if so, offer them lead education.

As far as utilizing this technology, I am unsure right now. If I need to after talking at more length with my mentor, I will not hesitate to use it. It is my plan to develop a pamphlet which can be handed out to high risk families which would mean I would not need to use the database. If CCPHD would like a more targeted approach, then I will utilize WIC and MCIR which would allow me names and addresses of families in high risk areas.


MCIR. (n.d.). Improving healthcare in Michigan. Retrieved from

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