CLABSI and CAUTI educational flyer

Please provide two separate flyers with each topic. Provide information on each topic. Provide bullet points on preventative measures. This is to educate the nursing staff. When speaking on CAUTI please include female and male external catheter and the care needed for peri care.

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Minimum of 250 words

Consider an organization in your field or industry. Describe the essential systems necessary to facilitate continuous change without compromising quality or causing burnout among employees. Describe three factors to consider when making sure that the changes made become permanently imbedded in the organization’s culture.

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Politics and the Law. The Health Care System. Economics of Health Care.

Politics and the Law.

The Health Care System.

Economics of Health Care.

Read chapter 10, 11 & 12 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions; Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process.   Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy. Describe the organization of the public healthcare subsystem at the federal, state, and local levels. Discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care.

As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard name “Week 3 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 evidence-based references are required (not counting the class textbook) no older than 5 years.  A minimum of 2 replies to any of your peers are required sustained with the proper references.  A minimum of 700 words without counting the first and last reference is required.  Please make sure you follow the instructions as given.

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Submit 2-3 pages describing the Methods/Design and Statistical Analysis that you will use in your project. Use the evidence from the peer reviewed articles that you have critically appraised and synthesized. Follow APA format and cite references. Include the following: Describe the evaluative criteria (indicators or variables) to be addressed in answering each evaluation question. Describe the research approaches to be used to answer each question and why they are appropriate to the evaluation questions posed. Describe in specific detail how data will be collected related to each of your evaluative criteria/indicators. Discuss exactly how the data be collected, when, and by whom. Describe any data collection tools in terms of their development and appropriateness in answering the evaluation questions. Provide information on validity and reliability of tools, if available. Explain why the data collection methods are appropriate to the research approach, type of data, and purpose of the evaluation. Describe how you will analyze the data, including specific statistical tests to be used. Include dummy data tables if applicable to show how you will display your findings.

Expectations Due: Monday, 11:59 pm P.T. Length: 2-3 pages Format: APA 6th ed. Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years

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