Discussion 2 – D

Please answer to this discussion post with a minimum of 200 words, APA Style, and no plagiarism. 


Hi Class:

I think that Medicaid has had a greater impact compared to Medicare. Medicaid is a government program aimed at supporting low income households by ensuring they can access quality healthcare at low prices. It is funded by both the state and federal levels of government (“1. Introduction: The Medicaid Story,” 2010). It supports these households by covering medical costs associated with medical as well as long term healthcare for individuals that qualify. Medicaid has been identified as the country’s largest public health insurance program. It provides affordable health insurance to people in rural America and to communities that are considered poor.

Due to the fact that this program is funded by two independent bodies, it varied from state to state. Usually, the federal government sets minimum requirements or eligibility standards, amount to be paid as premium and the scope of services available to an individual ((“1. Introduction: The Medicaid Story,” 2010). For one to be eligible for Medicaid, one has to meet strict requirements which are financially based. The entire program has very strict income eligibility requirements which vary from state to state. Klosko (2017) explains that due to this requirement, some of the benefits users of Medicaid get are determined by the financing agreement between both parties.

General services offered under Medicaid include specified inpatient and outpatient services, family planning, nursing facilities and doctors services.

Medicaid is popular among Americans due to the various benefits its users gain from it. However, one should note that there is no single package benefit because the state imposes specific minimum requirements before one is insured (Klosko, 2017). Benefits range from covering preventive healthcare such as immunizations, acute cases for example, where a patient has been hospitalized as well as behavioral conditions such as counselling and psychiatric hospitalization. Non-health services are also covered which include supportive services which are tailor made for people living with disabilities. Disabled patients are given services which allow them to work comfortably in the community which they live.


1. Introduction: The Medicaid Story. (2010). The Politics of Medicaid. doi:10.7312/olso15060-003

Klosko, G. (2017). Medicare and Medicaid. Oxford Scholarship Online. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199973415.003.0008

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participation one (3167)


Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising    evidence for nursing practice(9th. ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer

ISBN: 978-1-4963-5129-6 

Unit 1 Class Participation, Polit and Beck (2018), Chapter 1

1. The highest potential points for in-class participation are 5-points. Please use these guidelines for online  participation. To earn points for weekly class participation, you must submit a one paragraph (100-125 words) summary of one of the required Polit and Beck (2018) readings from each unit. APA format is not required, but the material must be paraphrased, cited, and referenced. The citation and reference will always be Polit and Beck (2018). Include the page number(s) you found the material on in your citation. Put your name, date, and unit number at the top of the paper, immediately followed by the summary and then the reference. All of the above should be submitted on one page. 

The same text book should be used as for discussion one IP (3167):

Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising    evidence for nursing practice(9th. ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer
ISBN: 978-1-4963-5129-6 

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Please Follow Instructions. Answer Every Question. Al Least 250 Worlds In APA Format. Academic References Need.SUBTANTIVE POST Please. Thanks


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