Mod 3 SLP BHE418


For Module 3, conduct a literature search utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles, books, professional organization Web sites and articles, etc., to continue working on your program/intervention plan (which you started in Module 2) and propose appropriate evaluation measures to evaluate effectiveness of your program.

Write a paper (3 pages in length) including a complete workplan that shows your implementation procedures to address the health behavior and describing your methods to evaluate your program/intervention. A workplan sample can be found at

The following items will be assessed in particular: Use the feedback I gave you in the previous module to refine and update your goal and objectives. Include a complete workplan with the following components: goals, objectives, activities, data measurement tools, timeframe, responsible person, and measures of success. Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your program. Make sure to include information on what evaluation tool you plan to use (e.g., questionnaire and survey). Discuss how you will know if your program or intervention is effective. Refer back to your program goal and objectives. SLP Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

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db 4


t is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. This is not the only criteria utilized for evaluation; substantive content is imperative. All questions in the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments. All responses need to be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citation and reference must adhere to APA format (6th Ed.). Classroom Participation

Students are expected to initially address the discussion question by Wednesday of each week. Participation in the discussion forums is expected with a minimum total of three (3) substantive postings (this includes your initial posting and posting to two peers) on three (3) different days per week. Substantive means that you add something new to the discussion, you aren’t just agreeing. This is also a time to ask questions or offer information surrounding the topic addressed by your peers. Personal experience is appropriate for a substantive discussion and should be correlated to the literature.

All discussion boards will be evaluated utilizing rubric criterion inclusive of content, analysis, collaboration, writing and APA. If you fail to post an initial discussion you will not receive these points, you may however post to your peers for partial credit following the guidelines above. Due to the nature of this type of assignment and the need for timely responses for initial posts and posting to peers, the Make-Up Coursework Policy (effective July 2017) does not apply to Discussion Board Participation.

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Health Care Policy / Lee County


Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, , 

In this web your are going to Select the following County in Florida: LEE county in Florida (this is the  county in which you reside, attend school, or plan to live and work). After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions as part of your discussion.

1. Select one area in need of improvement and list the general statistics pertaining to the specific problem ( I would like to select adult obesity or uninsured).

2. How does the creation of the community health center program help to address the  public health problem selected by you ?

3.  what can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problem?

-APA  style 

-at least 3 scholarly sources are requested (No older that 5years) . One of the sources is the link provided for this homework.

Examples of scholarly sources:

-Published journal articles, books and other works (encyclopedias & newspapers)

-Official websites ending in .gov, .org, .edu (CDC,NIH,ADA,WHO, HARVARD, FIU,FNU)

Do not use Sites such as Wikipedia, WebMD, Nursingworld, Allnurses they are NOT scholarly sources.

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Culture, Family, and Community.


1) **********minimum 6 full pages (3 pages each document) ( not words)**************************** (cover or reference page not included)

2)¨**********APA norms  (All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs)

3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign 

4) References not older than 5 years

5) Each answer must be identified according to the question number. Check the list of questions. Your answer should start objectively answering the question










You must answer 4 questions 2 times. 

You must submit 2 documents (each one 3 page).

Copy and paste will not be admitted. 

You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.



1.  Define Culture, Family, and Community and discuss how they are related.

2.  Mention and discuss what cultural concepts will you use to provide nursing care to families, communities and, aggregates.

3.  Mention and discuss potential health problems in refugees and immigrant populations.

4.  Mention and discuss interventions that are culturally sensitive and relevant to address the health concerns of a refugee population.

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