Presentation on Shifts in the Healthcare Industry

Presentation on Shifts in the Healthcare Industry

You are a newly hired VP of mergers and special projects.  You have noticed that there are shifts in the healthcare industry and you want to ensure your facility can continue to sustain itself in the future.  You want to make a recommendation to pursue a specific population to increase funding, but you must make a logical explanation to the board.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides) and make a recommendation to the board. Use the notes section in PowerPoint to provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation that fully explain each point and justification for your recommendations. Create a timeline of the development of the US healthcare system which includes the following : The shift from physician power to insurance company control. Public versus private sector institutions. Medicare and Medicaid, Prospective Payment System, and the trend shift from private insurance to HMO. Potential impact of U.S. healthcare system reform. Discuss long-term care, special populations and palliative care.  Also address insurance types for different populations and settings, systems for measuring quality, and types of providers working in each type of facility.

Make a recommendation on serving one of the populations (long-term care, special populations, and palliative care).

By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_


Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCreated an accurate timeline of the US healthcare system which included the shift to insurance company control, public vs. private sector, Medicare, Medicaid, Prospective Payment System, HMO and healthcare system reform.36Discussed long-term care, special populations and palliative care.32Addressed insurance types for different populations and settings, systems for measuring quality, and types of providers working in each type of facility.44Included a feasible recommendation on serving one of the populations (long term care, special populations, palliative care).44Style (4 points): Tone, audience, and word choice Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style44Total:200

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Future Directions

This week’s topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO). CO9: Examine future trends in community health nursing, including the impact of information systems and evidence-based practice. (PO8)

Review this week’s lesson and assigned reading on the nurses’ role in population health, and reflect on what you have learned in this course. Address the following questions. What future concerns are likely to impact public health? How do you see global health concerns impacting your community? Identify one way that you can implement population health in your community or workplace.

Please share specific examples.


Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier. Chapter 15: Health in the Global Community, pp. 275-278, 281-284 Required Articles:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2017). Catalysts for change: Harnessing the power of nurses to build population health in the 21st century [executive summary]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Premji, S. S., & Hatfield, J. (2016). Call to action for nurses/nursing. Biomed Research International, 2016, 3127543. doi:10.1155/2016/3127543. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


The Future of Community Health Nursing Introduction: As we look to the future, nurses focused on population health concerns will continue to play an essential role in improving the health of our nation and the world. Increased emphasis on health promotion and illness prevention will help to build a culture of health. Technology can play an important role in this effort. “Nursing informatics (NI) is the specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice” (American Nurses Association, 2014, para. 1).

Community health nurses have been pioneers in the use of information systems. Long ago, they recognized the value of electronic health records to store, transport, and report data online. The need to collect and report aggregate data has spurred the digitization of community and public health records. Also, community health nurses have understood the value of handheld computing devices that allow them to access and document information while on the go, thus freeing them from the need to tote paper records or go to the office to chart. Information technology has influenced the way that community health nurses carry out their daily functions in profound ways. Nursing Informatics

Nursing informatics constitutes the use of specific tools, functional areas, and competencies. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (2015) asserts that healthier communities can be created through health information technology and nursing informatics, but how can this be accomplished? Community health nurses are involved in the following aspects of information management. Public health informatics includes reporting, outbreak response, surveillance, health promotion, and electronic laboratory reporting, among other types of applications. Clinical informatics pertains to informatics and information technology used by clinicians, including nurses who are involved in system design, implementation, and adoption.

Image DescriptionReflection

Think about your computer and information literacy levels. Are they adequate for the role of a community health nurse? What are areas in nursing informatics for which you would like to grow your skills? Tools for Information Management in the Community

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2009) has developed informatics competencies for public health professionals. These include the following skills. Leadership and thinking Financial planning and management Public health science Cultural competency Analytic and assessment Community practice Policy development and program planning

As you can see, the skill set is very broad. Impact of Health IT

Communities have leveraged the power of health information technology to help serve their populations. Let’s look at a few uses of health IT and consider if these are present in your community at large. Consumer E-Health Tools

People use a variety of tools to access and update their health information. These tools enhance participation and involvement in the healthcare process.

Personal health records (PHRs) are controlled by the patient and not the healthcare provider. Individuals can generate many health records during a lifetime. Think about how many healthcare providers you may have encountered since your birth. One way to create a comprehensive cradle-to-grave health record is to give responsibility to the individual to maintain it. There are still many issues to resolve before PHRs become a common part of the health IT landscape. The Question

What barriers exist to the widespread adoption and use of PHRs? Your Answer

Compare Answers

Health kiosks are publicly available health information centers that can distribute materials to targeted audiences. For example, a pharmacy may be an ideal location for information about high blood pressure or diabetes testing. Research has shown that healthcare kiosks are a cost-effective way to provide education to patients and improve health outcomes (Roxanne, Suzanne, Edgardo, & William, 2014).

Smartphones are used increasingly to record and send health information via e-mail or short messages. These phones can help reinforce healthy behavior. One study found that influenza vaccine text message reminders to high risk clients increased compliance (Regan, Bloomfield, Peters, & Effler, 2017). The messages remind clients that flu season is approaching and they can call their local healthcare provider to schedule an appointment to receive their seasonal influenza vaccine! Community nurses can recommend mobile phone services and a wide array of health apps to help our clients and aggregates prevent illness and improve their health.

Technology exists all around us, but are we exploiting its potential? Think of creative ways in which a commonly owned device, such as a smartphone, could be used to promote healthy living among your population. Telehealth

This technology enables care providers to deliver healthcare at a distance. It can take many forms but the more common approach is through phone, Internet, or video conferencing. Those in rural and underserved communities have welcomed the advantages that telehealth can bring, such as referral to specialists who live at a distance, remote monitoring of health conditions, and education and training to those in sparsely populated areas.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is recognized as a world leader in the use of telehealth to meet the needs of veterans who have difficulty traveling to its large medical centers. The Telehealth Services (2015) has more than 700 community-based outpatient clinics that help bring care to this population but there are still not enough specialists to staff every site. A solution has been to bring the specialists to the veterans through real-time, clinic-based video telehealth. Healthcare providers can diagnose and manage care from a distance. Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)

Health information exchanges do just what their label implies. Health-related data are made accessible to healthcare providers, public health officials, insurance companies, governmental agencies, and other key stakeholders. Past Accomplishments

Building on Florence Nightingale’s achievements, Lillian Wald, Lavinia Dock, Mary Breckinridge, and other nursing visionaries cared for vulnerable populations. They embodied social justice, empowered communities, and were the voice for populations that had no voice.

In the early 20th century, public health focused on infectious disease control and better sanitation. Over time, the focus changed to lifestyles and health behaviors, a change exemplified by the Healthy People initiatives.

We are now in the process of implementing the Healthy People 2020 objectives, this is a good time to look back to the end of the 20th century and review what has been accomplished. At the close of the 20th century, the 10 greatest public health achievements for the century were recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Now that another decade has passed, the most recent achievements from 2001 to 2010 are listed below (not ranked in any specific order) (CDC, 2011). The 10 Greatest Public Health Achievements

Roll over each link on the left for more information.Reflection

As you think about these great public health achievements, what role has evidence-based practice played in their success?

Improvements in public health have had an immense impact on the U.S. population. The CDC report describes seven out of ten achievements that have focused on at least one of the major leading causes of death (CDC, 2011). Community and public health nurses will continue to serve in key roles to improving overall health of populations. The Future

The Healthy People initiate has guided many improvements in health care and health outcomes. We are nearing the third decade guided by Healthy People. Great progress has been made in previous decades but we will continue to be challenged to meet the objectives. What does the future hold for us?

As we have read this week, in order to improve health for all populations, we have to include global health priorities. The CDC (2017) continues to lead the way in research, health promotion, and prevention. Recently outbreaks such as Zika, Ebola, and measles have heightened attention to global health. Watch this video created by the CDC on global health.

CDC. (2017). Protecting Americans through global health. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(3.44 min)


Community health nurses will do what they have always done to make a difference in the health of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. The traditional activities of monitoring the health status of communities and the environment, informing and educating, referring to needed resources, empowering communities, and mobilizing community partnerships to solve health problems, and evaluating their effectiveness will continue to be the focus of community health nursing practice. New information, challenges, and care delivery models will be available to aid in the efforts. Reflection

Reflect on the course readings, discussion posts, and assignments you have completed during this term. Consider the following. What topics did you find to be of most benefit to you? How well prepared are you to assume a position as a community health nurse? What gaps remain in your knowledge and skill that you would like to close after this course is finished? How will you continue to advance your expertise in the future?

As you contemplate your answers, think about your future career path. Where do you see yourself working in the next year, two years, five years, and beyond? How will you get there? Summary

This week, we explored the various uses of technology in the community health setting. As advances occur, a role of the community health nurse is to look for ways to use newer technologies to help them meet their mission—improve the health of the populations in their communities.

This course has provided you with the basic foundation to become a community health nurse. The principles that have been presented are applicable to any type of nursing you may pursue. We wish you the best on your journey toward becoming a Chamberlain University, College of Nursing, BSN-prepared nurse. References

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2017). Protecting Americans through global health. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2009). Competencies for public health informaticians 2009. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Ten great public health achievements: United States, 2001–2010. MMWR, 60(19), 619–623.

Health Information and Management Systems Society. (2015). Position statement: Nursing informatics. Retrieved from

Regan, A. K., Bloomfield, L., Peters, I., & Effler, P. V. (2017). Randomized controlled trial of text message reminders for increasing influenza vaccination. Annals of Family Medicine, 15(6), 507–514. doi:10.1370/afm.2120

Roxanne, N., Suzanne, B., Edgardo, O., & William, S. (2014). Medical utilization of kiosks in the delivery of patient education: A systematic review. Health Promotion Perspectives, 4(1), 1–8. doi:10.5681/hpp.2014.001

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: VA Telehealth Services. (2015). Real-time clinic based video telehealth. Retrieved from

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building power as a nurse

You have been an RN for 3 years. Six months ago, you left your position as a day charge nurse at one of the local hospitals to accept a position in the public health agency. You really miss your friends at the hospital and find most of the public health nurses older and aloof. However, you love working with your patients and have decided that this is where you want to build a lifetime career. Although you believe that you have some good ideas, you are aware that because you are new, you will probably not be able to act as change agent yet. Eventually, you would like to be promoted to agency supervisor and become a powerful force for stimulating growth within the agency. You decided that you can do a few things to build a power base. You spend a weekend designing a personal power-building plan


Make a power-building plan. Give six to ten specific examples of thing you would do to build a power base in the new organization. Provide rationale for each selection. Outline specific actions that you would take. It might be helpful to consider your own community and personal strengths when solving this learning experience.

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neeed initial discussion for assignment below

APA format 3 references 1 from walden university library due Tuesday April 9 at 7pm EST  Please use scenario 1 for the discussion post 

directions are below the scenario


Scenario 1: In-service for nursing staff   Orange City is a mid-sized town comprised mostly of elderly and retired Caucasian adults. Since the addition of a new highway, shopping mall, and various other small businesses, Orange City has seen a recent explosion of families moving into the area. Many of these families come from diverse backgrounds adding a new layer of cultural diversity to the city. Because the nurses at Orange City hospital have traditionally worked with the same type of clientele, many have been taken off guard when individuals deny certain health care measures due to religious or cultural beliefs. One day the nursing manager approaches you, the nurse educator, and asks if you could create an in-service that highlights the ways culture and religion can impact patient responses to medicine, preventative care, and treatment options.


To prepare: Reflect on this week’s Learning Resources, paying specific attention to the alignment between learning activities and learning objectives. Review this week’s media, Crafting Learning Objectives, to examine an effective approach to crafting meaningful, measurable learning objectives. Select one of the scenarios above for your posting. Then, consider the following questions: What are the learning needs illustrated in the scenario? What meaningful learning objectives could you craft to address these learning needs? How could you use the learning objectives to create an educational, learner-centered activity? What type of activity might you create to help your learners achieve the learning objectives? How can you use the learning objectives to measure if learning has taken place? Using your answers to the questions above, create learning objectives and a learning activity applicable to your scenario.

Posting Directions: When creating your post, use the title: “Learning activity for Scenario _____.”

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