week 5 1.1

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Do children with obese parents, that are inactive with unhealthy lifestyles, compared to children with active and healthy parents, have a lower BMI in six months? The (P) would be the children  (I) activity level and diet (C) obese parents versus non-obese parents (O) BMI in 6 months. 

· Explain your specific research approach (qualitative or quantitative) and how it has the potential to answer your research question.

The quantitative approach is tested involving research of a large group sample with less time for collecting evidence or data. It is based on an actual measurement, amount, and extent (length of time) such as 3 months, 6 months, or a year. When researching the The quantitative approach is due to tracking the BMI of children in a six month time frame based on the lifestyles their exposed to and the diet choices they have available. Initially, I would need to obtain the weight of the children from both obese and non-obese parents, and then would need to do a comparison in 3 months and again in 6 months to have statistics to compare.  

· Discuss you data collection method, addressing strengths and identifying one potential weakness.

As mentioned above, obtaining data in a 3 month and 6 month time frame, would be a reliability approach in regards to the test-retest reliability. Obtaining data in 3 months and then comparing the data again in 6 months will be able to show a comparison of the weight. As mentioned by Polit and Beck, structured observation occurs based on the researcher and where, at what time, with which participants, and in what circumstances, and they use standard procedure for specific goals (2017). The strength of this study would be the accuracy of measuring the weight of the participants and comparing in the 3 and 6 month mark. The one potential weakness though in researching this would be the behavioral changes of an individual knowing that their being evaluated. For example, the obese individual may not drink as much soda or be a bit more active than if they know they are being observed. 

· Identify the actions you are proposing that will help ensure that quality data may be produced by your EBP project.

With the data being collected and compared, actions being proposed are healthier eating habits and increasing physical activity in order to decrease weight and reduce the risk of modifiable illnesses in children to prevent chronic issues from occurring at a younger age. By obtaining the weight of the parents and children, it would be beneficial to explain the reasoning behind the research and share that information with the parents in order for the changes to begin. Children are not aware of the effects of unhealthy eating and limited activity. Once the data is collected and compared, parents might be able to realize the changes that need to be made and the information is shared by a table or graph. In order to get past barriers, strategies need to be aimed at instilling an appreciation for EBP, increasing knowledge, developing necessary skills, and changing behaviors (Dang and Dearholt, 2017). 

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