Health Behavior Case 4-Task Force On Community Preventive

Required Reading

Guide to Community Prevention Services (2016). 2016 Annual Report to Congress, Federal Agencies, and Prevention Stakeholders. Retrieved from

Guide to Community Preventive Services (2013). Increasing physical activity. Accessed on July 14, 2016 from

Kahn, E. B., Ramsey, L.T., Brownson R., Heath, G.W., Howze, E.H., Powell, K.E., Stone, E.J., Rajab, M.W., Corso, P. and the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (2002). The effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity: a systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(4S), 73-107. Retrieved from

Task Force on Community Preventive Services (2002). Recommendations to increase physical activity in communities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 22(4S), 67-72. Retrieved from

Optional Readings

Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health (2001). Findings and recommendations. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp. 329-350). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from

Optional Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018). General format. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018). In-text citations: The basics. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018). Reference list: Basic rules. Retrieved from


The Task Force on Community Preventive Services recommends community-wide campaigns strategy to be effective in increasing physical activity and improving physical fitness among adults and children. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your position in a 3-page paper.

The following items in particular will be assessed: Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the findings that community-wide campaign strategies are effective in increasing physical activity and improving physical fitness among adults and children. Defend your position by providing empirical evidence. Based on your required readings and your own research, what strategies do you think are effective in increasing and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle?

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Module 11 Discussion – Quality and Safety

Consider all of the factors of quality and safety that you have learned about in the past 10 weeks.

In the discussion forum this week explain why we would choose to place so much emphasis on QSEN at the start of the Practical Nursing Program. 

Then, choose one of the QSEN competencies (Patient Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Informatics, Evidence Based Practice, Safety, or Quality Improvement) and one attitude that you think is most important for a student nurse to incorporate in their practice right from the start.  Please add at least one or two references in APA formatting and plagiarism free

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Nightingale Information New to You

CO2 Use lessons from nursing history to integrate clinical judgment into professional nursing practice (PO 4)

CO3 Demonstrate responsibility for continued professional growth by exploring the nursing and lay literature related to historical nursing practice (PO 5)

The basic story of Florence Nightingale is familiar to most nurses. This week we learned more about Nightingale’s life and work. Select at least one piece of the Nightingale legacy that was new to you and tell us how this changed your understanding of this great woman and her contributions to nursing.

references : Resources

Judd, D., & Sitzman, K. (2014). A history of American nursing: Trends and eras (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett

Karimi, H., & Masoudi Alavi, N. (2015). Florence Nightingale: The Mother of Nursing. Nursing and midwifery studies, 4(2), e29475.

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MN568 Discussion Board: Topic – Vascular Dementia

No Plegarism please,  will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 300 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: 3 references with intext citations.  

Neurologic System Topic: Vascular Dementia

For your assigned topic, you are to discuss the:

Incidence and prevalence of the disorder

pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective

physical assessment and examination

evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) 

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