case study 10


Case Study, Chapter 10, Principles and Practices of Rehabilitation

1. Mrs. Adams, 72 years of age, is admitted to the rehab unit with the diagnosis of stroke. The stroke affected the limbic area in the brain, which has caused the patient to have emotional labiality (her mood changes rapidly because she misinterprets situations). As a result of the emotional labiality, she sometimes refuses to be repositioned or to participate in physical or occupational therapy. She sometimes also refuses to eat and drink. The patient’s right side is paralyzed and flaccid. She has no feeling on her right side. She has reddened areas on her coccyx and both heels at least 1 cm in diameter that do not go away with repositioning. She is incontinent of urine and stool. She has problems with communication called global aphasia (difficulties understanding speech and the written word and difficulties with speaking and writing). She is 5 feet tall and weighs 178 pounds. She has a tendency to develop skin tears because her skin is thin, and she has several bandages on her arms. The family states they are concerned because the staff on the previous medical-surgical unit would drag their mother up in bed when she slid down. The staff would chart when their mother refused to be repositioned and then would not reposition her for hours.  Explain the pathophysiology of the risk factors that predispose Mrs. Adams to developing pressure ulcers? What nursing measures need to be instituted for Mrs. Adams based on the information presented in the case study?

2. You are assigned to care for David Ramsey, a 22-year-old male patient who sustained a back injury secondary to being thrown from a motorcycle. He did not damage the spinal cord, but the computed tomography revealed a compression fracture at L-2 (lumbar area). David complains of severe lower back pain with numbness and tingling in the lower extremities. You identify the following nursing diagnosis: Impaired Physical Mobility. What assessments are indicated based on this nursing diagnosis? List other major nursing diagnoses based on David’s clinical presentation.

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MN577 Advanced Nursing Practice: Discussion Board: Patient sexual history

No plagiarism please.

Will need minimum of 300 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: (3 references within years 2015-2018) with intext citations. 


Sexuality affects individuals and society across a broad spectrum of activities through health, but also through factors at multiple levels, such as gender relations, reproduction, and economics. Physiologic, behavioral, and affective measurement of sexuality and sexual behavior is complicated by cultural values and norms but is essential to individual health (including happiness) as well as public health. Cultural or structural norms that stigmatize aspects of sexuality, such as sexual orientation, have adverse effects on individuals across their lifespan, with homophobia being a prominent example of such.


Discuss how one’s age, race, lifestyle, and demographics have an impact on your choice to complete a sexual history when working in the primary care setting with women across a lifespan. 

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The Development of the American Economy

Create an essay of 500 words, describing the development of industry, business, and labor after the American Civil War. Address the following:   Discuss several of the industries of America’s Industrial Revolution in the post-Civil War period.  What made these leaders of industry successful? Explain the origins and growth of labor unions.  What did Labor Unions accomplish?

Use a minimum of three of the sources provided to support your assignment and be sure to cite the sources.

 Class RESOURCE for Topic 4

For the Topic 4 assignment, you will be discussing the development of America’s national economy; the transition of America’s economy from a regional to a national economy, the role of Henry Clay’s American system, and post-Civil War westward expansion and the significance of the railroad. These resources will help you discuss the influences and details of the development of the American economy: Definition of Laissez-Faire (2016). In Business Dictionary (online). Cotkin, G. (n.d.). Strikebreakers, Evictions and Violence: Industrial Conflict in the Hocking Valley, 1884-1885. Ohio History Journal Online. Captains of Industry: Harty, J. (2016). Cornelius Vanderbilt. Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia. Harty, J. (2016). Cornelius Vanderbilt. Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia. Graybar, L. J. (2016). Andrew Carnegie. Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia. Trolander, J. A. (2016). John D. Rockefeller. Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia. The Grandest Enterprise under God: The West, a Film by Stephen Ives [Video file]. (1996).

 Knights of Labor Constitution of 1878

Read “Knights of Labor Constitution of 1878,” from Knights of Labor Constitution of 1878 (2009).

AFL-CIO Labor History Timeline

Explore the AFL-CIO Labor History Timeline on the AFL-CIO website.

 Classic Senate Speeches: Henry Clay: In Defense of the American System

Read “Classic Senate Speeches: Henry Clay: In Defense of the American System” on the U.S. Senate website.

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Dis 6-565


Supply Chains 

After reading the material for this module,Explain the current systems utilized by healthcare companies to maximize the supply chain to achieve the utmost efficiency. Be sure to include a discussion of the current technology used to track purchases within the supply chain. Additionally, explore the various types of inventory control (e.g., RFID, FIFO, etc.) within the hospital systems of Saudi Arabia.

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced. 

  Requirements: Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, More citing all sources referenced  through the text  2 pages no plagiarism 3 Minimum references  The references not older than 5 years ago

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