Competency in Advanced Practice

 After reading the book  Joel Chapters : 14 & 15 and

Describe how your future practice as an advanced practice nurse can promote access to health care in your area.(Miami )

Be specific about the interventions that you will do?

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Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Nursing Practice paper


I need a 8 page paper. This paper is related to my previous paper and I will provide the paper once you accept this paper. The paper needs to be written in APA format. 

For this assignment, you will be further defining your Phenomenon of  Interest within a theoretical and ethical framework.  The same  Phenomenon of Interest (POI) identified in your first written paper  should also be used for this assignment.  You will begin this paper by  providing a concise description of your POI, this information should be a  short summary of information your presented in your first paper.

Next, you will  discuss the Fawcett’s Meta-paradigm of Nursing and  relate the paradigm directly to your POI. How do the four concepts  within the meta-paradigm relate to your POI? Is one more important? Do  all four have the same level of importance?  You should support this  section with peer reviewed references as appropriate.  Specifically  identify the components of the meta-paradigm within your discussion. Be  sure to reference the meta-paradigm with the primary source.

Then, you will select both a Grand nursing theory as well as a Middle  range nursing theory.  Take time to review several examples of each type  of theory as the selected theories need to “fit” your POI…and work  well together.

Grand  nursing theory discussion:  identify and discuss the  inter-related concepts from your selected theory.  What aspects of the  nursing meta-paradigm are addressed by your grand theory?  Then provide  information about how you will view your POI through the lens of the  grand theory.  How does the theory guide your assessment of the POI?   How does the theoretical framework chosen categorize or define your POI?  How does the theoretical framework effect your perception of the POI?

Middle range nursing theory discussion: identify and discuss the  inter-related concepts within the middle range theory.  What aspects of  the nursing meta-paradigm are addressed in the mid-range theory? How  will this theory guide your assessment/perception of the POI?  How does  this mid range theory relate to your grand theory?

Complexity science: how does complexity science relate to your POI?   Depending on the nature of your POI, this conversation may have  different foci for different students.  For example, if your POI is  glycemic management of the peri-operative patient, this discussion would  center on the complex responses of the human body as a Complex Adaptive  System.  If your POI is focused on a policy change issue, the focus may  be on organizational complexities with communication, change, etc.  Identify a specific Complex Adaptive System that is related to your  chosen POI and discuss how complexity science impacts this portion of  your POI.

Ethical framework:  you should discuss your specific POI in the context  of ethical principles.  Basic principles include autonomy, justice,  beneficence, and non-maleficence. Is your POI in violation of a core  ethical principle?  Is it possible it may be in violation?  What ethical  principles do you need to be sure to safeguard?  You should also  identify a specific Ethical Framework that will guide your  practice…Virtue ethics, Utilitarianism, the ANA Code of Ethics, are  examples of an ethical framework.

Conclusion:  this section should not contain any new information but  should only provide a summary of what what discussed in the paper. 

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As a group, observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video (

Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment.

Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment:

Essay Portion

After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 500-750-words in which you do the following: Identify, prioritize, and describe at least four problems. Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified. Identify and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions. Discuss your rationale for the interventions identified.

Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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W2 Assignment 1 Discussion Question

Assignment 1: Discussion Questions

Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred. 

In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations,references, and examples that demonstrates a clear connection to the readings. 

Discussion Question 1

The “theory-practice gap,” as some have called it, has prevented our profession from full utilization of its knowledge base in practice, and has impeded the view of nursing as a theoretically based discipline, to its detriment. There are distinctly different viewpoints to this argument, based on the different perspectives of academics and theoreticians on the one hand and that of practitioners on the other. Being honest about your reaction, and applying critical thinking skills to the question, where do you stand on the issue, and why? 


Text book: Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice. Janie B. Butts.2015. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Burlington, MA

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