200 word essay and a dialog on Depression NO plagiarism Due Tomorrow May 31 at 9:00 pm


 observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video (http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nrs410v_vp01Alt.php).

Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment.

Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment:

Essay Portion

After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 200 -words in which you do the following: Topic- Depression husband passing away.  Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified. Identify and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions. Discuss your rationale for the interventions identified.

Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


Scripted Dialogue Portion

Utilizing the information learned from the home visit, health histories, and discharge orders, write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her DEPRESSION and the interventions identified to improve her condition.

 Consider Sallie Mae’s physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs when developing your dialogue.

Your dialogue should resemble a script. The following is an example of a few sentences from a scripted dialogue:

Nurse: “Good morning, Salle Mae, my name is ______ and I will be your nurse today. I understand you are experiencing problems with ________.”

APA format is not required for this part of the assignment, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher Grading Criteria

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Capital Decisions


Evaluating financial statements and using financial analysis methods is a critical part of the decision to make capital investments. The goal of capital management is to acquire and maintain sufficient working capital and assets. This helps an organization meet operating and expense obligations, while also keeping a sufficient cash flow. It is also a way to confirm that capital purchases and agreements are made with ethical standards. This part of your project will require you to complete two (2) article reviews and report on your findings. Then, you will apply your findings to how capital decisions can be made in your specific case; as well as comparing your viewpoint to the authors’ and recent ethical scandal. Keep in mind that you will use your article analysis to either support or disprove the purchase of an information system in the final portion of your project.

Submit a minimum 3-page report that: Discusses why is it more difficult for healthcare companies to get expansion financing in the today’s economic climate and financial issues with expansions. Describes why healthcare companies need to look beyond their banks to secure financing. Explains the importance of making a good case for expanding healthcare providers’ methods of calculating break-even analysis. Discuss non-financial factors do the authors believe need to be included in break-even analysis? Explain how current issues, such as the Affordable Care Act, affect break-even analysis. Summarizes the authors’ viewpoints and apply the concepts to your case. Also include a summary of your viewpoint in comparison to the authors’. Be sure to specifically address the methods that influence capital investments and decision-making; and explore methods of analyzing capital investments (Payback, Net Present Value, and Internal Rate of Return). This report will serve as your Capital Management section of your project. Analyze the key points of the Enron Scandal and specifically address how professionalism and ethics influence decision-making. How do unethical standards impact an organization’s performance and capital investments? Reference the concepts of embezzlement and losses. Explain how you maintain ethical standards in relation to Code of Ethics. Include an APA formatted reference page to include at least three (3) academic sources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal, to support your topic. You should reference your academic sources by including at least three (3) in-text citations. You can use the articles outlined in the instructions, as well as information found on the Enron Scandal. Academic scholarly journals can be accessed through the Rasmussen Online Library.

Article Review #1
Read the article Expanding Credit Lines in Order to Expand which discusses the challenges related to expansion financing. Discuss why is it more difficult for healthcare companies to get expansion financing in the current economic situation? Explain the 2 major issues with the Caribbean expansion the turnaround company found and why do you think they were brought up? Describe why healthcare companies need to look beyond their banks to secure financing?

Article Review #2
Read the article The New Break-Even Analysis which looks at expanding how healthcare providers look at break-even analysis and includes some non-financial considerations. Do you think the authors make a good case for expanding healthcare providers’ methods of calculating break-even analysis? Why or Why Not? Discuss non-financial factors do the authors believe need to be included in break-even analysis? Explain how the Affordable Care Act affect break-even analysis?

Ethical Scandal
The ‘Enron Scandal’ involving acts of embezzlement is one of the most well-known financial, ethic scandals in modern day history. Perform a web search of the Enron Corporation Scandal to find more information.

Use the following websites on ethics to help support your course of action in upholding ethical standards. Five Top Ethical Issues in Healthcare American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of Ethics

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Healthy People 2020 is a framework to assist communities in preventing disease and promoting health. Search the scientific literature and find a research study related to one of the focus areas identified by Healthy People 2020.


Healthy People 2020 is a framework to assist communities in preventing disease and promoting health. Search the scientific literature and find a research study related to one of the focus areas identified by Healthy People 2020.

In a 750-1000-word essay, critically appraise the study by answering each of the following questions: What is the study question and is it relevant? Does the study add anything new? What type of research question is being asked? Was the study design appropriate for the research question? Did the study methods address the most important potential sources of bias? Was the study performed according to the original protocol? Does the study test a stated hypothesis? If so, what is it? Does the data justify the conclusions? Are there any conflicts of interest? There are methodological points to consider in appraising literature that are specific to cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, clinical trials, and case studies. Based on the design of this study, what are the key methodical points to consider?

You are required to use a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

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Please Answer According The Comments. Thanks. Reference Between 2013-2018

I put 4 comment here because in this class the teacher ask for (4 comments only) no 6 as in the previous class. You can write 75 words in each and if you know about the theme or comment and you have substantive answer like your own comment you can write without references. Thanks.

Comment 1

Six articles that I have chosen to summarize for my research include the following: Establishing a Nurse Mentor Program to Improve Nurse Satisfaction and Intent to Stay. This article used Benner’s novice to expert theory as a tool to develop a nurse mentor program in an Emergency Department.  The Benner Theory is focused on five levels of expertise five levels of proficiency: * novice * advanced beginner * competent * proficient * expert and the process nurses use to mature in the nursing profession. The nurses volunteered feedback about their experience in the nurse mentor program (Jones, 2016). Nurse retention: A review of strategies to create and enhance positive practice environments in clinical settings. This paper summarizes and reviews the strategies that support retention of nurses through creation and enhancement of positive work environments in the clinical setting (Twigg, D., & McCullough, K., 2014). 2018 National Health Care Retention & RN Staffing Report . This article looks at the value hospitals put on their staff and the correlation to commitment, confidence, and engagement. Hospitals believe that retention is a key strategy and the focusing of enhancing the culture that supports this belief (Colosi, B., March 2018). The impact of nurse residency programs in the United States on improving retention and satisfaction of new nurse hires: An evidence-based literature review.      A focus on entry level newly graduated nurses and the work conditions that may affect retention and satisfaction with job. This literature is aimed at the use of a one-year nurse residency program compared to the traditional orientation and its effects on turnover rates (Eckerson, C. M., 2018). Factors related to the intention to leave and the decision to resign among newly graduated nurses: A complete survey in a selected prefecture in Japan  This study looks at the factors related to intention to leave and the decision to quit among newly graduated nurses (Tei-Tominaga, M., 2012). An Evidence-Based Protocol for Nurse Retention  This article focuses on nurse leaders and the positive relationship and the effects on employee retention and satisfaction (Gess, E., Manojlovich, M., & Warner, S., 2008).

Strengths related to using these articles for research are that they all portray relevant information regarding the retention of newly hired nurses and data related to staff retention. The information received from participants would be confidential, so views could be given free from judgement or fear of retaliation.

Weakness may be related to the amount of information specific to night shift retention. A Potential weakness may be finding willing participants to collect enough data to form a conclusion.

Comment 2

Chen, Y. Y., Chi, M. M., Chen, Y. C., Chan, Y. J., Chou, S. S., & Wang, F. D. (2013). Using a criteria-based reminder to reduce the use of indwelling urinary catheters and decrease urinary tract infections. American Journal of Critical Care, 22(2), 105-114.
The article intends to reveal criteria based reminders are useful in the diagnosis and cure of urinary tract infections.
Strength: This article is only focused on urinary catheters and discusses every minute detail
Weakness: It does not mention other vital methods for prevention
Clarke, K., Tong, D., Pan, Y., Easley, K. A., Norrick, B., Ko, C. … & Stein, J. (2013). Reduction in catheter-associated urinary tract infections by bundling interventions. International journal for quality in health care, 25(1), 43-49. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzs077
            The author here proposed interventions to prevent urinary tract infections.
Strength: the author has not lengthened the article despite proposing several things
Weakness: Without any substantial comparison, an author has regarded one intervention as best of all others
Gould, C. V., Umscheid, C. A., Agarwal, R. K., Kuntz, G., & Pegues, D. A. (2010). Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections 2009. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 31(04), 319-326.
This article is based on the prevention types for catheter-associated urinary tract infections
Strength: It describes all reasons which may lead to the development of infection
Weakness: it does not figure out ways in which this infection may get severe
Hebden, J. N. (2014). Nurse-directed catheter removal protocols to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infection: Strategies for implementation. American journal of infection control, 42(6), 670
The article provides deep insights into how individuals can benefit from nurse-directed catheter removal protocol
Strength: It helps gain insights into types of urinary tract infections that patient can encounter
Weakness: it does not declare a suggested method to be an effective one
Magers, T. L. (2013): Using evidence-based practice to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 113(6), 34-42.
            The author has mentioned real life and practices to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections
Strength: The author motivates its prevention
Weakness: substantially, no prevention methodologies are mentioned
Parry, M. F., Grant, B., & Sestovic, M. (2013). Successful reduction in catheter-associated urinary tract infections: focus on nurse-directed catheter removal. American journal of infection control, 41(12), 1178-1181.
            In this article, Author has discussed and tried to measure the role of a nurse in catheter removal
Strength: the charts and diagrams presented are viable for understanding pain units
Weakness: It has less practical implication due to the non-addition of any possible solution

Comment 3 3DQ2

Two methods for evaluating evidence would be Randomized Controlled Trials and Observation research. The Observational research such as surveys and qualitative studies can be a platform for informing practice. This type or research measures but does not control the variables. Randomized studies between control groups is random (Reinhardt, 2010). This design is the random assignment of study participants to either a group that receives the treatment being studied (the “treatment group”) or a group that does not receive the treatment (the “control group”).

We may also need to determine whether the article supplies Qualitative vs Quantitative information. Depending on what type of data is required to defend the hypothesis.

Quantitative – Quantitative research is measurable and uses data and statistics to form basis for hypothesis (Grove, Gray, and Burns, 2015).

Qualitative- “Qualitative research is a systematic approach used to describe experiences and situations from the perspective of the person in the situation. The researcher analyzes the words of the participant, finds meaning in the words, and provides a description of the experience that promotes deeper understanding of the experience” (Grove, Gray, and Burns, 2015).  This type of research is based on perception and emotions.

Comment 4

For the evaluation of evidence, the use of quantitative and qualitative methods is the ones on which a medical practitioner can rely. In qualitative methods, use of literature is made along with previous studies to provide viable arguments. Comparatively quantitative methods are wise enough to generate data and compare statistics and then coin any particular verdict to the evidence. One cannot say that one is superior over others as both come with pros and cons. Qualitative methods often make use of interviews and often believes in professional advice for generating the result. They do not go into any in-depth study to find out if opinions are valid or error-free. Quantitative method is known for conducting data and experiments and processing the data while correlating them to reach a possible solution (Creswell, 2007). Hence regarding medical aspects, quantitative data is more appropriate to rely on than qualitative analysis. Qualitative methods, however, is essential for increasing knowledge about any aspect. Though for proper evaluation and for proving a point, the need of quantitative analysis has reached to a higher point, without numerical data, it is not wise to make health care related decisions as it directly affects a life.
Evaluating different evidence methods: There are several methods of evaluating evidence methods are present, but the two most common methods of evaluating evidence are Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews. These two methods can help in the determination of the relevance and validity of the evidence. During the evaluating evidence both these systematic reviews and meta-analyses methods as well as similar and different.
Both the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses are considered the highest quality of evidence for clinical decision making and can be used above all the other methods of evaluating evidence.
Both the methods for evaluating evidence are similar because they involve the collection of data from different sources and summarizing all the evidence and results of the studies.
While systematic review collects and summarizes all the empirical evidence, the meta-analysis uses statistical methods to summarize the results of the studies.
Second, Meta-analysis is a statistical method used to combine the numerical results from such studies, if it is possible to do. On the other hand, a systematic review is a formal, systematic and structured approach to review all the relevant literature on a topic.
Third, the rationale for Meta-analysis is that through the combination of samples from different studies the overall sample size is increased, while the rationale for systematic reviews is that when data is pooled together from different sources, greater reliability would be obtained.
Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Melnyk BM, Fineout- Overholt E, Mays MZ. The evidence-based practice beliefs and implementation scales: psychometric properties of two new instruments. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2008;5(4):208-216.

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