CT 1 Module 2 506


Research the ethical and legal concerns of clinical research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What aspects of clinical research design helps to protect the human subjects? What are the best practices of creating an informed consent? Finally, create an informed consent and include all the components that you have found are necessary to protect the patient.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 9-10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Keep bullet points to 3-5 words and include your discussion in the speaker notes, explaining your findings for each slide.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements: Be organized, using professional themes and transitions. Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes—a minimum of 100 words. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external.  Follow APA  writing standards. Add some cited images through the slides Add more citation through the text  All the references used for the images , should be added to the references slide at the end. Zero plagiarism

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maternal child

Purpose: To recognize that individual culture does impact womans health care, communication,

nutrition, and family influences that shape the families you are caring for.

Concept: Cultural Diversity

Objective: Write a paper regarding a culture and its impact on families, contraception, conception and


Instructions: Create a cultural diversity paper.

1. This project is to a be written paper 5 pages in length APA format. These 5 pages include a

cover page and a reference page.

2. Refer to Purnells’ Cultural Competency as a guide to assessing the patient in the identified

culture from your Health Assessment course.

3. Is education valued, are boy children preferred over gril children? How do they view families?

Is contraception allowed and who is involved in the decision making regarding birth control


4. In an unintended pregnancy is adoption allowed? Is assisted reproductive technology accepted?

What about donor sperm or surrogacy?

5. Who attends childbirth? Where do women have babies? What are the special practices

employed to support the new mom and baby? Who in the family system makes decisions

regarding the woman’s health?

6. What implications does culture present to the issues of womens’ health care?

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comment Audre


Within the Grand Canyon University (GCU) Library there are multiple resources available to access scholarly journal articles. In the field of nursing and health sciences two scholarly databases include CINAHL Complete and OVID Nursing Essential Collection (Grand Canyon University [GCU], n.d.). CINAHL Complete is a database geared towards nurses and other health care providers and covers nursing specialties, nutrition, and speech language pathology. It contains the full text for more than 1,300 journal titles, many of which are peer reviewed (GCU, n.d.). OVID Nursing Essential Collection contains 112 full text journal titles along with Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins Nursing & Health Professions Premier Collection which provides access to 64 journal titles (GCU Library, n.d.). Within the GCU Library these are the two scholarly databases I use the most. These databases are better to use than an internet search or Google Scholar because they contain articles that are often from peer reviewed journals that can be trusted. Journal articles found through these databases include an author or authors, dated material which allows for a search of current information, and most contain facts backed by evidence that is cited and often contain statistical data (Grand Canyon University [GCU] Library, n.d.). Information from website searches may be biased, out of date, or lack concrete evidence to back up claims or opinions. By using information from one of the GCU Library scholarly databases I can be sure that the information I am using is trustworthy.


Grand Canyon University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating web sites tutorial transcript. Retrieved from Grand Canyon University Library: http://lc.gcumedia.com/mediaElements/evaluating-websites-tutorial/v2.1/documents/transcript.pdf

Grand Canyon University. (n.d.). Journal atabases- Nursing and health sciences. Retrieved from Grand Canyon University Library:



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Project week 2

Student will develop a Legislative Matrix based upon the specific legislators in a residential/geographical legislative district. State and Federal legislators will be identified: State Representatives, Senators, Congressman and Governor. Each legislator’s assigned committees and any active legislation bills and/or past legislative initiatives will be identified. This information will be used to assist in the development of the Legislative Communication assignment. See Rubric

State of Florida

City of Miami

Miami Dade County

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