explain the impact and effect of hypertension on the various systems in the human body


complications high blood pressure can cause when it’s not effectively controlled. interns of  Damage to your arteries,  Damage to your heart ,   Damage to your brain,   Damage to your kidneys and   Damage to your eyes. Provide reference

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Social unrest and watergate

Initial Discussion Post: Choose one of the primary source documents from the topic list below. Using the primary source reading, answer the following questions. Use this template provided to complete the assignment.
Context (20 points): Name of the document you chose to analyze Who is the creator of the document? Briefly describe the creator of the document. (To answer this question, you may need to use information obtained from the introduction to the source, or other course materials such as the textbook or Intellipath. When and where was the document created? (Again, you may need to use information obtained from the introduction to the source, or other course materials such as the Lib Guide, Intellipath, or your instructor.) Summary (20 points): Write a brief summary of the source. (What is the topic or issue of the source? What are the creator’s main points about that topic? What is one interesting thing said in this source?)  Connections (20 points): How does this source help you to better understand a topic you learned about in the Unit learning materials? (Here you want to think about how this source fits into the other material for the unit such as the Lib Guide and Intellipath.) Does this source support what you already know about the topic? If so, how? Or does this source change the way you think about this topic? If so, how?

Peer Responses: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates about their initial discussion post. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions: What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?  Are there connections between what you learned from your source and what you learned about their source? What is one interesting thing you learned from your fellow student’s post? What clarifications do you need regarding the posting?

Topic List: Choose one of the following documents to complete this assignment Richard N. Goodwin, “Memorandum For the President,” November 1, 1961  John F. Kennedy, “Cuban Missile Crisis Speech,” October 22, 1962  John Kerry, “Statement of Vietnam Veterans Against the War,” April 23, 1971  National Organization of Women, “Statement of Purpose,” 1966  Cesar Chavez, “Talks in New York,” June, 1968  SNCC Vine City Project, “Black Power,” 1966 

 sample providedpprsample

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Healthcare information week discussion 2

 Provide a definition of diffusion as you understand it while reading the article. 

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discussion not an essay/please follow directions/ please use decision tree for statistics


What does it mean to analyze the collected data from a program evaluation? An analysis involves reviewing multiple components, such as analyzing and synthesizing findings. This includes tabulating information to explore how many individuals participate in the program, reviewing demographics, analyzing the number of participants achieving the outcome goals, and analyzing and stratifying data by race, gender, age, income level, and geographic locations. It is also important to conduct a comparative analysis to review strengths, weaknesses, and any limitations and to review gaps. The next step is combining all of this information to make decisions and present to stakeholders for further input and suggestions regarding the program.

Using the readings for this week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, obtain scholarly articles and materials to draw inferences and support your philosophy. Review the textbook readings that will help you respond to this assignment.

Respond to the following: Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative methods used for designing a program. (Use a 2×2-table format to present your analysis). Review the decision tree for statistics. You can review the tree online at the following: The Decision Tree for Statistics. (n.d.). After reviewing the information: Select three public health statistical methods that you would use in a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic. Provide a complete analysis for each statistical method. Explain why these methods are important and what data or information you could obtain for your program.

Write a 1-paragraph response. Support your methods with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Comment on the postings of at least two peers with scholarly information.

Evaluation Criteria: Compared and contrasted qualitative and quantitative methods used for designing a program. Recommended three feasible public health statistical methods that you would use in a public health program for your selected health issue or health disease topic. Analyzed each statistical method in detail. Explained why your selected statistical methods are important and what data or information you could obtain for your program. Responses demonstrated an in-depth research and analysis. Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

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