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APA format 2 pages 3 references to be done in collaboration of having a curriculum for community with Seton Hall University


Section F: Crafting End-of-Program Outcomes

As a team, review the mission, vision, and philosophy that you created for your curriculum, as well as the overall need or goal that led to the focus of your curriculum. Then, begin to develop your end-of-program outcomes. Refer to the Appendix section titled “Writing Measurable End-of Program Outcomes” for authentic examples that can aid you in writing your outcomes.

Respond to each of the following in bullet or paragraph form during Week 7 of the course. Create 8–10 end-of-program learning outcomes. For each learning outcome, identify the learning domain. Then, complete the following: Describe the competency level used for your learning outcomes. Justify the appropriateness of each learning verb. Explain how these learning outcomes align with the curriculum’s mission, vision, and philosophy as well as the needs of the learner.

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Genetic Disorder/Sickle Cell Power point

Slide 1-Description: Provide an introductory background about the disease.

Slide 2-Frequency: Tell how prevalent and how frequent the genetic disease is. Share any statics about the disease.

Slide 3-Diagnosis: Describe the diagnostic procedures used to detect the disease. How expensive are the procedures and does insurance cover it.

Slide 4- Causes: What exactly cause the genetic disease?

Slide 5- Occurrence: How many people in the U.S. suffer from this disorder? How commonly does it occur? Population the disease impacts? i.e. (African Americans)

Slide 6- Signs, Symptoms and Complications: What are the signs and symptoms of the disease? What are some potential complications a patient may suffer with from the disease?

Slide 7- Treatments: Describe the medical treatment available for the disease. If medications are used are they expensive and/or covered by insurances? Are there any experimental treatments available? Can this disease be prevented?

Slide 8- Patient Education: As a nurse, what patient education would you tell your patient that suffers from this disease?

Slide 9- References: Provide any and all references you used in APA format.  

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Utilization management

Utilization management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of healthcare products in a cost-effective manner while maintaining quality of patient care and contributing to the organization’s goals. (Spath, 2018). However, with bundled payments, healthcare homes, and on-going payment options, resource utilization is imperative to maximize the health and well-being of a defined population. Vaccinations are the number one defense (and in the case of small pox, the only defense) against preventable disease – yet there are thousands of “parents against vaccination” sites on the internet.
You belong to an Infection Prevention website that encourages blogs from non-healthcare professionals. This blog appeared in this week’s update.
As a healthcare professional, respond to this blog post with: a. evidence-based information gained from reliable internet websites like the CDC. b. proper APA refences and citations. Use the Tips for Professional Blogging to make sure your post is professional and effective.

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Please respond to the following: “Brand Stretch Spectrum and Market Product Grid” Assess the importance of evaluating newly developed health care products in order to determine whether the products should carry existing brand names or whether they should be assigned new brand names. Suggest realistic branding strategies needed for marketers to evaluate newly developed health care products or services. Provide support for your rationale. Use the Internet to research the product offerings of a local health care organization. (Note:These offerings are often found on the health care organizations homepage.) Based on your knowledge of your local region, consider the potential markets for these products. With the grid, you should, at a minimum, analyze the resulting market-product combination. Determine whether or not the product offerings that you selected are consistent with the perceived selections of the given health care entity. Explain your rationale.

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