Health Policy, Politics and Perspectives (Testimony – Medicare-for-All proposal)

For this assignment, you will complete a testimony regarding the Medicare-for-All proposal that you feel is the best policy approach to behavioral health in terms of benefits, coverage, and consumer cost sharing. If you think that none of the current Medicare-for-All proposals are the best alternative and wish to oppose a particular bill in favor of the ACA or a public option, that is acceptable.

What does the legislation do, what is your opinion and why, and what are you recommending legislators do?

1.  At the beginning of your testimony, state clearly what the legislation does and your position on it. Are you there to speak for it, or against it, or recommend some changes? Do not assume the committee members are familiar with the legislation, so a brief explanation of what the legislation does is needed. 

2.  What is the rationale for your position? For example, why the legislation is needed, or not needed, or why it should be changed and how? In this section, you should provide supporting information for your position, including evidence, statistics, and make other cogent arguments. This should not be just about your opinion or your emotional reaction to a policy issue. You need to back up your position with facts and supporting evidence. 

3. What are its implications for improving health care? Use APA citations and references. Watch the sources you are citing – use credible sources!

4. Make recommendations to legislators on how you want legislators to act in relation to the legislation – oppose or support it; make changes in it, or proceed with caution because of certain concerns with it that you have raised with them.

Guidelines for Written Testimony:

– Three to four (3 – 4) pages long, double spaced, 12 font Times Roman

– Turnitin Assignment (NO PLAGIARISM) !

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Insufficient Staffing

***Power Point**

Power point for presentation. not an essay.

Please follow instructions: APA style will be submitted
through save assignment Turnitin.

OMH Policy on minimum staffing.
Day Shift- 2 RN or 1 RN, 1 LPN: 6 (MHTA)- Mental health therapy assistant.
Evening shift- 1 RN, 1 LPN : 3 MHTA or 2 RN : 3 MHTA or 1 RN: 4 MHTA.

Admission wards must 2 RN, or 1 RN, 1 LPN : 4 MHTA. Day and evening shift.

Night shift 1 RN : 3 MHTA’s or 2 RN: 2 MHTA.
1 extra MHTA for additional 1:1 observation. For 1 observations must have 3 MHTA’s.

1. Lack of communication use (Communication theory). in text citation
2. Safety use ( Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) in text citation
3. Title page, introduction, body, pictures (Citation of pictures), Include two video on U-tube with links, references page for pictures/video, references for content.
4. Only use articles or references within 5 yrs **2013-2018** only please follow instructions with in text citations.
5. write base on the case study scenario. Please write in reference to the scenario attached.

Power Point.  (Creative and beautiful power point).  

First slide my name : Atinuke Jame RN

2nd: Introduction

Include pictures (cite Pictures)

Include Videos of Insufficient staffing with links to U-tube.

Reference page for videos/pictures

Reference page for Content.

Use only material within 2013-2018 only please, Real citation my professor checks. 

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Differential diagnosis for Mycoplasma Pnuemoniae

One Page

Provide two differential diagnosis of Von Willebrand disease along with brief definitions/presentation.

Provide symptoms and detailed treatment plan for a child with Von Willebrand disease


One from an EBP Clinical Guidelines and three from Peer Reviewed Journal Articles from Chamberlain Online Library published within the last 5 years. 

One Page

Provide two differential diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumoniae disease along with brief definitions/presentation.

Provide symptoms and detailed treatment plan for a child with Mycoplasma pneumoniae


One from an EBP Clinical Guidelines and three from Peer Reviewed Journal Articles from Chamberlain Online Library published within the last 5 years. 

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Essay about philosophy

500 Words essay. About your philosophy of care as a nurse

APA style

not plagiarim

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