Dis 4-574-Mod 8


From Public Health 101, page 149: “Your hometown of 100,000 is faced with a crisis as an airplane lands containing a passenger thought to have a new form of severe influenza that has recently gained the ability to spread from person to person through airborne transmission. As the mayor of the city, what do you decide to do?” Why? Be sure to justify your decision.  Be sure to address the following: What is your initial focus for disease control? What other healthcare disciplines would you include on your team? Why? What information is important to collect and from whom? Why?

Requirements: Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, More citing all sources referenced through the text  APA writing style 2 pages no plagiarism 3 Minimum references  The references not older than 5 years  ago

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 Assignment 1.2: A Changing World Final Paper Due Week 5 and worth 140 points The discovery of America and that of the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, are the two (2) greatest events recorded in the history of [human] kind” – Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations,1776. Think about why he and many other notables supported this statement, especially concerning the discovery of America. What was so important about this New World across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe? How did it change globalization in terms of trade, culture, societies, innovations, new and old world exchanges, and in other ways? You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you identify three (3) main points relevant to your topic. Now you will develop the final paper in which you explore your main points in detail. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Introduce your paper with your previously crafted thesis statement. Identify three (3) major aspects that demonstrate Old and New World exchanges. Explain your responses with specific examples and details. Identify three (3) specific groups that were affected by this global event and provide two (2) examples for each group describing how the group was affected. Summarize how this discovery affected the life of the average working American during the colonial period. Use specific examples and details. Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS 

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nursing capstone. week 1 part 1 project

  Aggregate Community Windshield Survey

The windshield survey assignment is due in Week 2. It is introduced in Week 1 to provide you with sufficient time to collect the required data. The assignment should be no more than 3 pages in length. Windshield Surveys

With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, you can assess the common characteristics of the community of your selected aggregate. Key observations to make during a windshield survey include the following: Age and condition of the homes in the community Location and condition of parks and other recreational areas Amount of space between homes and businesses Neighborhood hangouts Transportation in the community Quality of streets and sidewalks Types/numbers of stores and other businesses People out in the community Race/ethnicity Cleanliness of the community Billboards or other media displays Places of worship Availability of services—doctor, dentist, social centers, recreation centers, hospitals

By the due date assigned, submit your proposal to your instructor for approval.

In addition to the data collected in the windshield survey, include the following information about your aggregate: Name of the aggregate Geographical location and size Population A brief history Explain, giving at least two reasons, why you selected this particular aggregate for your Capstone project.

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Literature review on health issue related to autism

I want the article over Autism!! (the paper should answer a health question about Autism…address an issue) Please site articles & the page requirements are in instructions

PROJECT 2: GUIDELINES FOR RESEARCH PROPOSAL PROJECT Objective: to develop two chapters of a research proposal: 1) a literature review covering the topic, research questions, and a rationale statement, including a detailed literature review of your health question using scientific evidence, 2) a methods section. General guidelines: each student will choose a health topic with which to develop a literature review and will state that topic as a research question. This proposal is divided into two sections: Chapter 1: Literature Review, and Chapter 2: Methods. Each section has a separate due date. Both chapters will also have a peer-review. Each student is assigned to a group in the peer-review drop boxes. You will submit your chapter for a peer review on designated due date. You will then critique your other group members chapter and turn in to this same drop box by the designated due date. Finally, you will make all changes and submit your final project to a separate drop box as designated in the syllabus by specified due date. You will develop a research question(s) and search the peer-reviewed literature to help develop a research proposal from that information. You should have between 10 and 15 peer-reviewed articles to use in the paper. If you find less than 10, choose another question – if you find more than 15, that is fine. Chapter 1 is a comprehensive discussion of the literature found on your topic area. You will start with a brief introduction of the topic, research question, and a statement of the research objectives. Then you will provide a rationale using a detailed literature review. It should provide a unique and valuable reference resource for other scholars in your field. This section will be relatively short for a literature review(10 pages) and focused on the scientific studies of the question reported in the peer- reviewed literature. Articles from the popular media can only be used as background, i.e., to establish the interest in the question. This chapter should be a thorough review of the literature. This should include a good transition between the broad topic to narrower topics. This section should include comparison and contrast between articles that are conflicting. In some cases, you will have found no conflicting literature – that is fine, but be sure to state so in that section. At the end of this chapter you should have a summarization of why your research question is important enough to study – how is it unique? Tips: Your literature review will look a lot like the introductions of your journal articles. Find an article that is similar to yours and see how they moved/transitioned from paragraph to paragraph, topic to topic. The hardest thing for new researchers to do is the “flow” and organization of the paper.

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