Nursing / 5 pages / APA

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Topic 10 DQ 2 (EBP topic : The effects of inadequate nurse staffing on patient care)


Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

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Competency Assessment


 Competency Assessment

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis includes an organization’s self- assessment of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in their environment as they consider a new goal. 

· Strengths are those internal factors that are favorable to achieving the goal.

· Weaknesses are internal factors that interfere with achieving the goal.

· Opportunities are external factors that may help the organization attain its goal.

· Threats are external factors that may hinder the organization’s attainment of its goal.

Assume you are a two-person Family Practice office who is contemplating upgrading their current basic electronic health record to a new vendor in order to meet the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services goal of improving interoperability and patients’ access to health information (formerly known as meaningful use). For your assigned components, conduct a SWOT analysis for the practice as the practice considers this initiative. Your identified components should be explicit and include an explanation as to why it is a strength, weakness, threat or opportunity. Your paper should be in APA format.

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comment zoe

I need a positive comment based in this argument.. between 100-120 words

Etiologies, Trends, and Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure 

Summary: Heart failure is the most common discharge diagnosis across the United States, and these patients are particularly vulnerable to readmissions. A study of heart failure patients was completed with specific qualifiers.  Readmission causes were identified using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, codes in primary diagnosis filed. The primary outcome was 30-day readmission. The study showed readmission after a hospitalization for HF is common. Although it may be necessary to readmit some patients, the striking rate of readmission demands efforts to further clarify the determinants of readmission and develop strategies in terms of quality of care and care transitions to prevent this adverse outcome.

Strength: Discusses causes of readmissions of heart failure patients.

Weakness: The study needs further clarification of why heart failure patients are being readmitted.  

Arora, S., Patel, P., Lahewala, S., Patel, N., Patel, N. J., Thakore, K., & … Gopalan, R. (2017).      Heart Failure: Etiologies, Trends, and Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Patients With        Heart Failure. The American Journal Of Cardiology, 119760-769.    doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.11.022


Using Teach-Back Method to Prevent 30-Day Readmissions in Patients with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review

Summary: Heart failure is one of the most common readmission diagnoses. A review of the literate is presented to identify a role for teach-back patient education in reducing readmissions in patients with heart failure.

Strength: The study showed reduced readmission rates when using the teach back method of education.

Weakness: The study did not state the actual teaching methods to reduce readmission rate of heart failure patients.

Almkuist, K. D. (2017). Using Teach-Back Method to Prevent 30-Day Readmissions in Patients    with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review. MEDSURG Nursing, 26(5), 309-351.

Care of Patients with Cardiovascular Disorders: Improving quality of life and decreasing readmissions in heart failure patients in a multidisciplinary transition-to-care clinic

Summary: A pilot for a four-week transition-to-care program on heart failure patient’s due to the critical time in between discharge and readmissions. The study used a pre and post test to determine the quality of life related to hospital readmissions. The study showed improved quality of life and decreased readmission rates following the transition-to-care program.

Strength: Has significant results showing a positive effect of a transition-to-care clinic on reucing readmission rates of heart failure patients.

Weakness: the study size was quite small at 50 patients.    

Whitaker-Brown, C. D., Woods, S. J., Cornelius, J. B., Southard, E., & Gulati, S. K. (2017). Care             of Patients With Cardiovascular Disorders: Improving quality of life and decreasing         readmissions in heart failure patients in a multidisciplinary transition-to-care clinic. Heart     & Lung – The Journal Of Acute And Critical Care, 4679-84.     doi:10.1016/j.hrtlng.2016.11.003

Brief Report: Strategies for Reducing the Hospital Readmission Rates of Heart Failure Patients

Summary: The purpose of this article is to review current HF readmission prevention strategies for effectiveness.

Strength: discusses the costs associated with heart failure readmissions and makes good recommendations for action on how to reduce readmissions.

Weakness: focuses on the role of the nurse practitioner

McClintock, S., Mose, R., & Smith, L. F. (2014). Brief Report: Strategies for Reducing the            Hospital Readmission Rates of Heart Failure Patients. The Journal For Nurse          Practitioners, 10430-433. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2014.04.005

An evaluation of involving family caregivers in the self-care of heart failure patients on hospital readmission: Randomized controlled trial (the FAMILY study).

Summary: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of involving family caregivers in the self-care of patients with heart failure on the risk of hospital readmission.

Strength: the study showed a lower readmission rate when family centered self-care was implemented.

Weakness: the study was completed in Lebanon

Deek, H., Chang, S., Newton, P. J., Noureddine, S., Inglis, S. C., Arab, G. A., & … Davidson, P. M. (2017). An evaluation of involving family caregivers in the self-care of heart failure        patients on hospital readmission: Randomized controlled trial (the FAMILY study).             International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 75101-111. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.07.015

Repeat Hospitalizations Predict Mortality in Patients with Heart Failure

Summary: The goal of the study was to evaluate the impact of repeat heart failure hospitalizations on all-cause mortality and to determine risk variable related to patient mortality.

Strength: the study showed that repeat admissions were a strong predictor of mortality.

Weakness: the study did not offer suggestions to help reduce the mortality of heart failure patients following readmissions.

Lin, A. H., Chin, J. C., Sicignano, N. M., & Evans, A. M. (2017). Repeat Hospitalizations Predict Mortality in Patients With Heart Failure. Military Medicine, 182(9), e1932-e      1937. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-17-00017

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