Is Immigration Reform and Border Security Possible


English Composition II – Week #6 Assignment 1

Researched Argument Rough Draft
Throughout this course, we have been focusing our attention on the practice of arguing to find meaning. Because of that, it is important to practice balancing opposing viewpoints of a single issue. This essay allows you the chance to do just that.

Much of the writing you will be doing throughout your academic and professional career will be argumentative; thus, this essay will help you to hone your rhetorical skills in several ways:

First, this essay will help you to establish an environment of civilized discourse within your writing (essential for productive argumentation);
Secondly, this essay will allow you to practice your research skills in both identifying and integrating sound arguments;
And thirdly, this essay gives you a chance to practice your critical thinking skills—skills you will need for success throughout your academic and professional life.
Remember, the purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but instead prove that you can fairly present two sides of an argument and logically determine the best solution to the problem you are faced with. With that in mind, we ask that you withhold your personal opinion, personal judgments of the material, or personal narrative until the concluding remarks of your essay.

*Note that no one writes a polished essay in a single sitting. Start early and give yourself time for multiple revisions.

The rough draft of your essay should meet the following guidelines:

is between 825 and 1200 words in length;
includes direct quotations and paraphrased passages from four or more scholarly texts representing more than one side of the issue;
qualifies each of the authors (authors representing each side of the debate should have compatible credibility);
withholds personal opinion until the conclusion of the essay;
is written clearly, concisely, and accurately;
is written primarily in third-person;
includes a References page;
has been closely edited so that it contains few or no mechanical errors.
Researched Argument Checklist: Use this to evaluate your rough draft against the assignment requirements:

Does this essay present a clear argument on a topic?
Does this essay treat two sides of the argument equally and fairly?
Does the essay cite, at a minimum, four scholarly sources?
Are the authors for the articles qualified? Who are they? Use signal phrases/attributive tags to introduce the authors.
What is the purpose of this essay? What does it do to meet that purpose? How effective is the argument?
Does this essay avoid second person language and limit first person language?
Are there elements of pathos, ethos, and logos in this essay? Do these appeals work together to propose a solution?
Does the essay avoid logical fallacy in the reasoning behind the solution?
Does the essay use APA in-text citation and is there an APA format references page?

See attached word doc for references.

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The First Amendment


The First Amendment
There are three parts to this assignment.

Part One

The First Amendment actually says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our Founding Fathers were very familiar with the writings of John Locke, and the need to keep government and religions separate was just as important to them as guaranteeing the toleration of different religious beliefs.

• What were Locke’s three primary reasons for keeping government and religion separate? Which one of those reasons do you think is the most applicable today, and why?

Part Two

Many people misread the First Amendment and think it is advocating “freedom from religion” rather than “freedom of religion.” They use this misreading to ban symbols of religion from public places.

• From what you know about Locke, explain whether or not you think that Locke’s view of religious toleration would require the removal of religious symbols from the public view. Be sure to provide evidence for your position that is based on logical reasoning rather than emotional reactions. Feel free to quote from the textbook to support what you believe would be Locke’s position concerning the government prohibiting the display of religious symbols.

• Also, based on what Locke has said, do you think there ever could be times that it would be legitimate for the government to suppress a religion or some of their beliefs because of that religion’s extreme practices—even if what they are doing is not breaking the law? Why or why not?

Part Three

Regardless of how you answered the second question, Mill (a father of Liberalism) insists that progress and happiness (for both the individual and society) is only possible when each person is able to express himself openly and fully about the things important to him. The criticism of this liberal view is that left to our own devises, the diversity in our pursuits of individual goals and interests will lead to disputes, and, thus, rules and regulations are needed to allow individuals to develop their goals within a more structured society and so they can learn their social obligations to the community as a whole. The problem with liberalism, the critics say, is that by making our ability to choose for ourselves the highest objective, we may embrace the notion of diversity, but we are no longer interested in tolerating differences or even in considering how to integrate the diversity of ideas into a cohesive society made up of individuals. Ultimately, then, following this line of thought, the toleration of a diversity of religions leads to a disunity within the community and a disinterest in social responsibility.

• If the above conclusions about liberalism are true, would restricting religious diversity to five or six major religions in the United States still give people a choice in how they worship but also eliminate some of the religious divisiveness which separates people (whether through stereotyping or other forms of prejudice) and prevents the citizenry as a whole from viewing itself as a single nation in which we all cooperate and work together for the common good? In other words, is all of this religious toleration actually dividing us even further rather than uniting us as a society? Be sure to explain your thinking with examples and detailed reasons.

Instructions for your paper

The paper should follow APA formatting and rely on only your own ideas and those from the textbook. Please make sure that it is at least 550 words and no more than 900 words.

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Instructional and Assessment Materials


Instructional and Assessment Materials (Module 3)

Create and describe the instructional and assessment materials you will use as part of your plan for a political science class.

IV. Include a description and a few samples as appendices to your paper.

Assignment Expectations

Additional Information

• Complete your instructional plan, paying attention to the demands of your organization and your chosen ID Model
• Describe the general alignment of your plan to the ID Model
• This section should be 3 pages
• Include a reference page

Assignment Expectations
• To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).
• Cite a minimum of four sources and incorporate them into your paper. It is expected that you analyze and synthesize, not merely summarize, sources. The reference page and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style include a strong introduction, subheaders and conclusion.

Instructional materials crucial to learning in the political science field.

Also, be sure to describe what types of instructional resources you are creating. Include an explanation of who has authorized or funded the instructional event or course you propose, and what they expect.

***Last Assignment**

Learning is considered a multidimensional phenomenon that must be addressed strategically as instructors in a learning program set up desired objectives and goals to be achieved from a particular course. The learning strategy applied to each course strongly determines the level of understanding gained by the students. An instructional plan is a set of guidelines outlining the methods an instructor will use to educate as well as the resources necessary to generate the desired outcome (Schneider, 2006). Working with an instructional plan is crucial since it ensures that all the needs of the learners are addressed and every important detail about a particular course is covered during the learning period.
Reasons for Using an Instructional Plan
The instructional plan is appropriate for this course in political science due to the following reasons:
I. Enables comprehension of concepts learnt from a program. The students are able to follow the intertwined strings of knowledge systematically.
II. Facilitates the reasoning capability of students by involving them in activities that stimulate their thinking and evaluation of possible inferences.
III. Enhances the problem-solving ability in students by following set up procedures as well as identifying gaps in knowledge that may cause a breakdown in the entire system.
IV. Creates the ability to dispel opinions from factual information by seeking evidence to validate the statements and theories advanced in political science.
V. Enables the instructor to assess the attitude of students to the course through their responses to discussions and assignments provided to them during the learning period.
VI. Enhances memory in students of concepts learnt in the past by enabling them to recall important segments of knowledge that will be used in future problem-solving scenarios.
Instructional resources being created
Instructional materials are crucial to effective learning in the political science field since they enhance the students understanding of particular concepts and also facilitate memory. Instructors are faced with an increased pressure to align appropriate instructional resources with the needs of their students (Darryl, 2008). Based on the constraints experienced within the political science learning environment, there are those instructional materials that ease the interactions between students and problematic scenarios. The digital age of information has led to an increase in the use of electronic learning resources as well as numerous web-based sources of information.
Audiovisual files and carefully scripted presentations are some of the instructional materials utilized in the creation of the instructional plan. Instructors will carefully plan on how to generate other electronic resources such as slides, films and videos that contain vital political science information (Kranch, 2008). Online textbooks are often important sources of knowledge in political science, but authorization from the publishers is required to make them accessible to students. Instructors can seek for publisher authorization by making business agreements that allow students in a particular field to access online textbooks that are relevant to the course.
Instructional resources are modified for use by faculty supported by learning institutions to enhance the academic performance of their students. Learning materials originally in abstract form are converted to visual films to display the relationship between political science theories and the actual world. Political scientists are exposed to vast knowledge and information that should be understood by everyone due to the diverse ways in which the political field affects people’s living conditions. Distance education course designers through the funding of the learning institutes desire to create a population that is conscious and informed on the political matters surrounding their daily routines.
Aligning the Instructional Plan to an ID Model
For the sake of this instructional plan, the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) Model is selected to motivate students from other specialties to learn about political science. Modern instructors understand that motivation plays a significant role in institutions of learning to facilitate teacher-student collaborations that result in the achievement of set goals. The ARCS Model is a tool used to design motivating learning approaches that engage the students in both theoretical and practical capacities. The ARCS Model is meant to ensure that students do not only memorize what they learn but also implement it in day-to-day opportunities and challenges facing them.
The ARCS Model is an acronym that provides a sequential framework for instructors to include in their instructional plan to generate motivation throughout the plan (Connell, Hoover & Sasse, 2001). First, the A-attention of the students is captured during the instructional event through interesting openers and modes of engagement. Once the attention of the learners is captured, R-relevant subtopics are introduced to generate a controversial discussion, whereby the instructor is the moderator. Students are urged to be C-confident in responding to whatever topic is being discussed since their opinions matter in the understanding of varying perspectives. During discussion responses, students are supposed to maintain professionalism by respecting others’ opinions and debating along the relevant topic. Towards the end of the discussion, assessment should be done to ensure all the participating students are S-satisfied with the consensus designed from varying perspectives and inputs about a matter. Finally, instructional interventions will be obtained by increasing the learners’ interest in the political science course.
The use of an instructional plan to convey specific learning concepts delivers effective results based on the instructional resources and design methods implemented. The effectiveness of the learning process also suggests that a strategic student-instructor relationship be provided to foster beneficial interactions. Students need to be triggered by their instructors towards a particular learning concept using the appropriate set of tools and methodologies. In conclusion, an instructional plan is a resourceful tool to engage students in the ideas of political science.

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Instructional Design Models



Think about the instructional design models that we have studied thus far in this course (i.e., ADDIE, Dick and Carey, ELM, ARCS, or Gerlach and Ely). Write a 4-page paper that applies the concepts of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism to one or more of these ID models.

First, remember that behaviorism concentrates on the study of overt behaviors that can be observed and measured. As part of your discussion, give an example of how behaviorism may be used with one of the ID models above to strengthen a learning activity.
Second, cognitivism concentrates on the thought process behind the behavior. Changes in behavior are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner’s mind. Use Bloom’s taxonomy with one of the ID models above to illustrate how higher-order thinking may be facilitated during a learning activity.
Third, constructivism concentrates on the premise that we all construct our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences. Constructivism focuses on preparing the learner to problem solve in ambiguous situations. Discuss how one of the ID models above may be used to facilitate learners arriving at their own conclusions following a learning activity.
Assignment Expectations
To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).
Cite a minimum of four sources and incorporate them into your paper. It is expected that you analyze and synthesize, not merely summarize, sources. The reference page and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style (Strong Introduction, Subheaders and Conclusion.

Required Reading

Big Dog & Little Dog’s Performance Juxtaposition. Constructivism and Instructional. Retrieved February2014 from Design
Brooks, M.G. (1999). The courage to be constructivist. Educational Leadership, 57(3), 18-24.
De Jong, T. (2010). Cognitive load theory, educational research, and instructional design: Some food for thought. Instructional Science, 38(2), 105-134. Retrieved March 2013 from ProQuest.
Karagiorgi, Y. & Symeou L. (2005) Translating constructivism into instructional design: Potential and limitations. Journal of Educational Technology & Society 8.1 ProQuest
Lane, A. (2007) Comparison of teacher educators’ instructional methods with the constructivist ideal. The Teacher Educator, Winter: 157-184. ProQuest
Learning Theories Knowledgebase (2009, September). Design Theories & Models at Retrieved March 2013 from Learning Theories.
Pelligrino, J.W. (2006). Rethinking and redesigning curriculum, instruction, and assessment: What contemporary research and theory suggests. National Center on Education and the Economy. Retrieved from
Sun, L. & Williams, S. (N.D.) An Instructional Design Model for Constructivist Learning; Department of Computer Science, The University of Reading Retrieved February 2014 from
Willis, J. (2009). Pedagogical ID versus process ID: Two perspectives in contemporary instructional design theory. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 5(2), 93-105. Retrieved March 2013 from EBSCO.

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