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CCMH/558: Theories crisis and crisis intervention

University of Phoenix Material
Foundations of Crisis Management Worksheet

Crisis Management

Complete the following table for the theories of crisis and crisis intervention. If necessary, use resources beyond the textbook, and be sure to cite them appropriately.

Intervention Theory Main beliefs of the theory Strengths/limitations
Basic crisis intervention theory    
Expanded crisis intervention theory    
Applied crisis intervention theory    

Complete the following table for the crisis intervention models. If necessary, use resources beyond the textbook necessary, and be sure to cite them appropriately.

Intervention model Main goals of the model Methods to achieve goals
The equilibrium model    
The cognitive model    
The psychosocial transition model    
The developmental-ecological model    
The contextual-ecological model    
Psychological first aid    
The ACT model    

Respond to the following questions in 100–125 words each. If necessary, use resources beyond the textbook, and be sure to cite them appropriately.

  1. Considering the different characteristics of crisis, how would you define crisis? Are there any definitions or characteristics you think should be included that are not?


  1. What are some important characteristics of effective crisis workers? Why are these characteristics necessary in crisis counseling?


Cultural Considerations in Crisis Counseling

Respond to the following questions in 100–125 words each. If necessary, use resources beyond the textbook, and be sure to cite them appropriately.

  1. What are some important factors to consider in effective multicultural crisis counseling? How can you use these considerations to avoid cultural bias with your clients?


  1. What are some of the disadvantages of a multicultural approach in crisis counseling? How can you overcome these in counseling?


Interventions and Assessment Models

Complete the following table. If necessary, use resources beyond the textbook, and be sure to cite them appropriately.

Method of assessment Components of assessment When would you choose this method over other methods of assessment? Can this method be used in conjunction with other methods? Why or why not?
ABCs of assessing in crisis intervention    
Triage assessment    
Psychobiological assessment    

Respond to the following question in 100–125 words each. If necessary, use resources beyond the textbook, and be sure to cite them appropriately.

  1. What are the components of the hybrid model of crisis intervention? What tasks are associated with this model?


  1. What are some additional areas of concern to address when conducting an assessment in crisis counseling? How would you evaluate these concerns? How would you measure the severity of the crisis?
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