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CIS336 Lab 1: Normal Forms and EntityRelationship DiagramsIntroductionIn this exercise, you will analyze a de-normalized data set presented in the form of a spreadsheet

this is my week1 lab, I need help with it, it is a little confused to me.

CIS336 Lab 1: Normal Forms and EntityRelationship DiagramsIntroductionIn this exercise, you will analyze a de-normalized data set presented in the form of a spreadsheet. Youwill next construct a series of dependency diagrams, transforming the evolving data model from FirstNormal Form (1NF), to Second Normal Form (2NF), and ±nally to Third Normal Form (3NF). When themodel has reached 3NF, you will construct the En²ty Rela²onship Diagram (ERD) depic²ng the logicaldesign of the database. Your ERD will use Crow’s Foot nota²on to denote the rela²onships betweentables.Sample Exercise, With SolutionBefore completng your lab, please review This example problem.The diagram below is a par²aldepic²on of a business spreadsheet for a retail store opera²on. The store sells books. Books have a 13-digit Interna²onal Standard Book Number (ISBN), a ²tle, a publisher, and a unit price. Invoices track salesof books. An Invoice contains one or many line items, with each line item re³ec²ng the sale of one ormore copies of a speci±c book. Every publisher has a company name, and a publisher code.InvNumISBN13InvDaTeBook±iTlePubCodePubNameQTyuniTPrice102297812919403362015-03-09MYSQL Func²ons1001Lulu.com34.99102297803218338772015-03-09MySQL, Fi´h Edi²on1029Addison-Wesley533.95102297818907748202015-03-09Murach’s MySQL, 2nd Edi²on1032Murach, Mike &Associates, Inc248.95124997814493740202015-02-22MySQL Cookbook: Solu²ons for DatabaseDevelopers and Administrators1118O’Reilly Media,Incorporated950.59124997814493255722015-02-22PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual1118O’Reilly Media,Incorporated629.95124997818907747902015-02-22Murach’s PHP and MySQL, 2nd Edi²on1032Murach, Mike &Associates, Inc148.95BookSalesCIS336 Week 1 LabPage 1
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