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CIS355A Week 1 Lab—Developing an OOP ConsoleApplicationOBJECTIVESCreate a class in java with appropriate methods

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CIS355A Week 1 Lab—Developing an OOP ConsoleApplicationOBJECTIVESCreate a class in java with appropriate methods.Process user input with the class using the scanner for keyboard input and consoleoutput.PROBLEM:Health Profle Console ProgramGymsRUs has a need to provide Ftness/health informaTon to their clients, including BMI andmaximum heart rate. Your task is to write a console program to do this.Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on a person’s height and weight. BMI canbe used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight, or normal. ±he formula tocalculate BMI is±he following BMI categories are based on this calculaTon.CategoryBMI RangeUnderweightless than 18.5Normalbetween 18.5 and 24.9Overweightbetween 25 and 29.9Obese30 or moreMax heart rate is calculated as 200 minus a person’s age.FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSDesign and code a class called HealthProFle to store informaTon about clients and their Ftnessdata. ±he a²ributes (name, age, weight, and height) are private instance variables. ±he classmust include the following methods.methoddescrip±onsetNameReceives a value to assign to private instance variablesetAgeReceives a value to assign to private instance variablesetWeightReceives a value to assign to private instance variablesetHeightReceives ±WO inputs (height in feet, inches).Converts andstores the total INCHES in private instance variablegetNameReturns private instance variableCIS355A Week 1 Lab InstrucTonsPage 1
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