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CIS355A Week 2 Lab—Developing a GUI Application

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CIS355A Week 2 Lab—Developing a GUI



·     Create a GUI that uses JTextField, JLabel, and JButton.

·     Write event handlers to process user data.

PROBLEM: Health Profile App

GymsRUs would like to replace their console program with an updated app using a graphical user interface. You will use the HealthProfile class that you created in the Week 1 Lab and build a GUI for it.


Make sure your HealthProfile class from the Week 1 Lab is in a named package, not default (i.e., package lab1).

You must ADD the project that contains the HealthProfile class to this week’s project by

right click project, go to properties; and

click Libraries, Add Project, click OK.

Then you will be able to reference your existing class as

import lab1.HealthProfile.

Your project will have three classes:

·     HealthProfile class from Week 1 Lab

·     HealthProfileGUI class

·     Lab2Main class

Your HealthProfildGUI class should have the following components (see sample GUI below).

·     JTextField objects to enter: name, age, height in feet, height in inches, weight in pounds

·     JButton objects to display results, clear the GUI

·     JTextField objects to display the BMI, category, and max heart rate

·     JLabels to describe all textboxes

You are free to layout and design your GUI as you like as long as it includes these components.

Add default and parameterized constructors to your HealthProfile class. The parameterized constructor should have five arguments: the name, age, weight, height in feet, and height in inches. Note it should convert the height to inches to store in the private instance variable.

Code event handlers for each button:

·     Display:        Make sure all user input is present and valid

Use the HealthProfile class to process the data

Display the results on the GUI

·     Clear              Clear all text boxes on the GUI


HealthProfile class

·     Add default and parameterized constructors


HealthProfileGUI class

·     All components on GUI

·     Display button event handler coded properly

·     Clear button event handler coded properly

·     Error messages for any invalid/missing user input using JOptionPane


Lab2Main class

·     Displays the GUI properly


Code style


Lab Report





·     Include meaningful comments throughout your code

·     Use meaningful names for variables

·     Code must be properly indented

·     Include a comment header at beginning of each file, example below


Program Name:

Programmer’s Name: Student Name

Program Description: Describe here what this program will do



Submit as a SINGLE zip folder

·     All java files

·     Lab report

Note that your java file name must match class name (DO NOT rename).


The Health profile from WK1 Lab


public class HealthProfile


private static String name;

private static int age;

private static double height;

private static double weight;

private static double BMI;


public void setName(String Name)






public void setAge(int Age)





public void setWeight(double Weight)






public void setHeight(double feet, double inches)


height = (feet*12) + inches;



//method to return name

public String getName()


return name;


//method to return weight

public double getWeight()


return weight;


//method to return height

public double getHeight()


return height;


//method to calculate BMI

public double getBMI()


BMI = (weight*0.45)/Math.pow((height*0.025),2);

return BMI;


//method for BMI Category

public String getCategory(){

String cat = “”;


cat = “Underweight”;


else if(BMI >18.5 && BMI < 24.9){

cat = “Normal”;


else if(BMI >24.9 && BMI < 29.9){

cat = “Overweight”;


else if(BMI >29.9 ){

cat = “Obese”;


return cat;


//method to Max heart rate

public int MaxHR()


return 200-age;



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