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CIS355A Week 3 LabEnhanced GUI Application using Additional SwingComponentsOBJECTIVESCreate a GUI that uses JCheckBox, JRadioBuTon, J±extArea, and menus

Hello I need help with this Lab, thanks in advance for your fine work.

CIS355A Week 3 LabEnhanced GUI Application using Additional SwingComponentsOBJECTIVESCreate a GUI that uses JCheckBox, JRadioBuTon, J±extArea, and menus.Process mul²ple events.PROBLEM: BurgersRUs Point of Sale systemBurger Barn needs a point of sale applica²on. ±he products and prices are as follows.Burgers:single $3.50, double $4.75Add cheese:+ $.50Add bacon:+ $1.25Make it a meal:+ $4.00FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSYou can code the GUI by hand or use NetBeans GUI builder interface.±he GUI should use JRadioBuTon to choose single or double burger.Single burgerDouble burgerIt should use JCheckBox for add ons.Add cheeseAdd baconMake it a mealJ±extField for item price, order quan²ty, order totalJ±extArea to display the receiptCreate a menu with the following op²ons.FileOrderExitAdd to OrderClear for next itemNew OrderAs the user selects items, the item price should be calculated and updated accordingly.Note that quan²ty should default to 1. ±he user can change if needed.Once choices are made and quan²ty is entered, process the order using the menu op²ons.Order—Add to OrderDisplays the choice and price in each text area.Note that mul²ple items can accumulate in a single orderUpdates the order totalOrder—Clear for next itemClears the checkboxes. Note that quan²ty should default to 1Order—New OrderClears the GUI and totals for a new orderFile—ExitExits the program.Use System.exit(0) commad.CIS355A Week 3 Lab Instruc²onsPage 1
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