Class IFSM 438- Information systems project management
Class IFSM 438- Information systems project management |
Predecessors and Successors IPlease write all your response in a single MS Word document covering all questions and exercises, and paste (do not attach) the screen shots into the document in-line with your text. It makes it much easier to read — and grade. Please include screen shots of each step, not just one screen shot before or one after.
Note: These are not trick questions, though (as with many of the MS Project exercises) you need to read them carefully. Some people seem to misread the question and do the wrong thing.
These questions are based on your Homework 1 (Wk2) exercises.
1. You’ve seen how to enter the predecessors for a task. What is one method to enter successors (that’s right, successors, not predecessors) for an MS project task? (Note: This is not asking how to display the Successors column; that’s the next question. This asks how to enter successors for a task.) Describe AND provide a screen shot of the steps.
2. What is one method to show the successors field (column)? Describe AND provide a screen shot of the steps.
3. What is one method to enter the project start date? Not the start date of a task (that’s a different question, below) — not even of the first task — but the start date of the entire project. Describe AND provide a screen shot of the steps.
4. What version of MS Project did you use for this?
Please post your assignment by clicking on the blue Homework 2 (Wk3), above.
Homework assignment 1, which is what this assignment is based off of is attached. I need this assignment to be 100% authentic please!!
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