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Climatic Change in Developing Countries

The draft

is 700 words long (+/- 10%) for Draft 1

is 1500 words long (+/- 10%) for Draft 2

uses headings and subheadings

has double-line spacing

is typed in Arial size 11 or Times New Roman size 12

has been checked with the online Common Error Detector at (for Draft 1) (for Draft 2)
The introduction

introduces the topic by providing background information

defines the key terms in the essay title – ‘climate change’, ‘obligations’, ‘damage’ and ‘emission reductions’

states your general view on the question and objective of the essay (i.e. thesis statement)

shows that this is a moral/ethical/political issue

gives an overview of how the essay is organised
The body paragraphs

focus on impacts of climate change (e.g. comparing one or more developing countries with developing countries, in terms of who will suffer most from climate change)

focus on mitigating measures to combat climate change, such as agreements and policies (for Draft 2 only)

discuss if these agreements and policies on mitigation take account of the moral issue raised in your question (for Draft 2 only)

discuss society’s response

respond to the thesis statement and overview in the introduction (NB: do not contain irrelevant information)

contain a topic sentence each

contain explanations and examples to support the topic sentences
The conclusion (optional for Draft 1 and 2)

restates your stance on the question and the objective of the essay

summarises the main arguments in the essay

discusses briefly the implications based on the arguments
Referencing – APA

Have you used a wide range of quality sources (at least 5, preferably in English)?

Have you cited sources in most parts of your essay rather than just in certain parts?

Have you used integral citations, non-integral citations and direct quotations properly?

Does your end-of-text reference list match your in-text citations?

Have you followed the APA style consistently?

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