contemporary issue affecting the hospitality industry
You will write an essay of 2500 words on a contemporary issue
affecting the hospitality industry. This paper will utilise a
minimum of six sources including books, journals and other
scholarly articles, not just trade journals and blogs.
The focus of this course is on professional as well as personal
development. You need to select one topic discussed in class or
choose a topic of your own and ask my permission to write
about it. The purpose of this essay is to enable you to select a
contemporary issue in the hospitality industry and explore it in
depth. Both your topic’s relevance to the current work culture
and the affect this trend will have on your career must be
You must summarise the main points of the topic in general,
show insight in the field (i.e. what is it about? how much impact
will it have?), and synthesise other’s thoughts (i.e. does
researcher X’s opinions differ from researcher Y’s opinion?
How is this important?). This will demonstrate to me that you
are aware of the issues involved. Show that you can relate ideas
these to your own professional development.
Assessment Guidance
• Choose a contemporary issue presented in class or discuss
with me any other issue and how you wish to approach it.
• Make a critical assessment of how this issue relates to you
in your professional development and may influence your
• In the paper you must state how this issue is personally
relevant to your future career in the hospitality industry
(ie. when you are in a management position, what will you
do and how will you try to change things?).
• Your references should contain a minimum of six
references, and at least one academic peer-reviewed
journal article (i.e. Journal of Hospitality Research)
where someone has discussed this issue before. More
academic journal references will ensure a higher mark.
Understand what is the DOI number and how it is used.
In the introduction you must present the trend and explain why
it is relevant to the hospitality industry. You should also
mention in one or two sentences what the following sections of
your paper will discuss.
The main body of your work should start with definitions. Do
not use the words ‘Main Body’ as your heading, rather choose
something more specific ( ie. ‘LGBT Trends in Europe’). Use
numbered headings and sub-headings to separate different
sections (ie. 1.0 Introduction; 2.0 Renewable Energy; 2.1 Solar
Answer these basic questions: why, what, how, when and
• Why is this trend important?
• What are the drivers of this trend that justify these
particular points you discuss?
• Ensure you have clearly set out evidence of how this trend
is affecting the hospitality industry.
• Include at least one important case study to demonstrate
when and where this trend is most pronounced, and
present what this case study found.
The majority of the work should be related to the work of others
from a variety of sources, including books and research papers.
Explore in depth and justify how this impacts the industry.
Please discuss in one short paragraph before the conclusion how
this trend might affect you in your future career. What will be
new or different for you as this trend becomes more
pronounced? Your grade will strongly depend on how you
discuss your future career in relation to the trend you chose to
write about.
You must have a bibliography at the end of your paper, listing
all the references that you mention in the text. Ten references is
a minimum number. Less than 10 will significantly lower your
grade. Be consistent with your bibliography, with author last
name first, then first initial, then title and journal name or book.
The list must be in alphabetical order. Do not use numbering or
bullet points in your reference list. Use the Harvard Referencing
System, which can be found here. Look at any published
research paper as a formatting model for your own work. You
must have at least one reference from a peer-reviewed journal,
such as the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
Please upload your paper to the Turnitin link provided on the
Moodle page.
Use this format for naming your file before you upload it: 162
CT H1[/2/3/4] LastName FirstName.
Tips for better writing (click each one to view more)
• The tone of academic writing should be: formal, clear, and
concise. Avoid the 2nd person ‘you’ and 1st person ‘I’ or
‘we’ in academic writing (only use ‘I’ in your personal
reflection section).
• Use numbered headings and sub-headings to help the
reader, in statement form, NOT as questions (do not use
the words: how, why, or what). The same for your title,
do not have a question as your title.
• Number your headings ie.: 1.0 Introduction; 2.0 Solar
Energy; 2.1 Solar Energy in Switzerland; 3.0 Personal
Reflection; 4.0 Conclusion.
• Do not use colloquial language (ie. ‘a lot’; ‘really’; ‘like’; or
‘actually’) use instead ‘many’ or ‘similar to’.
• Have a look at this website from Newcastle University on
academic writing
• Everyone must use an online grammar checker before you
submit such as Grammarly, Grammarcheck, or Ginger
grammar. Use of correct grammar will be a significant
part of your grade.
• You must have at least one reference from a peerreviewed
journal. More references from academic journals
will be an advantage. The reference list must be in Harvard
style. The best website for this is
Last modified: Thursday, 1 September 2016, 12:11 PM
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