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contributors of sociology and identify their main contribution to the discipline.:Ibn Khaldun,Charlotte Perkins-Gilman,Alfred Schutz,Jane Addams,W.E.B. Dubois,C. Wright Mills,Ida B. Wells-Barnett,Robert Park,Karl Marx,Auguste Comte,Harriet Martineau ,Charles Darwin,Max Weber,Emile Durkheim,Albion Small

Pick ONE of the following contributors of sociology and identify their main contribution to the discipline. You need to write this paper in APA style and it needs to be at least 2 pages. Submit this assignment under the turnitin tab. You can use the internet or any outside source(s) available.
1. Ibn Khaldun
2. Charlotte Perkins-Gilman
3. Alfred Schutz
4. Jane Addams
5. W.E.B. Dubois
6. C. Wright Mills
7. Ida B. Wells-Barnett
8. Robert Park
9. Karl Marx
10. Auguste Comte
11. Harriet Martineau
12. Charles Darwin
13. Max Weber
14. Emile Durkheim
15. Albion Small
16. Beatrice Webb
17. Charles Horton Cooley
18. Ernest Burgess
19. George Herbert Mead
20. Talcott Parson
21. Robert Merton
22. Georg Simmel
23. Herbert Blumer
24. Ferdinand T?nnies
25. Thorstein Veblen

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