Coronavirus and the economy
How do you think that the virus will affect the global economy?
3000 words essay.
Achievement of the Assessment Brief (To what extent does the work address the task set?) |
· Independent thinking and critical reflection |
· Overall achievement of learning outcomes |
Content and Analysis |
· A good understanding of the theories and arguments relevant to the essay |
· A logical linkage to related literatures and critically evaluating alternative theories and/or empirical evidence |
· Use of appropriate models, concepts and theories in empirical analyses |
· Appropriate use of diagrams and illustrations |
· Originality of the study |
Structure and presentation |
· A clear and coherent structure of the essay |
· The quality of language, e.g., punctuality, spelling and grammar, and using an appropriate academic standard |
Referencing and Accuracy |
· Use of the Harvard reference system properly in the main text and references |
High marks will only be awarded to those individuals that:
- Demonstrate a high level of understanding of the issues and theories in the area of study
- Present logical progression of arguments and offer supporting evidence to back the arguments
- Provide evidence of critical appraisal and coherency of paper
- Refer to previous studies where appropriate
- Carefully reference according to the Harvard reference system
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