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Could you help me with this project.The Stage 2 case study project

Could you help me with this project.<br/>The Stage 2 case study project

is due as shown in the schedule.  The assignment instructions are attached.The Customer Appointment Process Model Excel file is also attached. The assignment refers you to an example Scheduling Process Model, which is also attached.  The Case Study is posted under Course Resources &gt; Case Study and Walmart Example.  Use the Case Study to develop your assignment and refer to the Walmart Example to understand the concepts and what is required for the assignment.

Individual NeedsAppointment for HairStylingEmployee greets customerand asks customer last nameor phone numberCalls Kelly’s Salon andrequests appointmentPreviousCustomer?Drives to KellyYESNOEmployee asks customer whatEmployee welcomes customerback and reminds of lastappointment and servicesprovidedEmployee asks focustomer infoKelly’s Salon Appointment Proce1Customers2
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Is one of thedates/Tmesacceptable?Does customerwant the samestylist as lastTme?Employee checks stylistavailability and Tmes and advisescustomerYESNOEmployee asks customer whenthe service is desiredEmployee tells customer cost andTme needed for serviceservices are neededStylist selNOEmployee getsdate/Tme and/ostylist from cu34ScheduleService,±ime,Cost
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