Create seven projects, JCF array list, JCF linked list, JCF sort, JCF stack,
Create seven projects, JCF array list, JCF linked list, JCF sort, JCF stack,
STL doubly linked list, STL stack and queue, and STL vector, using the programs in:
- JCF array list
- JCF linked list
- JCF sort
- JCF stack
- STL doubly linked list
- STL stack and queue
- STL vector
Compile the projects, run them, and review the code that is given carefully. These programs test the code discussed in our lecture.
Exercise 2: Using the JCF ArrayList
Write a Java program to store 1,000 random numbers, each in the interval [0, 500], in a java.util.ArrayList object. Print the numbers.
Exercise 3: Using the STL Vector
Write a C++ program to store the first 20 factorials: 1!, 2!, 3!, . . . , 20! in a vector object.
Exercise 4: Developing an Application with JCF
Complete Project 2 at the end of Chapter 5 in our textbook: Write a Java program that uses a stack to test whether an input string is a palindrome. To implement the solution to this problem, use the stack data structure in JCF.
Note that this exercise is a variation of Exercise 3 in the lab of Week 3.
Exercise 5: Developing an Application with C++ STL
Complete Project 4 at the end of Chapter 10 in our textbook: Simulate a small airport with one runway. Airplanes waiting to take off join a queue on the ground. Planes waiting to land join a queue in the air. Only one plane can use the runway at any given time. All planes in the air must land before any plane can take off. To implement the solution to this problem, use the queue data structure in C++ STL.
Note that this exercise is a variation of Exercise 6 in the lab of Week 3.