Create the VEHICLES star schema dimension table via SQL
Create the VEHICLES star schema dimension table via SQL. Change your
existing OLTP VEHICLES table to OLTP_VEHICLES via the SQL RENAME command and change your SALES table’s foreign key to reference this new table name. For the Vehicle_Code primary key column use an Oracle sequence to populate the values. For the Description column use all concatenated combinations of Make and Model of vehicles you have. Use a PL/SQL block to populate the Description column by SELECTing the combinations from your OLTP_VEHICLES table and then INSERTing the combinations into your new VEHICLES table, which would best be performed via a cursor in a loop. After populating your VEHICLES table execute a “SELECT * FROM vehicles ORDER BY vehicle_code” SQL statement to display the entire contents. Show all your SQL and PL/SQL code for this step and the Oracle results from executing it. (I’m needing help with using the sequence to populate the description and using the cursor in a loop!!)