Data Analysis Strategies
Data Analysis
In qualitative research, data analysis can be one of the most difficult processes to clearly delineate. Regardless of the data that are collected, the analysis must be meticulously detailed. It is never enough to state that “themes will emerge from the data.” The researcher must go into considerable detail regarding the processes by which the themes will be discovered.
After the qualitative data have been collected and recorded, the next step in the research process is to analyze the data. While all of the analytical processes used in qualitative research essentially use an indicative approach, each of the methodologies used for this course (that is, ethnography, case study, grounded theory, generic qualitative inquiry, and phenomenology) has its own specific methods and procedures for data analysis. The analytical approaches used to conduct the data analysis must be consistent with the research methodology employed.
Once themes, meaning units, and textures and structures in phenomenology have emerged that are representative of the data as a whole, the researcher develops thematic descriptions or depictions that capture each theme that has emerged from the data.
Having developed the themes and thematic descriptions, the researcher returns to the data and identifies direct quotes and passages that represent and exemplify each of the themes.
To illustrate the process of extracting patterns and themes from the data collected from the interviews and journals, the researcher often presents a portion of a verbatim transcript of the interview or a passage from the participant’s journal to offer an example of the process by which the patterns and themes emerged from the data collected. This also serves as a credibility check.
To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:
Examine the application of the steps of data analysis.
Evaluate data analysis techniques appropriate within qualitative research.
List guiding interview questions that can be used in the qualitative interviews with the participants.
Develop a strategy for data analysis that is consistent with the question developed and the methodology chosen.
Use your Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods text to read Chapter 8, “Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation,” pages 521–651. This chapter highlights the analysis and interpretation of data in qualitative research.
Use your Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design text to read Chapter 8, “Data Analysis and Representation,” pages 181–224. Focus on the following subsections:
“Three Analysis Strategies.”
“The Data Analysis Spiral.”
“Analysis Within Approaches to Inquiry.”
Use the Capella library to review Percy, Koster, and Koster’s 2015 article, “Generic Qualitative Research in Psychology,” from The Qualitative Report, volume 20, issue 2, pages 76–85.
Read the document, Data Analysis.
Click Qualitative Research Proposal to launch the illustration. This illustration appears throughout the course to help guide you as you develop the various components of your project. Boxcars will continue to be added to the train as you progress through the course. Each boxcar provides information regarding the development of individual components of a research proposal.
Optional Program-Specific Content
Some programs have opted to provide program-specific content designed to help you better understand how the subject matter in this study is incorporated into your particular field of study. Check below to see if your program has any optional readings for you. You may choose to complete these readings.
SOE Learners
Complete the following:
Read the “Qualitative Data Analysis” chapter from Schutt’s 2011 text, Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research, pages 320–358.
Read Corbin and Strauss’ 2008 text, Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory.
The Scholarly Literature
Everything that we research is driven by the scholarly literature, and more precisely, the recent scholarly literature. If a topic is not contained in the recent scholarly literature, then the discipline is not interested in that topic and it cannot be researched for a dissertation. The scholarly literature not only lets us know what topics are appropriate to research but also which methodology (qualitative or quantitative) should be used and what theories are appropriate to use as an underpinning for the dissertation.
The Scholarly Literature
Everything that we research is driven by the scholarly literature, and more precisely, the recent scholarly literature. If a topic is not contained in the recent scholarly literature, then the discipline is not interested in that topic and it cannot be researched for a dissertation. The scholarly literature not only lets us know what topics are appropriate to research but also which methodology (qualitative or quantitative) should be used and what theories are appropriate to use as an underpinning for the dissertation.
The Scholarly Literature
Everything that we research is driven by the scholarly literature, and more precisely, the recent scholarly literature. If a topic is not contained in the recent scholarly literature, then the discipline is not interested in that topic and it cannot be researched for a dissertation. The scholarly literature not only lets us know what topics are appropriate to research but also which methodology (qualitative or quantitative) should be used and what theories are appropriate to use as an underpinning for the dissertation.
Data Analysis Strategies
Note: You are required to complete the unit discussion before this assignment.
After receiving feedback from your fellow learners in the discussion in this unit, complete Subsections 5.4 and 5.5 of the Qualitative Research Plan Template, which includes:
A step-by-step description of the procedures to be used to conduct the data analysis.
A description of the role of the researcher.
You will continue to fill out the Qualitative Research Plan Template as you progress through the course. Be sure to follow current APA guidelines while filling out the template.
Data Analysis Strategies Scoring Guide.
APA Style and Format.
Data Analysis Strategies Scoring Guide
Due Date: End of Unit 8
Percentage of Course Grade: 15%.
Describe data analysis methods that are appropriate to the design, allow the research question to be answered, and are supported by appropriate references.
25% Does not describe data analysis methods. Describes data analysis methods, but methods are not appropriate to the design or will not answer the research question. Describes data analysis methods that are appropriate to the design, allow the research question to be answered, and are supported by appropriate references. Describes data analysis methods clearly and in a well-documented manner that are appropriate to the design, allow the research question to be answered, and are supported by appropriate references.
Create interview questions that are relevant to the research question and are free from leading or biased language.
25% Does not create interview questions that are relevant to the research question and are free from leading or biased language. Creates interview questions that are relevant to the research question, but may not be free from leading or biased language. Creates interview questions that are relevant to the research question and are free from leading or biased language. Creates interview questions that are relevant to the research question and are free from leading or biased language, and ensures that questions exemplify the skills of a qualitative researcher.
Describe the role of the researcher.
25% Does not describe the role of the researcher. Describes the role of the researcher, but the description is incomplete. Describes the role of the researcher. Describes the role of the researcher, and provides an insightful analysis of any pre-understandings, preconceptions, and biases about the topic, along with a detailed plan as to how to address them.
Write in a manner that is sufficiently scholarly in tone and contains few editorial or mechanical (grammar, usage, typographical, et cetera) errors.
25% Writes in a manner that is insufficiently scholarly in tone and contains more than two editorial or mechanical errors per page. Writes in a manner that is sufficiently scholarly in tone and contains fewer than two editorial or mechanical errors per five pages. Writes each item in a manner that is sufficiently scholarly in tone and contains fewer than two editorial or mechanical errors per five pages. Writes each item in a manner that is sufficiently scholarly in tone and contains no editorial or mechanical (grammar, usage, typographical, et cetera) errors.
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