Dening the foreign key A ugsql
Hi, I need help with this question. I do not how get correct code.
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Defining the foreign key A ugsql l prompt has been opened for you. Using the | college | database, complete the following tasks [use either a single—line or a multi—Iine SQL statement]: 1. Create a | classroo-s ltable with this definition {try using a multir
line SQL statement]: +— —— — —+ —— —— — —— +— — +— — I—— —— —+ —— — —— —
I Field I Type I lull I Key I Default I Extra +— —— — —+ —— —— — —— +— — +— — I—— —— —+ —— — —— —
I id I int[3) unsigned I I0 I PEI I HULL I auto_increlen
I roo-_nul I int[4) unsigned I I0 I UII I HULL I I cour5e_id I int[3) unsigned I YES I HHL I HULL I +—————+———————+——+——|—————+——————
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